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Thursday 12 September 2019


Is the Liberal Democrat choice to fight the Kensington seat, Rabina Khan, a protegee and friend of the disgraced Tower Hamlets Mayor, Luftur Rahman? 
You will need to ask Miss Khan.....but she was part of his party and then - after he was kicked out of office and barred from standing for election offences - she was his favoured candidate in the ensuing by-election.
Rahman, an electoral fraudster, has a colourful history in East London. 
Reading about him HERE he seems to be the sort of politician more suited to Bostonian politics. 
He also seems to have very dodgy friends in ' Extreme Islamist' politics so The Dame advises potential Lib Dem voters to forensically question Khan about what she thought of the morals and ethics of her one-time political colleague and possible mentor?
And don't even think of suing the Dame. Her last few thousand were wasted on her new facelift.

Khan also has powerful friends within the Lib Dem leadership. 
In order to thwart the local association from making their own choice the national party fixed it so the clock would run out and their own people could be imposed on the association: hence the foisting of someone with no connection to Kensington on the local association. Evidently, the Liberal Democrat Party chairman has gone on the record as saying, "straight white men" would be unlikely to be selected!



  1. If she's a mate of Rahman we had all better watch out. He was the master of political corruption. What is with Bangladeshi politics: so deeply corrupt and disagreeable

  2. I thought Lib Dems were the pure party?

  3. Rabina, you are judged by the company you keep and kept. Rahman is a thoroughly bad piece of work

  4. If Rabina Khan is to be "judged by the Company she keeps" then the same applies to Councillor Emma Dent Coad MP.

    Emma is very close to Jeremy Corbyn MP, the antisemitic marxist, who loves to be on the wrong side.

    Jeremy hates western values. He supports Putin's Russia, Chavez's Venezuela, Mugabe's Zimbabwe and Iraq. Emma hasn't even spoken out about the antisemitism in the Labour Party.

    I would rather have Rabina to Emma. It is possible Rabina has mended her ways?

  5. "mended her ways"? Not if you read the tripe she writes

  6. Boris Johnson has not mended his ways- he's a liar.
    Jeremy Corbyn has not mended his ways- an antisemite who sides with Putin, Chavez and Mug- a-be.
    Emma Dent Coad is loyal to Jeremy Corbyn.

    What a shower!

  7. It's a shame that Emma Dent Coad might lose her seat as a result of Corbyn's views about jewish people.

  8. Misguided, wrong and loyal.17 September 2019 at 15:23

    EDC has a very small majority - just 20 votes.

    Can she afford to cock a snook, pledging undying loyalty and devotion to Corbyn, by not speaking out about the anti-semitism in her Party. If jewish socialists change their voting practices, she might find herself without a job but all else loyal and true to Corbyn

  9. Remainers will vote Lib Dem not Labour17 September 2019 at 17:30

    Emma should realise that Corbyn is an electoral liability for her and not just because of his Anti-Semitism.

    Corbyn has throughout his political life been opposed to the UK's membership of the EU. The EU requires the governments of the member states to adhere to balanced budgeting, to secure low levels of inflation, and to privatise some former state run enterprises. All of this does not support the type of radical politics that Corbyn advocates.

    Corbyn is not convincing as a "REMAINER." He is in reality a Brexiteer but dare not admit it.

    70% of Kensington and Chelsea voters voted to remain in the EU. Kensington's Remain Voters will probably abandon Labour for the Lib Dems.

  10. Rabina has got a fighting chance.

    Emma would rather lose to a Tory than a Lib Dem.

    The Tories are unlikely to get re-elected in Kensington, a strong remain constituency.

    Labour is not credible owing to Corbyn's chaotic Brexit policies; his head says,"remain" but his heart says"leave."

    Corbyn cannot separate jews from the politics of Israel. He is a middle class antisemite who has crossed the anti-zionist line in to antisemitism. Emma has not spoken out about anti jewish sentiment at the top of her Party.
    The people fo Kensington will have their say soon.

    1. Labour will lose Kensington following Comrade Corbyn's latest Brexit stunt. Labour fought dirty at the last general election by criticising the Lib Dems.

  11. You can take the Gel out of Chelsea but you can't take Chelsea out of the Gel. Emma was born in Chelsea and she is more class conscious than any Mrs Blue Rinse Tory. She told me all about her high class heritage.


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