Hands talks of London as being one of the world's great cities and then proposes a mere boy who has done nothing in his life, apart from being a Yoof Worker,LINK to be its mayor!
Running the world's greatest city requires a varied set of skills and deep experience: Shaun Bailey has none.
It also requires someone who can appear with elan on the world stage..
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How he ever got to be an Assembly Member is one of the great mysteries of our time.
Should he ever become mayor it will be one of the great miracles of our time....as well as an absolute disaster of our times.
The Dame wrote to him about an important London issue....pollution. He never bothered to reply!
If the best candidate the Conservative Party can come up with is someone who has used 'disaffected youth" as his vehicle then it has no judgement....and the Dame wonders about Mr. Hands judgment in promoting this unqualified blowhard.
The Party is in a mess because no one has the common sense to see that the right candidate is a man or woman who has excelled in their chosen career....not some 'jumped on the bandwagon opportunist.'
Has EDC got to Greg Hands MP?
ReplyDeleteEmma Dent Coad racially abused Shaun Bailey calling him a "token ghetto boy" and a "freeloading scumbag." Shaun said that not even the BNP had abused him as badly as Emma did. Why has she been allowed to serve the Labour Party as an MP when she is a racist?
DeleteLabour is a very racist party.
DeleteEmma Dent Coad MP abused a Black person and got away with it.
Jeremy Corbyn MP claims that Jews born in England do not understand English irony. He endorsed a community mural without noticing its depiction of antisemitism. Funny, he has never endorsed a racist depiction of Black people.
Former Labour Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, was suspended from Labour for two spells amounting to around two years for racism and resigned from the Party before he they showed him the door.
Amazing how the loony left, who tell us repeatedly that they are not racist, are so very clearly racist as everyone can see.
At least Shaun Bailey has not racially abused anyone. London needs its first Black Mayor.
Don't like this "Black Mayor" stuff. London needs a talented, honest and dedicated Mayor. Not sure what black, gay, female, trans has anything to do with what is required.
DeleteWe cannot have people representing London's culturally diverse community if they have racist views. Portillo, Rifkind and Borwick never made any racist remarks. Dent Coad got off scot free for making racist remarks as did Jeremy Corbyn. One standard for the loony left another standard for everyone else.
DeleteIt would steal Labour's thunder if the first Black Mayor of London is a Tory.
Bailey for Mayor @13:14 says "Labour is a very racist party."
DeleteSo Tory is not? Oh dear.
I guess we are all delusional LOL
13.23 The Labour Party is very antisemitic and a very racist party. Just look at what our Emma said about the Black Conservative politician Shaun Bailey. Just look at what Corbyn said about English Jews not getting English irony. As if being Jewish sets them apart from English Christians who undoubtedly understand English irony. Did the good left wing man of the people ever say that English Anglicans or Black British Seven Day Adventists do not understand English irony. No of course he didn't.
DeleteGranted: the Tory Party used to be very antisemitic at a time when Labour embraced Jews. Granted: Boris Johnson is a racist Tory who has disgracefully used the word "pickaninny." The first Labour MP for Kensington made a very racist remark about Bailey the depths of which were never plumbed by previous Tory holders elected to the same office - Portillo, Rifkind or Borwick.
Labour MP's are hypocrites with their displays of anti-racist virtue. They fool no one.
DeleteWhy didn't Labour refer Corbyn and Livingstone for Anti Jewish Race Awareness Training? They both need it. Racism towards blacks and jews is overlooked when the politician is Labour. Double standards.
DeleteI've never heard the Tory, Bailey, make a racist remark. If he had, I'm sure Labour would have dished the dirt.
DeleteWhat's worse? Dent Coad calling Bailey a "freeloading scumbag," "a token gehtto boy" and publishing a poorly drawn picture of him hanging on a gallows or Johnson using the word "pickaninny?"
Delete12.18. I suppose Corbynistas will exonerate Dent Coad because she is on the lethal left. New labour politicians will condemn her because they hate the lethal left.
DeleteRight wing little englanders will embrace Johnson's racism. The Tory wets will condemn him. Either way racism has not done Johnson or Dent Coad any harm. Outside the Westminster village, any worker involved in racism would be out of their jobs, no messing
Now give Emma her due. She said that she used inverted commas to quote a black woman who called Bailey a "freeloading scumbag" and a "token ghetto boy."
