When the Dame denounced the disgusting Phelps for his vile emails she created an opportunity for the Lib Dems to win in Earls Court. She had hoped that Linda Wade would have used that opportunity to help clean up the Rotten Borough: she and her lacklustre colleagues have done nothing. They are a complete waste of space.
It is interesting to refer back to the Dame when she mentioned Cllr Caruana's attempt to wrest a Special Responsibility Allowance for being Leader of her flock of two! Here it is......
"A little bird has been squawking that
the Leader of the LibDem group has been putting it about that she deserves a Special Responsibility Allowance (SRA) for being Group
Leader and Chief Whip of their little velour wearing band!
A group of three is hardly
demanding, and lets face it the positions "Group Leader"
and "Chief Whip" are not Ward related, they are political
positions albeit ones that do attract allowances in the other groups.
Must be hard work keeping those two other LibDems sitting squarely on
that fence.
Maybe the new found coalition spirit between the ruling Conservatives and their junior partner will see their dreams come true and they will be given a special allowance ticket onto the gravy train. Or perhaps our LibDem readers can explain what is going on..."
Maybe the new found coalition spirit between the ruling Conservatives and their junior partner will see their dreams come true and they will be given a special allowance ticket onto the gravy train. Or perhaps our LibDem readers can explain what is going on..."
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It will also be interesting to hear their views on their silly leader's attempts to tax anyone with a home in the Borough worth in excess of £1million. Do our councillors believe the tax should be implemented across the board, or should it be means test driven? If the resident has a mortgage should that be taken into account?
They had better start thinking about the answers.... a considerable percentage of those they so fecklessly represent may have a property asset in excess of £1million, but don't have surplus income to pay yet another tax. Here is a link to a singing Clegg
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Dame I am not sure where your information comes from, but Councillor Wade has worked hard for the residents of her ward. So hard that she has put the frightners on Read and Buxton who are now starting to think that the Conservatives may lose Earls Court. Don't expect the Lib Dems to do Labour's dirty work when Blakeman sucks up to Cockell.
ReplyDeleteThe claim is not that she is not useful to residents:it is that she and her Lib Dem colleagues are insufficiently aggressive at opposing Cockell. Leave aside Blakeman and consider Dent Coad...no one can accuse her of not having the strength of her convictions...and the Dame does not even share her political beliefs.
ReplyDeleteNow let us get back to the thrust of the piece....do the Lib Dems support Clegg's Mansion tax?
Dame. Sorry you are missing the point. Linda Wade is an excellent councillor. I don't have the slightest interest in her views on mansion tax. She has more convictions and more desire to do good that the whole of Consrvative Group put together.
ReplyDeleteAs Mr Burke said "The only thing necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing."
ReplyDeleteThe Dame is missing no point: she wants only to know why Linda and colleagues are so terrified of Pooter. You say "I don't have the slightest interest in her views on mansion tax." Well, thousands of others caught up in C.London property inflation obviously do as they may be unable to continue to afford to live in their homes.
Mansion tax is a major issue for Kensington residents. The pathetic Liberals should wake up to this fact. Many residents are asset rich and cash poor. Think of the pensioners. We cannot afford a "mansion tax"
ReplyDeleteThe Liberal Councillors have been a major disappointment. Small minded, small ambitions, small perceptions.
ReplyDeleteLinda Wade does indeed work hard for her residents, but she is not a natural politician. Thank heavens for that! Her lazy and uncaring colleagues must be a total embarrassment to her, a total waste of space.
ReplyDeletePerhaps if Linda Wade was Leader, matters might be otherwise. Yet it must be quite difficult for three Lib Dems to act aggressively towards sixty plus Conservatives.
ReplyDeleteThe Lib Dems tend to address their constituents' problems, rather than making political capital in the wider arena. Maybe they believe they were elected to do just this.
As for a "Mansion" Tax in a borough where a 1 bed flat can cost £1 million, it's plainly absurd. A Mansion Tax should be reserved for "Mansions."
In K & C it means that virtually all housing will be owned by absentee non-doms. This may suit Hornton Street. Non-doms do not use public services. So more cash for the Bentley.
I think that at least the Lib Dems could be seen to ally themselves with the other Minority Group when they see blatant power abuse by Cockell....this has yet to happen.
ReplyDeleteYou are quite right the Mansion Tax proposal is absurd, but it is a major issue, as you correctly point out, in this Borough so why has not teh Leader of the Lib Dems come out and said so? The fact she remains silent rather indicates they think it a good idea.
As The Dame has pointed out on various occasions, the "Other Minority" group is dangerously close to Cockell & Co. It's therefore reasonable for the Lib Dems to take the view that they do not wish to be too close to such a dubious "Minority."
ReplyDeleteOn the Mansion Tax issue, perhaps the fact that the Leader of the Lib Dems has said nothing, means exactly that - nothing.
Bullshit.....talk some sense an explain why your Leader does not give a view on an issue of over riding importance to those who voted for her.....the Mansion Tax.
DeleteUnless I'm mistaken, she represents Colville, a former Labour, neglected ward in the poor north of the Borough.
ReplyDeleteIt's main features are the the Westway that cuts through the ward; the deeply plebian and much loved Portobello Market and a high percentage of fairly down market housing association and council homes.
There are few "Mansions" and presumably equally few Lib Dem votes to be had from their patrician residents.
Cllr Wade has done an excellent job for the residents of Earls Court. That is what she was elected for. Most people could not give a damn about mansion tax it's benefit to ordinary man in the street would be negligible.
ReplyDeleteShe was also elected to protect residents against the wanton waste of taxpayers' money on stupid schemes: she has done nothing in that respect. She is also supposed to be representing residents whose properties are the subject of an wholly unfair tax-and one they will not be able to afford.
ReplyDeleteWho has? At least she stands up for residents. Not many stupid schemes have taken place in her ward.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI think Linda does a good job for those she represents, however she does have a duty to look beyond the boundaries of her ward and ensure that limited resources are deployed intelligently and effectively.
DeleteLinda was elected by Earl's Court to represent us. This she does tirelessly. She is one councillor against dozens of old fashioned Tory's. Give her a break. I am not a Lib Dem.
ReplyDeleteThe mansion tax is stupid and unfair. There should be a new tax on income: All who take more than £150,000 pa should pay 70%. In tax. Let them go abroad, it would reduce the surplus population.