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Tuesday, 11 January 2022


Mr Woolgar....we need answers and not excuses

1. Did Thames Water (TW) fail to leave open key major drainage and outlet systems on the day of the flood? Or did TW fail to open such systems in due time to prevent the catastrophic build-up of floodwater? These systems might include holding tanks that were left shut; outfall pipes to the River Thames and so on.

2. It was evident on the day that the water flooding people’s homes suddenly subsided – exactly as if a key outlet had been opened. There is a great deal of video as well as anecdotal evidence of this. Was there something that was opened that allowed all the water to flow out? What exactly happened?  Some suggest there was an airlock?

3. Is there a minute-by-minute operational log of TW’s actions on the day of the flood? If so, can we please all have access to this? If not, why was this not kept? Should we consider filing a Freedom of Information Act request? 

4. Is there a minute-by-minute operational log of the London Fire Brigade’s actions on the day of the flood? Did LFB’s actions result in the sudden draining of floodwaters? If so, can we please all have access to this? If not, why was this not kept? Can we also see all email and other exchanges between TW/LFB/Met Police? These are not commercial in confidence, but ARE a matter of public concern and public safety. Should we consider filing a Freedom of Information Act request for access to all communications?

5. Who was in overall control of TW’s operational response on the day, and what action(s) did this person or persons take to deal with the emergency? 

6. Given the prior and well-known serious flooding of the affected areas, (e.g. in 2007) why has TW not built infrastructure sufficient to prevent such flooding? It is not enough to point to extra new holding tanks if they in fact failed. It is obvious that more money should already have been invested in a root and branch upgrading of all drainage and flood containment systems so as to at least prevent or at least minimise catastrophic flooding. Given this failure to invest and improve systems, isn’t Thames Water responsible for the overwhelming extent of and damage caused by the flooding, and therefore liable to pay affected residents due compensation? 

7. What is the legal liability of TW in respect of compensation payments?

8. Is it enough to point to an ‘Act of God’ – as TW keeps insisting – being to blame for the flooding? It has been evident for more than 20 years now that climate change is producing ever-greater and more serious extremes of weather. Hasn’t TW failed entirely to respond to this simple fact, and shouldn’t TW therefore accept liability/pay compensation for its failure to invest appropriately?

9. What are the terms of the Independent Review? What will happen as a result of the Review? 

10. Could the review clarify the responsibilities of the respective Councils and Thames Water? There seems to be a lot of buck-passing between the parties, which is not helpful for residents? 


11. Why have insurance claims been rejected by loss adjusters prior to the Independent Review reporting – doesn’t this mean that they are pre-judging the outcome of the independent review? What can be done about this?


12. Is Thames Water NOW and immediately going to upgrade systems so as to pre-empt and prevent further extreme flooding of the type we suffered? What exactly is it going to do, when?


13. Surcharging into the Thames – did this happen in response to the flooding we suffered? If not, why not? Was the sudden - and much too late - opening of surcharge outlets explain the sudden and rapid draining of the floodwaters?


14.  Surcharging into the Thames – is this to do with the edges of the Thames, could the surcharge be through pipes that were put over barges – would this be a solution?

16. Following the cancellation of the Counters Creek scheme post 2007 flooding, many residents fitted electrically operated flip valves/pumps in their homes. Is TW prepared to fund the fitting of these systems to all homes in the affected areas? Is TW prepared to fund further flood containment measures for residents, e.g. fitted drop-down door shutters? 

15. Counters Creek – why was it cancelled? Is TW now going to proceed with this plan, to help prevent future catastrophic flooding?

17. What preventative measures can residents take to help themselves? Details and costs please. Does placing sandbags outside doors/down the loo/on the loo seat actually help prevent flooding?


18.  Can residents fit a non-return valve (NRV) themselves or not because it is a TW asset? If residents do want to fit them how can this be funded?  


19. Road & infrastructure design – how closely is TW working with the Councils/TfL on this to prevent and alleviate flooding? It has been said that the road humps [sleeping policemen] in the road diverted the water from running away into the gutters and sewerage system, and the “humps and uneven patches” meant that the water then streamed into people’s houses and shops – has this been mapped?

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