Thalassites, though young, seems to be doing a rather good job.
He believes, like all of us, that it is unhealthy for democracy when an opposition party is not holding any ruling group, whatever their politics, to account.
Of course, he is 100% correct.
It's refreshing to hear the new generation of council leaders sufficiently confident in what they are doing welcoming sensible and reasonable scrutiny.
So, will the divided Labour Group heed Thalassites' fears?
We will have to wait and see but don't hold your breath.
Having had reservations about this councillor due to age I ma now beginning to think he has what it takes
ReplyDeleteI was going to say that age makes very little difference as to whether a councillor is any good - and then I remembered Cllr. Lari !
DeleteCllr Lari is a determined, clever and dedicated Marxist with a privileged public school background and wealthy (Pavli) ancestors. Most dangerous person. Remember Engels?
DeleteHe is also being mentored by another dangerous Marxist in the Labour ranks of Kensington and Chelsea, the Spanish Royalist Cllr Dent Toad
Cllr Coade is no Royalist. She is violently anti Royal
DeleteCllr Code has an aristocratic Spanish background. She is not of Royal blood. Her anti Royalist feelings are an affectation
Delete"Aristocratic Spanish" should not of course be confused with the real thing. Think Proseco
I have lived in Kensington all my life. I have seen politicians come and go. Emma Dent-Coad must be about the most unpopular politician we've ever had. She's a has-been trying to make a come back.
DeleteWe all know that she "has been" an unsuccessful left wing MP. But what else "has she been?"
DeleteShe has been Leader of the Labour Group on the Council. Labour Councillors voted her out very quickly and voted in Atkinson to replace her. She smarted about this for a long time and sniped from the sidelines.
DeleteEmma Dent Coad should take a leaf out of Savid Javid's book. He did not "snipe from the sidelines" when he had to resign because he would not do what Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings wanted. Emma Dent Coad with her childish, divisive, political games in the Kensington Labour Party is "sniping" at those who disagree with her.
DeleteHe actually listens to residents
ReplyDeleteWho listens to residents? Lari or Johnny? Or both?
DeleteAt the last local elections that great Conservative Party Chairman , Cllr Julie Mills (also a great Mayor BTW, a great Mayor of Kensington and Chelsea)organised a clear out of duff Tory Councillors - a bunch of has beans existing in the great Tory tradition of the living dead. Cllr Mills managed to get shot of 50% of the Tory headcount on the Hornton Street benches and replaced them with young blood. She wanted to go further but was thwarted by the mafia.
ReplyDeleteVery nice to see evidence that the young blood like Cllr Thalassites is coming good. Congratulations to Cllr Mills who remains active in Norland Ward
K&C Tories need more like Julie Mills
DeleteObserver sounds like Donald Trump
DeleteCongratulations Cllr Mills on your far sighted initiative to refresh Kensington and Chelsea Tories
DeletePity the Labour Group lacked a July Mills to Cull and reshape . Instead Most selections were determined by Emma Dent Coad and David Kear. Those chosen were nice enough but neither knew nor cared about the skills required for local Government. The majority of the new intake were chosen for their loyalty to Jeremy Corbyn and , more importantly , their willingness to be led by the increasingly eccentric Dent Coad. Result : the Tories are renewing their control of RBKC whilst Labour becomes ever more irrelevant .
DeleteCoad and Lari know exactly what they are doing to restructure Labour in Kensington. As soon as they get rid of Cllr Atkinson and his moderate friends they will be able to concentrate on a disciplined Momentum campaign to wake up and shake up the Tories
Like they did for Mr Corbyn?
DeleteEmma Dent Coad is typical of someone who never had an adolescent rebellion.In adult life, these misfits tend to join cranky organisations where they go overboard and over compensate by trying to be radical. So, Emma Dent Coad, the upper class socialist, went in to overdrive in the Parliamentary Labour Party when she unconditionally supported the extremist antisemitic, marxist, Jeremy Corbyn. She is now making a fool of herself with the Labour Group on the Council. No wonder voters saw her off at the General Election. Labour should try to expel her. Her acolytes must realise that she is using them
DeleteShe was self righteous not radical when she was on the TMO.
