with thanks to thisisnorthkensington.wordpress.com


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Wednesday 19 June 2019


"Hornets Nest is a fantastic initiative, and it would be wonderful to see similar initiatives rolled out country-wide. Right now, nobody oversees council behaviour, and council officers are not accountable to anybody. 
The Ombudsman is run by former council workers, and the Standards Board which was supposed to oversee council conduct was abolished in 2012. 
Private Eye's Rotten Boroughs column highlights some of the most egregious behaviour nationwide, but a Hornets Nest equivalent in every borough would be a great asset in this current vacuum of council accountability in which council officers (and many councillors) do as they please with impunity."


  1. HERE - HERE - but who would do the work, you by any chance?

    No-one - simples.

    We are so so lucky to have the dear Dame in RBKC. Long live THE DAME IN ALL HER GLORY!

    1. You are, of course, absolutely correct. It must be a lot of work, and needs passion and commitment to keep something like Hornets Nest up and running.

  2. Wee done. However, I just wonder for how long would the "other" Councils tolerate exposure of their misdeeds?
    In our case whatever comments are made here, are perhaps treated by many at the Nest, as "water off duck's arse" and do as they feel fit. Except for some cases. However, a good idea. Any takers?


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