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Friday 25 June 2021



The Hon Mr Shapps advises us plebs that what Matt and his £1000 a day ex uni friend adviser did behind closed doors was not our business. 

From the image we can see that Matt's bum is a multi-tasking; in this case, keeping the door shut on his little dalliances.

Having Shapps advising us that it was all OK was like Satan advising His Holiness, The Pope on matters spiritual.

Really, it is time to get Sunak running the country. 

His first priority must be to put out to grass Shapps, Williamson, Raab, and the other deadbeats' Johnson has inflicted upon us.


  1. When you have a man without morals leading the country you can sure that he will attract moral duds

  2. Surely not Raab but yes to the rest!

    1. Raab is like an old wet fish with a charisma bypass. What tough dictator is going to take this wimp seriously?

  3. This is the Lib Dem effect - Amersham and Chesham!

    Scores of Tory MPs have pointed out to the moral vacuum currently residing in Downing Street that he's doing a splendid job ensuring that the Tories will be out of power for years as a result of his inability to comprehend the principle of public outrage. The Lib Dems have done the country a great service in this matter.


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