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Sunday 22 September 2019




Entrepreneurial EU Citizen starting a restaurant.....
Judge Paul Walker, a New Zealander, is the High Court judge who rejected the Home Office plan to deport the Romanian/Bulgarian citizens currently infesting Mayfair.

According to local people these EU citizens are wreaking terror in the neighbourhood with a wave of violent muggings and aggressive begging.
Fortunately for Judge Walker he lives in the leafy suburbs so can condemn local residents and business to conditions he would never tolerate himself..... 


  1. These people are the footsoldiers for the Romanian, Albanian and other Eastern European crime gangs

  2. Those whom the gods which to destroy they persuade to have open borders.

  3. It won't be long before the Albanians descend upon us

  4. A New Zealand judge who taught at some third rate uni in Ealing.
    Are we surprised at his decision?

  5. These people should be housed. They are EU citizens and should be treated with respect. There are loads of empty buildings in K&C and Westminster. They add colour to the area and show how EU membership has forced us to look at our greedy Western ways.

  6. New Zealanders are primitive people. Very boring to have them around. And very damaging to put them in positions of power and influence. How much longer will it take to understand that if these far off people come to our shores then they should remain out of circulation

    1. Sadly, the Kiwis are even worse than Australians

  7. More hateful racism from this blog. You have done great things exposing the wrongdoings of this corrupt Council over the years but blogs like these just expose you for the ignorant racist twat that you really are.

    1. Maybe so, but Judge Walker from New Zealand decided to keep the Bulgarian and Romanian infestation active in Mayfair. Racist or not, I would prefer expensive London Real Estate to be sheltered from this pestilence and violence.

      You are probably a Socialist taking shelter behind the "Racist" plea. Try to understand the perspective of residents who have worked hard, saved hard and invested in a standard of living which is then threatened by parasites

    2. The dear Dame is not racist....just doesn't appreciate badly behaved criminal types abusing our kindness....so sod off

  8. "The everyday workings of RBK&C and those who claim to represent it"

  9. There's been a lot of stuff over the years that is unrelated to RBK&C: if you don't like it I suggest you stop reading it

  10. Walker's original birthplace is academic; he is an appointed HC judge, his ruling on the case based on the relevant laws. The independence of our judiciary is paramount as attacks on it by rightwing rags and a government that threatens to ignore its rulings confirm.

    1. Blah, blah, blah.

      Use your common sense 10.24. The Home Office said get rid of the rubbish. The Judge said the rubbish can stay. Its a crackers decision. What is "right wing" about choosing to object to a crackers decision? New Zealanders are primitive (fact). The fact that the Judge is a Kiwi may or may not be related to this decision: the Jury is out on this. But an informed guess is that his primitive instincts could have got the better of him on this occasion!

      The less we hear from your sort the better....

    2. Primitive not the right word. NZ people hate the British colonial past and will do whatever they can to get their own back on British nobs. Official approval for E European crooks to crap in up market Mayfair is a nice little bit of revenge. "A dish served cold" as a noted RBKC scoundrel Councillor used to chirp

  11. Dear Dame, Have you ditched RBKC finally and moved to Westminster? It seems it's not greener there.

  12. Dehumanization language opens the door for cruelty.

    Above on ‘From the Hornet Nest’, there are anonymous postings calling Eastern Europeans an ‘infestation’, ‘pestilence’, ‘parasites’ and ‘rubbish’. While, New Zealanders are called ‘primitive’.

    * During the Holocaust, Nazis referred to Jews as rats.
    * Hutus involved in the Rwanda genocide called Tutsis cockroaches.
    * Slave owners throughout history considered slaves subhuman animals.

    The Dame should be showing zero tolerance to this sort of dehumanizing language - it aids aggression towards the chosen subject.

    1. Nothing wrong with being aggressive towards those who steal and create filth and misery in society

  13. These Roma from Bulgaria and Romania are pests Non Roma people In those countries consider them a pest.

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