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The residents of Lancaster West wrote a charming letter to the new Leader, Nick Paget-Brown.
Had such a letter been written to Pooter the ever so grand Prime Minister would never have deigned to respond....most resident associations complained that he rarely had the courtesy to respond to communications irrelevant to his personal ambitions.
So what a pleasure to be able to produce Nick's gracious and warm response.
Basic courtesy and good manners extended to residents. A good sign. In fact a great sign. Lets hope the new Leader keeps this up
ReplyDeleteNothing wrong with Nick
DeleteWhen the dreadful Caruhana woman was elected to be a LibDem councillor she arrived alone and confused to Hornton Street to take up her position as a councillor and learn the ways of the system. On more than one occasion she told friends that Cllr Paget-Brown extended the hand of friendship, explained things to her and showed her around. Everyone else ignored her.
ReplyDeleteAt last we seem to have a human who is leading the Council. Lets hope he tops this up with wisdom and common sense
He is a gent
DeleteHas Fitzpatrick woken up? The mug shot of egg is rather better than some that have been floating around. In this media focussed age these things are important - even the overpaid Fitzpatrick seems to know this
ReplyDeleteI must say that it is such a joy to have Prime Minister Cockell out of the circuit
ReplyDeleteThe place is so different without Cockell. How did the councillors put up with him for so long?
DeleteJuat imagine Moylan's likely response...
ReplyDeleteBut then as the old expression goes about badly trained hunters..."He can't take oats"
"Style" is so important in Leadership. Lets hope Cllr Brown keeps up the good signals
ReplyDeleteCllr Palmer continues to brief against Cllr Borwick. It is intolerable that Cllr Paget-Brown is prepared to put up with this on going insurrection and demoralising behaviour. Palmer is a nuisance presence in the Councillors Common room where he occupies a desk with his computer and continually barges into conversations of members and is a thorough pest. Almost universally loathed.
DeleteNot "almost....totally loathed
Delete"Almost universally loathed".
DeleteDame, please tell us who DOES NOT LOATH Cllr Palmer??
Cllr Holt has confided to friends that now Palmer has lost the patronage of Cockell it is time for the problem councillor to be spoken to. His unpopularity rivals that of Fraser-Howells
ReplyDeleteIt never cease to amuse me how much venom the so called commentators display against minor public servants. It is very easy to explain if you take the view that those contributing to the Hornet are Labour Councillors and assorted riff raff.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a comment from minor riff raff Cllr Palmer...and it never ceases to amuse me how much time people like 19:42 have to peruse the Hornet on a daily basis
DeleteYou really are a bit of a berk aren't you? Only idiots get beaten up on the H. Just look at the complimentary last few blogs. What a dickhead you are!
DeleteOne day Palmer will accept that Hornet is NOT run by Labour Councillors. It might just finish him off (as a Councillor that is).
DeleteThe clock is ticking; will he survive until next May? Tick-tock.
Cllr Palmer cannot accurately be described as a "minor public servant". This person is unpleasant, obnoxious, devious, intrusive and obtrusive. A cockroach that needs to be stamped out
DeleteRiff raff might be a bit snooty, how about calling them pub politicians - always willing to say they know the answer after the events.
ReplyDeleteNo, I think you should call them Jelly Fish - See through, inedible and spineless
ReplyDeleteThe subject of this blog is "The Style Of Things To Come" and it carries early evidence of how Cllr Paget-Brown intends to run the show. In a phrase it is all about "respect for residents and colleagues". That most basic behaviour of civilised societies.
ReplyDeleteCllr Palmer should take a quiet moment to reflect on his behaviour. His unhealthy pre occupation with "briefing against colleagues", creeping around, efforts at entrapment, and constant backstabbing. It would be so much more productive if he could redirect these energies and try for a change to be nice to those that he works with and serves. If this is not appealing then he should consider finding something else to do where he might be happier.
Party discipline is a matter for the Leader, not some vagrant foot soldier
A word of advice to all Councillors. The next time Mathew Palmer approaches you and tries to run down a colleague or a resident, tell him to go away. And keep telling him to go away until he adopts a positive frame of mind
DeleteThe bottom line is that Cllr Palmer adds very little, if any, value to this Council
ReplyDeleteHe needs to wise up and figure out the style of his new Leader. And fall into line
DeleteBuilding a new Administration and a new team is one of the most important tasks that a Leader faces. Sometimes a single individual can divide and sour an entire team by their behaviour and attitude and it is rarely wise to keep them on board
ReplyDeleteSend him to Coventry!
ReplyDeleteI see more venom - no surprise there then
ReplyDeleteTakes one to know one
DeleteYou seem obsessed with the continually commenting you underline its importance
DeleteIf you want someone to foul the nest then call Cllr Palmer
ReplyDeleteAs well as listening to residents might NPB listen to some of the staff? In particular those in areas where H&F gangsters are taking over our previously great services. It seems to be a case of in with mediocrity and out with excellence. I have spoken to a number of our officers already stifled by the low aims of our pretentious neighbours.
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