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Friday 21 September 2018


Every borough should do its utmost to ensure those in need of care remain local.
So why are the Council refusing to send those in need to the wonderful St. Wilfred's Care Home in Tite Street?

The Council has form for dispersing residents away from the area they know and the friends they love. 
Thamesbrook was one example of this type of 'cleansing' sold off to a mysterious company with links to Russian money.
In the case of St. Wilfred's it seems it will have to close in six months because the Council refuses to refer residents.
What an appalling way to treat residents and their families.


  1. Priorities lie elsewhere in the Royal Borough. £1.7m was just spent to build a new foundation for Holland Park Opera. And the Council provides 2000 sq feet of Office space to the Opera which it does not charge for. Hoopla shows that Office space in K&C rents for £100/sq foot. That's another £200k per year subsidy. And of course there is no rent or rates charged for the opera site. And then the Council stores the tent for free in the Winter months.

    The elderly and infirm cannot be allowed to displace these priorities. dizzy refuses to answer emails asking why she continues to pay huge amounts of Council tax to Holland Park Opera

    1. If this information is correct it is a scandal. It is a subsidy to Investec which uses the opera to entertain its finance clients. dizzy is using tax payers money to subsidize a profit making Financial Adviser. what does she think she is doing??????

  2. Dizzy is transfixed by the idea of generating media appearances in order to become "famous" with her Chelsea set. The poor and deserving do not figure on her radar one bit - why should they? She is comfortable wafting around the Holland Park Opera as a guest of Investec and feels at home in this environment. And of course LOVES being fawned over.

    Fawning is what a £1m a year subsidy buys. Perfectly OK so long as it is not from Council Tax.


      You dumb idiot

  3. Concerned Resident22 September 2018 at 16:53

    The scandal of St Wilfred's is an abuse of power by the Council. The home relies on referrals from the Council. If referrals dry up then St Wilfred's closes down.

    We should be told why the Council is starving this place of its life blood. Hope it is not brown envelopes looking for a development opportunity

  4. EDC is the only politician in Kensington and Chelsea who has been banging away about the scandal of Holland Park Opera. No one listens to her or to be more precise, "everyone listens but does not hear"

    Why? How can it be justified to spend Council Tax on subsidy for Investec, a wealth management company?

  5. The Tory priorities are wrong

  6. I suggest you have a look at the track record of Mrs Stella Baillie, RBKC's Director of Adult Social Care. It would appear that she is complicit in this mess... She is far more concerned about REMOVING care from the elderly, vulnerable silent minority, rather than try her hardest to help them, as a proper Social Worker, which SHE IS, should do. Shame on this woman


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