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Tuesday 11 May 2021


Preening, self regarding Lord

click to enlarge

The Dame's dear snobbish mama always used an equine analogy in dealing with jumped up Brummies..."they can't take oats" she would say....disparagingly.

This dodgy fellow from Birmingham has finally got his rather large posterior on the red leather of the Lords and now likes to be referred to as The Lord Moylan of Ballsoff Heath.

His Lordship forgets his friendships and sumptuously scrumptious dinners with the likes of 'Fattie' Bingle, the 30 stone lobbyist....

Come on Danny Boys....you may be a Lordy but for us, you will always be, Danny Boys...mmmmm


  1. So funny...THE LORD MOYLAN

  2. Sir Merrick Cockell11 May 2021 at 13:37

    Such a common fellow....how on earth can someone like this fella get into the Lords...makes me sick

  3. THE LORD MOYLAN OF BALLSOFF HEATH11 May 2021 at 13:39

    Oh, sod off....you're just jealous because I have dodgier friends

  4. Stop it, boys or no dinners and goodie bags

  5. Siding with Peter Bingle (representing the Ritblats in the Kensington Odeon campaign) over 34,000 residents that you were supposed to represent (why would you do that Daniel ?) Interesting company you keep...

    Anyone interested cut and paste this link:


    1. Are you suggesting that Mira Bar Hillel was right about Danny Boys and his Irish ways?

  6. He makes us feel so common. We won't let him in to the Palace...too many valuables

  7. At least Lord Moylan has no skelton in his ancestry like a regicide and friend of Cromwell

  8. No accounting for taste.11 May 2021 at 18:51

    We have plumbed the depths of vulgarity by allowing this man to be elevated to the peerage.

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