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Monday 28 September 2020


The Dame woke up from a horrid nightmare in a terrible lather.

In her nightmare, Mr Trump had declared war on us and Mr Johnson was to be our wartime leader surrounded by inept colleagues like Gavin Williamson and the very dodgy duo of Shapps and Jenrick. 

One could just imagine the 'Dodgy Duo' thinking of ways they could monetise war for their own advantage.

Awake and with a calming cuppa the old Dame realised it was but a horrid dream but the thought still bought her out in a cold sweat.

In peace or in war Johnson is no leader as S. Ken resident, Julian Metcalfe so succinctly put it on the Today programme.

More than ever we need Rishi Sunak and we need him now....


  1. The Dame is not alone in having sleepless nights. Johnson was never the right man for the job and after his near death hospitalisation even less so.

  2. He chooses such hopeless people...Priti Patel cannot even successfully guard our waters against inflatable boats.

  3. And was he treated by the NHS? Seems unlikely. NHS hospitals always have private wards.

  4. Oh, poor Dame, how awful that must have been. But I worry also about Dishi Rishi. Does he have what it takes? The only job he's had in government is Father Christmas.

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  6. The mind boggles5 October 2020 at 07:51

    Dear Dame,

    We need to get Sunak in.

    Can you imagine what it would be like if Corbyn, Abbott and Dent Coad were running the country?

    1. Hello, Wakey wakey! Corbyn Abbott and Dent Coad are all toast.
      Even Starmer has to win back 80 seats before he gets a look in.
      Meanwhile Johnson's on the skids and Father Christmas Sunak is getting to the bottom of his sack of goodies. So who can take over? Gove? Ugh Hunt? Possibly. Who else?


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