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Tuesday 25 June 2019


The good Doctor Quirk and his gofers, Cllrs Campbell and Taylor-Smith are full of 'mea culpa's' for past non-communication with residents. Nothing has changed....
Doc Quirk
Borough Doctor!

How seriously should we take their claim 'communication' is now the order of the day? Not very....

The Dame warned this trio of a dangerous Middle Eastern gang wreaking havoc with residents' lives by illegal subletting on an industrial scale with violence offered to those who got in their way.
You can read about them HERE. 

This illegal activity falls directly into the area of Taylor-Smith's responsibilities. 
Is he too busy 'on manoeuvres' to get shortlisted as the parliamentary candidate to reply?
Kim Taylor-Smith MP?

There was a time, months ago, when the Dame proposed putting down her pen and retreating to her Capri bolthole. 
Sadly, that now cannot be....

Thanks to the many thousands of Hornet's Nest readers it can claim to be the 'go to' source of real council news: the fact that the Chief Executive and his two 
lackeys don't bother replying shows 'we want to hear you' is just so much flimflam.


  1. Portobello Prima Donna25 June 2019 at 08:19

    Sheer madness. We all read the Hornet in the absence of a truthful council. To ignore it hoping it will 'go away' is sheer folly.

  2. I, too, had this gang in my flat. The Council could not have cared less when I asked for help.

    1. Must be coincident27 June 2019 at 11:20

      Funny you say that....I had the same experience.

      I also emailed KTS but received no reply either. Are they too higher up to even reply to you? I think not!

  3. What has Dent Coad done about it? Nothing as the middle classes will never vote for her. From every spectrum of politics the system is smashed.

  4. There is a simple message for dizzy and wannabe Taylor-Smith. Stop spinning and do your job. Its results that matter. That is how you will be judged. Bring Doc Quirk down to earth and forget about building an image based on "re imagining". What nonsense

    1. I get the feeling that the Council is all talk and no action.

      The problem with imaging is that you could go on imaging as in daydreaming, which is a form of imaging, and nothing will get done.

  5. Is Kim Taylor-Smith in anyway similar to Rock Fielding-Mellen, is there a comparison to draw?

  6. They won't get away with it you know!

    Has Kim T-S gone off to Antibes for summer in his Ferrari?


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