DeleteI don't know about righteous. She was horrid to Reg when she was on the TMO.
DeleteIt would be kind to say that she is eccentric. She can be very unpleasant.
DeleteShe is very unpleasant. She was very nasty to Juliette Rawlings and Reg Kerr Bell on the TMO,
DeleteEmma Dent Coad sided with the TMO against tenants when she was on the TMO Board.
DeleteThe only radical councillor that has ever been on the TMO Board was Councillor Judith Blakeman. She was expelled for not toeing the TMO line.
DeleteDear Dame,
DeleteEmma Dent Coad reported Sam Gymiah to the police during the general election campaign. She was very annoyed and said she wanted him prosecuted. Fighting talk, if ever I heard any; good left wing rabble rousing. Nine months later, the police have not charged him. We do not know if the CPS has made a charging decision.
Emma told us that she had received excellent advice from a Labour supporting Queen's Counsel over Gymiah's comments. More fighting talk.
Does the Dame know if the Labour Party is providing the funds to mount a private prosecution against Gymiah? If they are not, does this mean that Starmer's Labour Party does not think highly enough of Kensington's first Labour MP?
I went to a resident's meeting on the Holiday Inn (Penta Hotel that was) at which EDC spoke and took questions. She whipped out a pencil and pad, and dutifully made copious notes of every question - the obvious implication being that she was going to investigate and action every one. I would have loved to see what she was actually writing!
DeleteHas she tried crowdfunding to get a prosecution off the ground?
DeleteShe was in high dudgeon about Gymaih's comments. Have the prosecution authorities declined to prosecute because the prospect of a conviction is very low?
DeleteEmma told me off for calling our family Grenfell victims. She told me that I should say Grenfell survivors. Judith Blakeman and Robert Atkinson listened to me.
DeleteMaighread Condon Simmonds told that when Emma was on the TMO Board she insisted that the Company change the title Chairman of the Board to Chair. With all that was wrong with the TMO, Emma identified a top priority.
DeleteAnn Widdecombe once said, 'A Chair is something someone sits on and no one sits on me."
Typical of an upper-middle class person like Emma Dent Coad. By Intellectualising the use of language she seeks to inhibit what the lower classes want to say therefore allowing upper class educated people like EDC to take control. De-genderisation to suppress working class clarity of expression.
DeleteEmma knew better than anyone what was wrong with the TMO so she insisted that the title of Chairman should be changed. Given the scale of disaster at the TMO before Grenfell, what a "first class tool" she really is.
DeletePoliticians who control people's language are generally up to no good. After all, the distinction between Chair and Chairman is vital to Socialists and feminists like Emma.
Cllr Mills is the kind of Tory that is required as Leader in Hornton Sreet. There is hope. Grenfell will "do" for dizzy
ReplyDeleteWe need to get Judith Blakeman to stand for parliament
ReplyDeleteThe Labour Party would not dream of supporting any legal action to bring back Emma Dent Coad. She was Emma 'no mates ' in the PLP. And didn't a normally disciplined party staff member refer to her as "A First Class Tool" - a title that for some reason EDC took as a badge of honour ?? Doesn't Hornet have more interesting and important things to discuss than last year's rejects ?
ReplyDeleteDid Emma Dent Coad write this at 20.10 to try and stop people saying negative things about her?
DeleteGood to know that the Labour Party does not want Code to make a come back. Is this why she is now playing stupid games trying to control the Kensington Constituency Labour Party? Does she hope that by being in control of the local party that she will be the next Labour Candidate in a General Election.
DeleteTony Benn was a proper toff, a proper socialist and, an aristocrat of the First Order, Viscount Stansgate. He never mentioned the Viscountcy after he got rid of it. Emma Dent Coad claims to be something and we only have her word for it. She regularly regales people with spurious claims about her aristocratic heritage. She does so because she is a Snob of the First Order who thinks she is better than she is. A cut above those who us who labour and are at the bottom of the pile.
ReplyDeleteWill Emma Dent Coad furnish the Dame with the evidence so that we may evaluate the truthfulness of her so called toffiness.
Dear Dame,
DeleteHas Emma Dent Coad furnished you with details of her aristocratic heritage so that we may establish if she is as top drawer as she would have us all believe?
