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Wednesday, 26 July 2017


Dizzie Lizzie Campbell is rapidly becoming a sort of economic Mrs. Malaprop.

Here are just two of her great insights....more will doubtless follow!

"Holland Park School cost the taxpayer nothing"

Dizzie forgot that the school was paid for from the £100 million sale of the School’s playing field. She could not see that the playing field belonged to taxpayers so, in effect, the school cost local taxpayers £100 million.

"we have saved money by reducing the Cabinet"

It never occurred to the dimwit that reducing the number of members doesn’t justify creating a new and superflous post with the saving.


  1. Where did it go26 July 2017 at 22:04


    According to FOI above, TMO collected £134,415 in rent one week which means that annual collection of £7m for the Grenfell Tower alone. Where does the money go? This goes for other blocks of flats too. It seems that people hardly get their flats updated, yet most of the properties must be mortgage free. When I lived in one estate for 10 years, I know I only had bathroom and door changed due to the Decent Home project back in 2008. My kitchen was old when I moved in and the new tenant moved in still haven't had a replacement so that kitchen must be over 20 years old. According to TMO, kitchen must be at least 20 years old before it can be considered for redo. Obviously some people got a little clever though.

  2. Save! Save! Save! Our money, but they failed save 80+ RBKC residents!

    Shame! Shame! Shame! on the Rottenest of Rotten Boroughs!

  3. It is all a joke, the multi-millionaire property developers KT-S and Pascal are known to do very little and not even answer emails from residents, so whats the point of their civic duty we ask?

  4. Clear The Swamp26 July 2017 at 23:22

    Cllr Campbell is getting a charge from being the Leader. Just like David Cameron did - the objective is to look good in front of friends.

    Hornton Street is a basket case. The whole culture needs to change. Lizzie and her lot need to be cleared out. The Tories have shown that they cannot do this from within. So a dose of Labour is what is needed.

    1. In the meantime, "I am Queen of the Castle"

    2. An abnormal dose of laxative should do the trick.

  5. ....and damage must be accounted for and assigned to those responsible, existing or departed - karma will prevail

  6. Fly On The Wall27 July 2017 at 09:47

    It will not be long before Campbell expands the Cabinet to its old strength of 10 and perhaps brings back some of the retreads. Mark my words.

    1. and us plebs will never know.

    2. Oh yes we will! The Hornet has a laser focus on this crowd and their antics

    3. OK nice to know of your diligence.

    4. It is for us all K&C residents to keep a laser focus on what the current leadership of the council is doing. Keep the council to account, be on their case, inform yourself, keep making request for information (under the Freedom of Information Act), using www.WhatDoTheyKnow.com . Democracy is a marvelous tool IF AND ONLY IF we use it.


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