with thanks to thisisnorthkensington.wordpress.com


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Wednesday 19 September 2018


The Dame cannot abide purveyors of tittle-tattle especially when they feed stories to Private Eye.

If anyone knows who has been up to this mischief-making the Dame would like to know.

I ought to cut your greedy head off

Sir Pooter is a wonderful human being. His entire career(apart from selling fags to Africans) has been devoted to the public good....

.......and he loves mini dachshunds( a breed the Dame cannot abide) 

Click on image to enlarge


  1. It could be any one of the thousands of people who can't bear the greedy little shit but it wasn't me.

  2. What an excellent article, right on the money!

  3. I imagin it was Justin Downs who fed this to Private Eye. He despises Sir Merrick and has done much to feed stories about his expenses

    1. Palmer, it's Downes with an E.
      I am ashamed to admit it was not my handiwork. I expect it was a co-worker of the Dame.
      I felt a twinge of pity for Her Majesty. Imagine all the low life she has to touch with her sword: most she would want to run through.
      Pooter looks sweetly sombre. What a dreadful poseur!
      RBKC councillors should hang their heads in shame for having allowed this dreadful man to abuse residents year after year.

    2. Sir Merrick should not have abused his expenses at considerable cost to RBKC Council Tax payers.

  4. The Dame chooses to publish Rotten Boroughs articles when it suits her agenda. But when her friends are implicated she stays strangely mum. There have been at least four other articles published in Rotten Boroughs within the past twelve months about the incompetent beings who run (and ran) RBKC and their questionable use of taxpayers' money, but the Dame has never said a word......Who are you protecting Dame?

    1. it would be truly great if you could provide evidence, rather than just berate the Dame.

    2. https://twitter.com/lilyallen/status/921135634198212609?lang=en

      Private Eye issues: 1455 "[200] Grand Piano", 1460 "Ill-Tempered Clavier", and 1476 "Bum Note". And RBKC won a Rotten Boroughs Award 2017.

    3. 8:45
      May I suggest that you alert the Dame when such articles appear? The Dame rarely reads Private Eye and relies upon her dear readers to send on to her articles trashing the reputation of her friends. If you take the trouble to that the a great wrong/s can be righted.

    4. All these articles had indeed been forwarded to the Dame at the time they were published, to the email address at the top of this blog.

  5. The Dame is right to hound Cockell. A timely reminder to the other Councillors and Officers in Hornton Street that they need to behave and not get above themselves. Because if they do then they too will end up exposed in Private Eye

    1. The Pascal team must remember to tread VERY carefully

    2. Presumably 11.44 is referring to the Pascal family. Not the "team" which of course includes Officers.

  6. The article concludes with 'will the Council listen to the residents?' Those of you who hope so, think again... It is as likely to happen as I flying to the Moon. They never have done so and they will never do so. They have no reason to deviate from their approved long term agenda.

    1. A Cabinet Member (Cllr Weale) has said that it is the Council's policy to "listen but not to hear".

      Talk about the horse's mouth.......

  7. The odious Cockrell fully deserves to be hounded. Readers of the estimable Dame may appreciate an account of Pooter's past form

    1. Councillors beware! There is no hiding place from the Borough's blogs. It is obvious from the revelations above that Pooter was working the property development patch to further his personal aims, based on knowledge and influence obtained as Leader of the Royal Borough.

      Revealing picture of the reptiles investiture. Fresh haircut, newly died hair, poppy, Moss Bros best, and bald patch concealed. A very proper fag salesman.

  8. I presume that Mr Pooter will be at the meeting on 27th? Will someone be able to raise a question about his position? Just saying because not everyone who attends the meeting reads this blog and may not be aware about his past 'achivements' which are questionable. Perhaps the air can be cleared there and then and we'll get to the bottom of his nationality issue when he was knighed etc. I'm sure he has nothing to hide.

  9. RBKC is famously corrupt, all tesidents know that. However in this case RBKC can not hide behind planning law. Under the Kensington Improvement Act 1851 they have a veto on this. If they don't use it Poorer will know why.

    1. Interesting. See the Claimant, Elite...of course.

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