DeleteDid the black woman who Emma says she quoted draw the picture of Bailey being hanged? I am sure Emma didn't put that vile image in quotation marks.
DeleteCan you imagine what Labour would have been like if Victoria Borwick had ever made a racist remark?
DeleteShaun Bailey was the most sparkling of the three finalists at the Conservative Association hustings last week. But no harm the Dame keeping him on his toes.
ReplyDeleteQuite controversial for the local Conservative MP, Greg Hands, to endorse Bailey in public before the result of the competition is known. Makes a mockery of the Open Selection Process.
Maybe Greg is hoping for a job from Bailey. One never knows.
Deletepretty tough on the other two candidates to have the rug pulled before the hustings are over. Another 4 Conservative Association hustings are still to happen. But Greg Hands has plastered all over Conservative Home his support for Bailey before the contest is concluded.
The guys in the audience were thinking "sparkling". The girls were thinking "spanking"
DeleteI understand well the look that was in dizzy's eyes
It is easy to promise the earth from the soap box on crime, housing, transport and environment. But try making a difference when you have the responsibility.
DeleteCynic may be better described as "Sour Grapes". Did Cynic by any chance fail dismally in City Hall?
DeleteWe know who you are.
Greg Hands is a serious politician. The Tories are all about "winning". He just wants to make sure that as many votes as possible go to Bailey because he is the best hope for "winning" by knocking out Khan. A big "if" but Hands has told friends that there is the slight chance that Khan may go down having seen the big slide in his popularity ratings.
DeleteHands is also a gentleman. I am sure that he will take the other two candidates out for lunch and explain his actions.
Fly On The Wall, But if 'winning' is rigged then it's not really a winning, is it?
DeleteHands may be a gentleman but he as made two enemies for life. Silly Billy.
Delete10.41 is surprised about "rigging". Government obliges Councillors to "consult". In the careless words of Cllr Weale, overheard at a Kensington and Chelsea "consultation", she was overheard saying "we agreed to listen but not to hear". As a Cabinet Member this is presumably also Cabinet policy.
DeleteIts how it works.
I'm sorry to say this but I think Dame is missing the point.
ReplyDeleteThe Mayor, PM, 'leaders' only need to look good or be a good mouthpiece. Ability is not an issue since they only have to do, like an actor, what they areinstructed to do from the above.
14.02 could be right. At the hustings last week dizzy had nothing but puppy dog eyes for Shaun
DeleteShaun Bailey never stood for election to the GLC. He was appointed to fill a Tory vacancy
ReplyDeleteThe Mayor always goes for two terms. Khan will be re elected. The Tory heavies will fight it out next time around and the current lot will be consigned to history.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, he didn't make it
ReplyDeleteWho didn't make it?
DeleteSomeone standing as a prospective London mayor wanted to win all they would have to do is be anti-developer. They would receive swathes of votes across the city.
ReplyDeletePenalise councils that are friendly with developers and their PR machine.
Sorting out the signals at Earls Court would be even better and getting rid of the at tops of TFL and employ more staff at ground level. Throw in a few more Wimbledon trains too!
Guess Bailey has been chosen to clean up Zac Goldsmith's mess going after a Khan that was unbecoming to a statesman.
Bailey's campaign in Hammersmith was one of the worst ever - last night he was very poor at the Hammersmith Hustings - it looks as if we are to have an Australian lady as the Conservative candidate
ReplyDeleteThis is a very important blog - the Hammersmith Conservatives know Bailey well since he fought a General Election as their candidate. He says he did a brilliant job. But they will know better.
DeleteWell Bailey must be OK. Endorsed by the Evening Standard today as the person to get rid of Khan
DeleteTotally unfit for any public office. A trail of bankrupt charities behind him and Camerons'groupies in the wings in case he delivers for them. Why no decent Tory candidates?
ReplyDeleteNo decent Tory candidates because there is no vacancy. The Mayor always gets the second term. Khan is a fixture for the next 6 years.
DeleteBailey is a Member of the London Assembly. And now he is getting a profile from his news coverage. If he has ideas about things like crime then his political challenge is to get his ideas accepted and implemented by the London Assembly. Reducing crime is not a party political issue. Khan will adopt good ideas even if they are not his own. But Bailey needs to make the case and walk the talk.