with thanks to thisisnorthkensington.wordpress.com


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Thursday 27 September 2018



Don't allow the Planning Department's crude attempt to confuse residents work.
The meeting is tonight....THURSDAY....Not as they state on the above TUESDAY

Come on, Mr. Stallwood...this is just not good enough.


  1. Hundreds of people working in Planning and they can't even proof read!
    They have let the 95 year old, short sighted Dame do it

  2. My inclination is to believe that the "incorrect day" on the notice is incompetence. But after the post in the previous blog by ThisisNorthKensington (reproduced below) it worries me that this is all part of an orchestrated attempt to screw residents in favour of developers.

    THisIsNorthKensington26 September 2018 at 07:45

    THINK "London Trilogy" something to read on Newcombe House, Earl's Court, Chelsea, property developers, the GLA and more. Who REALLY runs London?
    Part 1:

    Part 2:

    Part 3:

  3. Replies
    1. Does anyone know how many times Messrs Stallwood, Marshall and Cryon have been entertained by the Developers and their PR Agent (ex Cllr Cockell and CRACTUS)?

  4. ... and the sin list goes on
    Yet another attempt to bamboozle the peasants! We shall have to inform the Witch-Finder to start an urgent investigation. In the meantime I shall run out and purchase a kitchen roll, as the sin list gets so long, that it won't all fit on A4 paper.
    Nemesis (righter of wrongs and avenger of evil deeds)

  5. Cllr Marshall was rogered by the Mayor of London (S Kahn) when he was examined in City Hall about his opposition to the Newcombe House development, which has now been approved. Brave of Marshall to go the Lion's Den (EDC cried off "sick") but he was badly briefed and badly prepared - playing to his residents and unable to answer many of the Mayor's questions. Thoroughly discredited by the end of his cross examination. No doubt the Planning Offciers in Hornton Street were wringing their hands with joy, seeing a Councillor over ruled and the Mayor agreeing with their recommendations.

    This game is not for amateurs. Leadership is required in Hornton Street by Councillor Campbell to create a team of Officers and Councillors that connects up with residents and works together in the interests of the community.

  6. Well said Scribe which naturally leads to the question who runs the Council? - the Council Leader Elizabeth Campbell or the Executive Director of Planning, Graham Stallwood?

  7. Power politics at work tonight (see Agenda and papers for the Planning Committee Meeting).

    (i) Planning Director Stallwood and Officers recommend that the application should be approved
    (ii) the Mayor of London can veto the proposal and says that he does not support it
    (iii) Planning Committee Chairman Cllr Marshall is the deal maker/go between. He will exercise power - a situation that is also relished by the Chairman of the Kensington Society.

    Its a game.

    Community and residents (there are 800 written objections) are all part of Cllr Weale's "we listen but do not hear".

    1. Is Council Leader Elizabeth Campbell (dizzy lizzy according to her fellow Councillors) awake and listening to all of this?

    2. Please note that it is her fellow Conservative Councillors who have nicknamed Cllr Campbell "dizzy lizzy". The Labour nickname for Cllr Campbell is "Miss Prim".

  8. You can be sure that the "typo" on the notice was not an innocent mistake. RBKC employs the sleaziest, most despicable tactics.....trickery, lies, bullying etc. That is the culture there and it comes from the very top!


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