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Monday 26 October 2020



Boris Johnson has become a liability and the sooner he steps aside for the good of the country the better.

The sooner Sunak the better.

This picture of Johnson graphically demonstrates his muddled thinking. 

We know obesity is putting a huge strain on the health service.

A month back, Johnson was warning the world and his wife about the dangers of obesity. 

Yesterday, he thought it clever to pose in this idiotic way sending a message that this sort of unhealthy eating was acceptable.

His dimwitted PR people must have told him it was a good idea and the buffoon believed them!

He's like a music hall turn.....


  1. Johnson has been a disaster

  2. Johnson wants to be loved. That's a dangerous failing in any leader. Johnson wants sycophants around him and that's why he has Jenrick, Shapps et al around him instead of 'big brains' with the confidence to slap him down. Hence his fear of Sunak

  3. How can anyone take him seriously? Time to end this failed experiment in celebrity politics!

  4. Dear Dame. I agree with you about Johnson but are you sure about Sunak? All he's ever had to do in government is hand out the goodies from Santa's sack. How will he cope when he has tough decisions to make?

  5. You are spot on about Boris Johnson and we've quoted you today: https://www.thesteepletimes.com/tipple-fare/bungling-boris-johnson/

  6. Mixed up messages are intentional, it's a mind control technique. Don't go to work, go to work, don't wear a mask, wear a mask....


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