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Sunday 16 May 2021



Edward Lister is a prime example of how local government can provide a highly lucrative career path.

A man who once flogged fire extinguishers at  dodgy Tyco moved on to become an adviser to the Prime Minister and several commercial organisations keen to get the ear of the PM.

That sort of contact broking does not come cheap. 

His Lordship has become a very rich man through these various sinecures.

Of especial interest is one advising James Ritblat of Delancey. Delancey somehow managed to persuade the Planning Committee to ignore its own planning rules and allow a tower block to be built in Old Brompton Rd.... smack in the midst of a Conservation Area! This is important to READ

The Dame has been given a series of interesting and revelatory emails concerning Steady Eddie and his various businesses.

People ask whether the Dame worries about being sued. 

The last whiner to threaten her was London MEP, Doc Tannock. The Dame found out he had been a bit 'close chested' over a few hundred thousand share options he received advising a fracker. 

It was such a fracker of a story that she gave it to the Sunday Times who-to the chagrin of the Doc, did a two page spread.

The Doc got Lewis Silkin's Jonathan Coad to write the Dame a threatening letter. 

The old Dame wrote something rude across it and sent it back.

No more was heard!


  1. Really sad that all this stuff keeps coming out. It never seems to stop. It used to be that Tories made the sex scandals and Labour made the finance scandals. Johnson's lot have moved distinctly downmarket and Cameron's antics with the Australian hombre show that he is a sleazeball too.

    All so very unnecessary. Great that we have the
    Dame to expose these reptiles - name and shame them.

  2. Tannock was so upset by Brexit that he took Irish citizenship but being the hypocrite he is now practices with the NHS. Well done, Dame

  3. Take no notice, Dame. You would only have to shake your skirt at these Solicitors and they would be frightened.18 May 2021 at 08:48

    Dear Dame,

    How do these Solicitors who threaten you with writs on behalf of their shady clients know who you really are and know your home address in inorder to serve such letters?

    You would only have to shake your skirt at these Solicitors and they would be frightened. Don't let the bastards put the frighteners on.

  4. The last Labour politician doing credit to a good money scandal.18 May 2021 at 09:00

    Do you remember Robert Maxwell that paragon of Labour Party virtue. He issued writs when people said things about him that were true. Funny they were never proceeded with.

  5. Clear The Swamp18 May 2021 at 12:40

    "Eddie" Lister has been shown up as a really bad smell. With his local Government background, before joining Johnson as Chief of Staff at the GLA, Lister would not have had the chance to earn £ millions (especially since he worked in a poor Borough) and he would have understood the meaning of "conflict of interest".

    Having joined Bojo in the London honeypot we now see that he saw his big chance and delivered big bucks to his bank accounts. No doubt he also figured out that his boss was not in the least squeamish about blurring lines and making a few quid on the side.

    All the reptiles work alongside the single mantra of "don't get found out".

  6. In anyone's books this is CRIMINAL behaviour and quite frankly 'Lord' Lister an apology doesn't quite cut the mustard - YOU SHOULD BE IN GAOL FOR FRAUD. Let us hope that you recent ennoblement is the shortest in history and that you are also stripped of your Knighthood. Of course all of this took place on Boris Johnson's watch as London Mayor. Lister is a crony of Moylan. Both Lister and Moylan are cronies of Ritblat. Ritblat has had carte blanche to do precisely what he wants in RBKC for years. Residents should think about the bigger picture here, if the capital value of Delancey hadn't been enhanced by these public funds, the Kensington Odeon might still exist. Time for the local conservative councillors to distance themselves as far and as fast as they can from the toxic Ritblats et al.
    Lister - your peerage can be removed on two counts:
    Firstly, if a peer fails to attend a whole session of Parliament and, secondly, if a peer is convicted of a serious criminal offence and is given a prison sentence of a year or more.....
    Your behaviour in unacceptable and the public should demand a prosecution.

  7. Old Lister is no fool. He stepped out of the limelight with the speed that only the elderly can muster in times of personal danger - and the story seems to be dead!

    Meghan and Harry should take lessons from the reptile.

    1. We may never know the extent of this guy's troughing but reading of the press suggests that his "consultancies" and conflicts boosted his bank account by about £3 million following his "interventions" to oil the wheels.

      Slimeball Cameron refused to say what the Australian spiv paid him when he was grilled by the Commons Committee. But his comments were enough for those in the City to make an informed guess. £1.5 million per year salary (for giving advice), a report from The Wall Street Journal that he sold £2 million of shares last year, and a further expectation of £50 million if the company had stayed in business and floated on the Stock Market.

      The calamity for both these sleazeballs is that they were found out.

  8. Standards in Public Life have nose dived


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