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Friday 10 July 2020


Corbyn's bonkers ex girlfriend
Dear Dame,
Our ex-MP, Emma Dent Coad, joins crazed Diane Abbott in defending China.
You can watch her spouting  DRIVEL and accusing Trump and Johnson of racism.

The Chinese hold black people in total contempt as befits the most racist country in the world. 
The ruthless way the Chinese economically exploit the African continent underlines their sheer nastiness.
Yet Abbott and Dent Coad seem to see the Chinese dictatorship as a paragon of virtue rather that the repressive anti-democratic force it is.
What a narrow escape we had from these two...

Yours sincerely

A very shocked supported of human rights


  1. It is entirely appropriate that EDC loves China. Democracy and Emma are oil and water

  2. How did Guido Fawkes get the footage ?

  3. I thought Diane Abbott was the comedian, apparently Rachel Garnham has a few jokes too.

  4. I am very angry about the leaking of this very private Zoom meeting by a Labour Party traitor. They will be rooted out and expelled from the Party.

    1. Is your name Kier Starmer then ?

    2. Nope!Is it Gobledoblydo? Nope..

    3. Are you one of Coadys' Toadys then ?

  5. So how are you going to 'root out the traitor and epel them from the party. I have no words.

  6. Diane Abbott MP - the original penny dreadful12 July 2020 at 16:17

    It is incredibly crass of Diane Abbott MP to attempt to justify the antics of the Chinese Government today by praying in aid the dreadful situation wrought on the people of Hong Kong under the British Empire. It is hard to believe that Cambridge conferred Diane with a First Class Honours' Degree in History.

    China should live up to its legal obligations by adhering the the Agreement that it signed when it took charge of Hong Kong in 1997.

    1. Actually it was a 2:2 not a first.

  7. How I wish it were possible to have a one-to-one with the great man, Nelson Mandela, to find out his opinion on Diane Abbott and her carefully orchestrated racist rants over the years.

  8. A plaque showing full details of race hatred12 July 2020 at 19:11

    So Rachel Garnham wants a statue of Diane Abbott MP.
    Does Rachel Garnham want a plaque put on the statue saying,
    UK's First Black Woman MP,
    A Racist who said,
    in 2012, White People love to play divide and rule,
    West Indian mothers will go to the wall for
    their kids,
    1n 1996, We don't want white, blue eyed, blond girls
    from Finland working at Hackney Hospital.

    1. Emma has form for racism too.

    2. Emma and Diane have done for race relations something that Enoch Powell would have been proud of

    3. Code drew a picture of a 'man' with a noose round his neck !

    4. Time for Cambridge University to revoke Abbott's degree.13 July 2020 at 13:46

      Dear Dame,

      Are you by any chance acquainted with the Vice Chancellor of the University of Cambridge? If so, may I prevail on you to have a word in the Vice Chancellor's shell like.

      The University quite rightly shafted the white racist, David Starkey, for his grotesque and intemperate language about Black people.

      Similarly, Universities have the power to revoke degrees conferred on people for a host of wrongs. Diane Abbott's intemperate remarks about white people are every bit as bad as David Starkey's comments about Black people.

      Diane Abbott dines out on her Cambridge education and has said that, "Cambridge was the making of me."

      High time that Diane is stripped of her degree.

    5. Friend of the Dame14 July 2020 at 08:58

      What a strange question. Obviously, you don't know the Dame. There is no member of the Establishment with whom the Dame cannot pick up her telephone and berate or praise. The vice chancellor is an intimate of the Dame.

    6. Abbott is no better than Starkey.14 July 2020 at 09:14

      Delighted to hear that the Dame has an "in" with the Vice Chancellor of the University of Cambridge. If Abbott's degree is revoked, she will say the Varsity is racist. Starkey and Abbott are the dregs of society.

    7. Why do politicians on the hard left get away with racism and antisemitism.15 July 2020 at 11:25

      Dent Coad must also be the "dregs of society" for excursion in to racism.

    8. I love the expression the dregs of society. The dregs in the bottom of the Labour Party's crap barrel has left a vile nasty residue that needs to be cleaned out.

    9. ? The dregs of Corbyn's socialism.

    10. I think racists are the scum of the earth.

  9. A lower second class degree. I never thought Diane Abbott was much intellectually. She once said, Cambridge was the making of her, well they did not think much of her, did they.

  10. The race thing in London is now getting quite out of hand. I was having a delivery made by a black driver who told me the most bizarre story. He had had a contretemps with a Pakistani driver over a silly traffic incident. This resulted in the police being called by the Pakistani driver who accused Tony of racism. According to Tony, the black driver, even the police were flummoxed as to how to deal with it!

    1. I quite agree, Justin. Legitimate complaints from Black people pale in to insignificance when people play the race card.It would have been different if Tony had said something racist to the Pakistani motorist or treated him differently to someone of a different race.

      Whereas, I do not believe that Emma Dent Coad has ever drawn a picture of a white person being hanged and posted it on the internet. How Diane Abbott, the ex-Grammar School Girl with a 2:2 from Cambridge, could declare Dent Coad was not a racist beats me.

  11. Do we need Corbyn and Abbott19 July 2020 at 09:04

    Corbyn and Abbott supported Russia. The Country that interferes in elections in democratic countries, the Country who brings chemical weapons on to the streets of the UK, the Country that puts gays in prison. To think that our Emma ingratiated herself with that pair.

    1. Corbyn refuses to acknowledge that his support and defence of Russia has been wrong.

      Abbott and Code refused to acknowledge that their nonsense about Hong Kong today by comparing it under the Empire was wrong.

  12. Corbyn and Abbott have a history of being on the wrong side.19 July 2020 at 16:25

    Jeremy Corbyn has described as Hamas as "my friends."
    Jeremy Corbyn sympathised, for around thirty years with the Sinn Fein / IRA.

    Diane Abbott refused to acknowledge that her comments in the 1980's about the IRA were wrong. In 2019, she said she had changed her splendid Afro hair do and changed her views.

    No wonder Labour did so badly. You can't trust them with the economy and you can't trust their values.


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