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Saturday 13 April 2024


unceasing commitment  

Here's a public service team out and about on our streets whatever the weather might throw at them.

The Council's street cleaners are an example to all. 

They are dedicated and hardworking.

Their job is made horrible by those who allow their dogs to foul the roads and who dump rubbish everywhere.

Whenever the Dame sees one of our street cleaners she will always stop and thank them. 

We could make their lives easier if we showed them some consideration...


  1. One of Kensington and Chelsea's street cleaning crew gave MyLondon an insight into what they deal with: ‘We scoop up people's vomit after a night out but still love our jobs keeping some of London's most famous streets clean' https://www.mylondon.news/news/west-london-news/we-scoop-up-peoples-vomit-27405261

  2. Can you imagine any of the Tory Councillors thanking the street cleaners?

    Cannot imagine EDC, the "Royal Socialist" Councillor, deigning to speak to them?

    1. Well you’re clearly clueless - she publicly supported and stood beside RBKC cleaning staff during a lengthy strike in 2018 - fighting for better pay and conditions which they eventually won. Your research skills are shit.

    2. We are discussing the street cleaners not the office cleaners...focus please

    3. To be fair to Nick Paget Brown he always went to meet and thank the street cleaners after the carnival clean up

    4. A socialist contradiction in terms.14 April 2024 at 11:18

      17.39. No, my research skills are not excreta in the way you suggest. EDC is good at keeping up appearances just like Hyacinth Bucket!

      EDC kept up appearances for years and claimed to be a "proud antiracist." The evidence is she resorted to racism by drawing a picture of Black man being hanged. A contradiction in terms if ever there were one.

      EDC, the good socialist, standing shoulder to shoulder with striking cleaning operatives. Who could fault her for that? No one!

      Corbyn would have expected the local MP to support cleaners on strike. Corbyn does it all the time. EDC played the Corbyn game. Just like she played the Corbyn game by being a guest at Momentum Meetings.

      As far as I am aware, EDC did not attend at the Iranian Embassy to support Richard Radcliffe over the arbitrary detention of his wife in a prison in Iran. The former Tory MP did go to the Embassy (as did I.) I do not think that Corbyn would have liked EDC doing that.

      When was the last time that EDC greeted a dustman or cleaner in the street? I am sure the Royal Socialist does it all the time!

    5. Standing "shoulder to shoulder" with striking cleaners is something that theTrots would advocate to promote workers' control.

    6. Nick Paget-Brown has not been the leader of Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea for about seven years. He resigned after fatal Grenfell tower fire.

    7. 17.39 She supported a stike that shouldn't have been. The demands of the cleaners had been agreed. Somebody forgot to tell them this which led to them parading outside the town hall when there was no need. Good photo op for a lazy politician though.

    8. 16:38 Emma is not known for being timely with her interventions. Attending a strike after the issue had been settled, that is par for the course for her. Emma wanted to speak out against the TMO after the Grenfell fire but supported the Tory TMO before the fire. Fat lot of good that did anyone, waiting for a disaster before speaking out. Nice. She was put out that the Tribunal did not want to hear from her.

  3. I agree, they are a good bunch, as are any of us who volunteer to litter pick our patch. Litter picking is good exercise, you meet neighbours and get to exchange pleasantries, and the public footpaths look so much better. We cannot expect the council to keep the streets clean as once they could. Internet shopping and take away foods and drinks are ruining our environment and people look the other way, ignoring piles of rubbish scattered by foxes and rats over night. Let’s all try to do more to make our streets nicer, good for mental health too.

  4. Typical of Emma. We talk about street cleaners and she widens the situation to include Town Hall office cleaners.

    1. at 12.27. EDC "widened the situation," as you put it, to include Town Hall Office Cleaners because she has not had any involvement with Street Cleaners." So, 14.02 hit a raw nerve.

      Impressed that the Tory, Paget Brown, personally thanked the street cleaners after carnival clean up. That is not a Tory thing to do but it is the decent thing to do. Socialists take heed.

    2. Tories like N P-B (or R F-M) decent?

      Real RBK&C residents (rather than trolls who just post to make cheap political points) await the Grenfell Tower Inquiry final report - delayed until after seventh anniversary of the fire.

    3. Dent Coad's Royal Warrant.14 April 2024 at 19:01

      If Carnival tales place before the election, EDC will be at Portobello to thank every street cleaner in sight. They will be expected to doff the cap or tug the forelock in return.

    4. Dent Coad's bitterness of sweet sorrow at 18.08.14 April 2024 at 20:24

      18.08. I live in RBKC. Very disappointing that the Grenfell Inquiry's Report is delayed. There has been a pandemic which caused delays.

      EDC= Racist, Narcissistic?? Decent??

    5. 18.08. If you stand for political office, people are entitled to make political points. It is called democracy.

      Attack is not the best defence to political points that you do not like. You have to do everything possible to redeem yourself by accepting wrong doing and trying to be a better person.

    6. If you cannot stand the heat.........15 April 2024 at 09:21

      That's correct, 20.24. EDC does not think twice about making "cheap political points" against those who oppose her. But she takes it so personally when her own disreputable conduct and foibles are called out. She has been vile about the Tories over the years.

      If she cannot take it when people tell the truth about her racism, royal blood, snobbery, and egotism then, perhaps, career politics is not right for her.

    7. A nasty streak.15 April 2024 at 09:37

      It was cheap of Emma to mock Theresa May MP and refer to as "ugly." Here is the hyperlink.


      Corbyn's pep talk in 2017 with EDC about her nastiness to Shaun Bailey had little impact.

  5. They are all fantastic, why is this post disintegrating into stupidity about EDC she’s gone thankfully! Focus on the post they keep our streets clean, they are polite and always helpful. Their work following the carnival is exceptional! Thank you to them all!

    1. Totally agree. Many stupid posts about EDC and NPB when both are history!

    2. Those living in the past commenting on the has beens. Sad really.

    3. 11.26 and 12.53. You are being very unkind to Emma Dent Coad by suggesting that she is "history" or is a "has been.'' She is standing for parliament and is a serving Kensington and Chelsea Councillor which means she is in no way a "has been." You have diminished her dignity and should now apologise.

      However, comments about EDC's character and poor political judgement are fair dinkum.

    4. Skeletons in the cupboard15 April 2024 at 20:01

      That's right 15.33.

      EDC and her band of red leftists would like us all to forget her character deficiencies and to
      consign all of her poor political judgements to history.

      The Dame provides us all with the opportunity to keep salient points foremost in electorate's mind regardless of political party allegiance.

      Thanks to our glorious lady the Dame, I have concluded that Joe Powell is more suitable to represent Kensington in Parliament. He has less skeletons in the closet than some on the left.

  6. EDC has nothing to worry about IF it is all so "fantastic" and "disintegrating in to stupidity."

    1. 10.43 Dent Coad would say that, wouldn't she?
      She is worried about this blog and what it imparts about her to voters. She knows that Hornets will play a part inner downfall.


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