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The Dame was enjoying an early evening perambulation around Hobury Street when she saw Cllr Paul Warrick pursued down the road by an irate looking man dragging a mutt behind him.
Our councillor was no match for the fiery dog owner who, with unerring accuracy, lobbed a plastic bag at Cllr W.
The bag hit its target with an unpleasant sounding splat.
Being a nosey old thing the Dame asked what had happened.
Spluttering with rage, our eminent barrister told her he reprimanded a Ten Acres neighbour for depositing his dog's bagged excrement by a tree.
The neighbour, in a fury, told the councillor to mind his own business and that his action was not illegal.
A violent argument ensued, resulting in Warrick fleeing down the road before being halted by a well-aimed shot.
Cllr Warrick has now reported the assault to the Met.....
Did the bag split?
ReplyDeleteHow dare you refer to paul as a 'bag'. But yes he did split as soon as the dog owner started to become aggressive.
DeleteFor the first time ever, I find myself in support of Cllr Warwick's stand. I am fed up with seeing all these little bags of dog shite left sitting around lampposts and trees throughout London. It may be legal but it is disgusting.
ReplyDeleteVery brave of Warwick to take the shit for the rest of us.
The shit seems to follow him around !
ReplyDeleteAre you saying Terry Thomas lookalike ,Warwick has been dogging !
ReplyDeleteDame. I think fthn should now have the annual 'dog shit awards '. Awards can be categorised by a one ,two or three bags award-depending on how much bull**** the said nominee has spouted over the year. Would like to nominate Cllr Pascall as 3 bagger for constantly managing to keep his standards consistently high!
ReplyDeleteAlthough Paul is not always the best loved resident of our little corner of the borough, his stand against those leaving the poo bags all over the streets has won a modicum of support.
ReplyDeleteVery brave of him to stand up for the residents at the risk of personal injury.
Quite right. He could have twisted an ankle running away.
DeleteIf the shit sticks....
ReplyDeleteWarrick has been shitting on RBKC residents for so long it was only a matter of time before someone threw some shit back at him.
ReplyDeleteTo chuck the same amount of shit that Paul has dished out over the years - you would need a couple of dumper trucks.
DeleteI'm gonna buy a really big dog on the basis of the revelation . Feed him up really well. Hang around said neighbourhood with a big tesco carrier back with a weeks worth. And then plant it under a tree making sure paul sees me. The rest you can work out for yourselves.
ReplyDeleteany spectator tickets, please? Would love to come and see for myself
Deleteany spectator tickets, please? Would love to come and see for myself
DeleteGood to see Paul standing up for us. Then as soon as the shit hits the fan -he's off down the road like Seb Coe. What a stand up kinda guy.
ReplyDeleteWhat a shitter
ReplyDeleteJust who you want in the trenches. As soon a the shit starts flying -the little surrender monkeys off . He allegedly took care not to run too fast or his toupee may have come off .
ReplyDeleteBy the looks of that picture. He obviously got up quite a pace.
ReplyDeleteThis is a shit story.
ReplyDeleteWhat a sanctimonious twerp. Turfing out the old dears in Thamesbrook- the kids in Marlborough. Yet he the mighty Warwick will stand up -against a bag of dog poo ! What a guy.
ReplyDeleteWhy was Cockle walking his dog around that area anyway .
ReplyDeleteHe got nothing else much to do these days.
ReplyDeleteOh Dame you have made our day. That is SO funny!
ReplyDelete'Much Apoo About Nothing'
Dog shit thrown at Warwick? Could not have happened to a nicer guy
ReplyDeleteSo the shit finally hit the Flan?