with thanks to thisisnorthkensington.wordpress.com


send the Dame your information, discretion assured.
Comments are welcome but do not necessarily reflect the view of the Dame.
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Friday 17 July 2020


Residents don't bother to read the expensive propaganda churned out by the million pounds a year RBKC Communications Department. 
Instead, they tune into the Hornet's Nest. 
Like This is North Kensington THINK  the Hornet's Nest is seen as a beacon of truth in a sea of lies.
Yesterday, nearly 1200 unique visitors dropped in!
When you think the Dame is not a social media 'adept' this really is quite remarkable. 
It demonstrates there is an insatiable thirst for truth on the part of residents too intelligent to be conned into believing 'consultations' mean anything more than an attempt to pacify and seduce.....

The Hornet is not per se anti Council: in fact, it loves to praise good councillors who are truly committed to residents. 
Soon, THINK and the Dame will be compiling a Who's Who of every councillor....the good; the bad and the downright stupid, greedy and useless. 
You can discreetly email the old Dame with your opinion/s.


  1. Dame, all very well boasting of what you have achieved(very impressive) but think of the increased firepower you would have if you used social media?

  2. La Grand Dame !


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