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Wednesday 30 June 2021


Sajid Javid implied in the Commons his predecessor was of such quality that we could expect to see him return to public life.

He naively suggested Mr Hancock may "have more to offer in public life".

When John Profumo was caught lying he vanished into obscurity working for the poor of the East End.

We will not see the liar, Hancock going off to do good works.

The great British Public is generally sensible and will never allow the scumbag Hancock and his floozy back into their lives again.


  1. A return? Why not? Bad-joke PM Bogjob has Jenrick & Patel on his front bench of fools, flops and sleazebags.

  2. Imagine the CEO of a listed company behaving as Hancock has and his successor suggesting he might one day return to the company. It seems the political class is quite detached from the realities of life and consider themselves a protected species

  3. Fortune Teller30 June 2021 at 15:21

    A dear friend is distraught at Johnson's apparently continuing popularity, despite his antics and those of his gang of chancers.
    My response is to repeatedly chant: "He will destroy himself."
    He will. It's in his nature.

  4. I see RBK&C are up to no good on the Cremorne Estate again. So much more having learnt lessons from Grenfell (my arse!)



  5. I am not encouraging what Hancock did but he had an affair , that is terrible behaviour towards his wife, not us his wife. he broke restrictions by having his affair, however he has now moevd in with her so it was not a one night stand. Now he has gone quite rightly but should he be finished for life ? and if so does that mean we live in a one mistake and you are finished for life scenario, and if so does that mean anyone caught breaching restrictions the last year should lose their jobs and never be forgiven and not allowed to work in the same type of job again ?

    I am no hancock fan but just looking at it as a human being

    1. Yes, he should never return to public life because he's useless and dishonest


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