Pooter Cockell- now scurrying around looking for a job, has left a real old maelstrom behind in sleepy old Peterborough, run by 'The Don' Mario Cereste.
The Chief Executive of Peterboro' Borough Council has been accused of lying by the Conservative MP, Stewart Jackson and she is in tears over it all....
The ridiculous Miss Beasley costs the citizens of PCC nearly £190,000 a year...I hope Mr Myers has not been giving her ideas above her station!
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Anyway, the local paper has gone to town over Mr Myers and his mysterious trips to Peterboro'.
You can read all about it here
The lesson to be learnt by these provincials dim wits is that you need a very long spoon to sup with our Mr Myers.....
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Of course these provincial types (including the Mafia sounding Mario Cereste) are outclassed when they try to hob nob with central London "heavies", especially those loaded with a "Sir". It now transpires that the grand sounding Sir Merrick was proposing to spend ca £50 million building houses plus the land purchase from the Peterborough Council. Another £200 million? An eye watering prospect for the Peterborough Council Planning Committee who were facing the opportunity to create £200 million of value at the stroke of a pen. Remember Holland Park School? The K&C Planning Committee created £100 million of value by the stroke of a pen when they approved the sale of the school playing field to build luxury flats. A school playground!! K&C planners are well versed in this kind of financial engineering and no doubt had the country cousins salivating about the possibilities so ably demonstrated by one T Dan Smith
ReplyDeleteThis is a scandal of huge proportions for the residents of the Royal Borough. The Dame has long warned about the danger of "too many councillors with too much money to spend and not enough to do". If this stupidity had gone ahead the £170 million Council reserve would have been not nearly enough to build the Cockell New Town in Peterborough. Thank goodness the menace has been kicked out. But the Officers who aided and abetted this nonsense need to be exposed and similarly booted out
ReplyDeleteLaura Johnson, Director of Housing Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea.
DeleteOff with their heads!
ReplyDeleteA truly monstrous abuse of local Government powers driven by huge political egos. Stewart Jackson MP is quite right to make waves in Peterborough. Why is the useless MP for Kensington, Malcom Rifkind, not speaking out?
ReplyDeleteBecause Rifkin is useless
DeleteMr Myers needs to make a statement
ReplyDeleteIf the tennis player has any sense he will keep his head down
DeleteI hope that Cllr Paget-Brown has prepared his brief in case he needs to extricate the Council's reputation from this mess
ReplyDeleteAfterbirth of a rotten Cockell Administration
ReplyDeleteMr Myers exit needs to be hastened. He has already indicated that he intends to leave. Therefore he can be shown the door immediately with no "settlement" cost. Go for it, Nick!
ReplyDeleteThe Dame would be pleased to offer the names of candidates for a permanent or interim CEO position, to replace Mr Myers, from her discrete executive placement service. As a resident and Council Tax payer in the Royal Borough she would make her services available on a pro bono basis to the Leader, Cllr Nicholas Paget-Brown
ReplyDeleteMy Executive Assistant is correct. In fact, the Dame has on several occassions sung the praises of Mr Holgate. Universally admired and liked by all for his gentlemanly nature and outstanding intellect he would sit well with the new leader.
DeleteThe idea that we have ever needed some vastly overpaid social worker to run the Borough needs forensic examination. The cynic might ponder the correlation between the record salary of Mr Myers and the record allowance of his runner, Pooter.Useful synchronicity....
So yes, we need not look further than Mr Holgate.
This story is more evidence that Cllr Cockell totally lacked political judgement
ReplyDeleteNot really so. Just a small person, of average ability, longing to be a maverick
DeleteWhat makes anyone think that these plans are not still being explored by the Rotten Borough's new force in "regeneration" (aka social cleansing) - Rock FM?
ReplyDeleteThe Dame will come down on this like a ton of bricks if Rocky thinks that he and his Town Planning Constancy have a new business opportunity. The Dame dislikes this suggestion as much as she dislikes crack dens
DeleteAll anyone has to do is look at K and C Council's regeneration "Decant Policy" to know that the legislation is now in place to commence "social cleansing" on a wide scale. It stands to reason that Rock FM will need to find somewhere for the vulnerable and poor of this very Rotten Borough to be displaced to.
DeleteIs there a conflict of interest between Cllr Fielding-Mellens town planning consultancy and his new role as Deputy Leader of Kensington and Chelsea? The new Leader needs to take advice urgently
ReplyDeleteLaura Johnson is far too far down the pecking order to be responsible for this nonsense. Mr. Myers does have a history of making women officers cry. Rock FM will almost certainly be very attracted by this proposal, so we can only hope that Nick will bring some common sense to bear upon it.
ReplyDeleteDespite what the Dame believes, the Chelsea Care fiasco was in fact a proposal initiated by former social worker Derek Myers. Cllr. F. Buxton just happened to be holding the parcel when the music stopped. This is why Mr. Myers stopped Inspector Clouseau's investigation of the background to Chelsea Care just as he was - unusually for him - about to discover the truth. Something similar seems to be happening here.
ReplyDeleteMaybe this is true. At the "white wash" Scrutiny Committee meeting to review the disaster of Chelsea Care it was curious how Derek Myers chimed into the discussion to defend the idea of the venture. Very strange.
DeleteThe DAME has no wish to tarnish Cllr Buxton if she was innocent of the Chelsea Care fiasco. But the DAME attended the Cabinet meeting that approved the Chelsea Care venture and it was presented by a very puffed up, enthusiastic and self important Cllr Buxton. A nauseating performance. If the Cabinet Member new at the time that she was proposing a financial disaster she should have had the courage to say so and resigned if necessary. These events differentiate poodles from Leaders.
DeleteA strong letter was sent to the Leader (Cllr Cockell) by a resident immediately after the meeting stating that the venture could never work. A brush off reply flew through the email with the immortal words from the silly Leader "it was not my decision, it was the decision of the Cabinet".
Nice blog:) good job!