I suspect that she is unable to do so.
Is it true she was born in Stepney in the heart of the East End?
Don't be stupid. Of course she cannot prove aristocratic lineage going back 600 years.
DeleteDent Coad can be the only source of the ludicrous stories about her ancestry - but really who cares ? (The only one I believe is that, given her skill at spreading poison everywhere she goes, she must be descended from the Borgias).
DeleteDent Coad is definitely the source of the ludicrous stories about her heritage. She makes these claims about her aristocratic background because wants everyone to know that she is cut from a different cloth and is SUPERIOR to everyone else.
DeleteAnyone who goes to the lengths that she has to prove he aristocratic heritage going back 600 years or more is someone who thinks she is better than everyone else. I don't believe Dent Coad's claims- she is deceiving us in to believing the crap that she spouts. If she cannot prove that she has been telling the truth about very distant relatives, (Columbus, the Borgias or Catherine de Medici or all three of them,) she should be expelled from her Party.
Felicity Buchan MP belongs to a party where class matters. Felicity is a comprehensive school girl who made it to Oxford on ability and gained acceptance in the Tory Party on merit- not pretension.
DeleteEmma Dent Coad is a pretentious woman who is in a party which believes that the class system is wrong. She perpetuates the class system by giving herself aristocratic heirs and graces. No wonder she was "Emma no mates" in Parliament, "Emma no mates" when she led the Council's Labour Group and "Emma no mates" on the Council's Housing Company. She has misread the writing on the socialist wall. I wouldn't like her to read the writing on my wall.
600 years plus of genealogy with historiographical evidence to support EDC's claims would be fascinating
DeleteI have heard that she is a descendant of Catherine de Medici, someone else told me that she is a descendant of the Borgias, one woman reckoned she was to do with Christopher Columbus.
ReplyDeleteWhatever her heritage, how does she know that she is related to any of them?
She makes it up.
DeleteFigment of her superior imagination.
DeleteTony Benn, the socialist, sent his son to an Inner London Education Authority Comprehensive School.
ReplyDeleteFelicity Buchan MP, the Tory, went to an Aberdeenshire County Council Comprehensive. She got in to Oxford on merit to read Law without the trappings of the Public School system.
Emma's children were educated at a top public school consistent with their aristocratic lineage and their class conscious mother's values.
ReplyDeleteYou have 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 16 g grandparents, 32 gg grandparents etc . . . a geometric progression doubling each time. Work it out, 25 generations (500 years) makes 33.5 million ancestors - you rapidly reach the population of mediaeval Spain. That far back anyone is related to everyone. Ditto in Britain, we are all related to eg William the Conqueror.
ReplyDeleteI quite agree.
DeleteWhat are Code's motivations for all this nonsense?
Has she given the Dame the evidence to prove she is related to the Spanish Greats?
DeleteShe's a fraud and a phoney
DeleteA humbug and a snob.
DeleteNever been any different always claiming to be better than anyone else. What an ego.
Deletea humbug is a sweet.
ReplyDeletehumbug=false talk or behaviour.
ReplyDeleteCatherine de Medici? Italian. At the French Court. Not Spanish. posturing? dodgy?
ReplyDeleteDent Coad's fantasies about descent from Catherine de Medici, Christopher Columbus AND the Borgia's reminds me of Shirley MacLaine's insistence that she is a reincarnation of Cleopatra. It proves both the pretentiousness and the insecurity of both of them. I am sure that the Dame much prefers that we all pass over such vulgarity without further comment
ReplyDeleteSounds like Dent Coad made the last comment. She loves it when the Dame lets the Tories get it in the neck but it is a different story when she is shown up in public.
DeleteEmma is a"vulgarian." Her pretensions to good breeding and aristocracy are ostentatious & "vulgar"
DeleteVulgar? The nouveau riche are vulgar. Is she vulgar like them?
DeleteCatherine de Medici, Chris Columbus and the Borgias?
DeleteIs Felicity Buchan MP related to the Countess of Buchan (Isabella MacDuff) who put the crown on the head of Robert the Bruce in 1306
A pretentious pathetic person. Delusional.