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Saturday 6 April 2024


This comment has been escalated due to its pertinence. As usual, THINK has written a forensic piece about the KLP people behind the smearing and lies. It's an important read if you want a deep analysis.


Some recent comments about both the planning situation of the Chelsea Sutton Estate and the character of Ian Henderson himself are so off-beam that it is difficult to know where to start :

1. The vast majority of the Sutton Estate was NOT listed before Ian's campaign began. All the rest of Chelsea was already safe with 'Conservation Area' status but the Council had colluded with 'social' landlord Clarion to neglect & then knock down the estate, built originally to house the poor of Chelsea. If you look at the plans submitted & recommended by officers, it was intended to build a nasty new development FOR SALE  (marketed to overseas Eurotrash with no links to the area) 
Clarion would then have been free to spend the millions it received from the development in modernising its estates elsewhere in the country and rewarding its overpaid executives for sacrificing the working-class community of Chelsea for their own gain. What few replacement 'social housing units which were to be provided to give cover for the sell-off of the historic Sutton Estate were all pokey and North facing ( so poor that they could not have been sold on the open market). 
In saving the historic and architecturally significant Sutton Estate , Ian Henderson performed a huge public service for which future generations should thank him ( lt is a crying shame that the only recognition that Ian has received was a third rate BEM gong- when actually a knighthood would not have been more appropriate )
2/ As for the unfounded slurs about Ian's character that have now once again been stirred up by 'the forces of darkness' in North Kensington,these are from the same source that spread rumours that former Cllr Judith Blakeman was an alcoholic,  former Cllr. Atkinson enjoyed cocaine during Council meetings and former Cllr. Healy was not only housebound but senile. There is not, and never has been, an ounce of truth in those colourful allegations but they served to break up the effective Labour Group and local branches of North Kensington Labour Party that served the borough for decades.
Luckily, led by Joe Powell & Monica Press, the Kensington Labour Party had been saved from itself. The 'Forces of Darkness' have been comprehensively defeated and, except for a few pathetic and ineffective Councillors who will cling to office till the next round of Councillor selections, been driven out of the Party and public life.
At the General Election, both Kensington and Chelsea stand poised to elect sane, effective and conscientious Labour Members of Parliament who will at last give the whole of the Borough a political leadership worthy of our magnificent Royal Borough.


  1. Labour could be utterly useless and still be better than the current lot.

    1. The shame is the goings on in the Kensington CLP are not typical of the way most Constituency Labour Party branches conduct their business. Constituency branches usually have an atmosphere of comradeliness amongst their members coupled with a respect for any political differences.

      So what has gone wrong?
      There is a toxic element at work in the Kensington Labour Group that is down to left wing factionalism and the hurt pride of one former member.

      The Parliamentary Labour Party is not short of talent. Joe Powell, if elected, would do a marvellous job for Kensington and compliment the talent on the Party's front bench.

      Will the genteel middle classes of Kensington trust Labour whilst there is a civil war going on in the Kensington CLP? I doubt it. I was looking forward to a Labour Government but if the Kensington CLP cannot be sorted out then Felicity Buchan is probably going to win.

    2. Most of the toxic lot have left KLP to join Emma Dent Coad. Kear is just one of them.
      As a result KLP is far more united, positive and organised than it has ever been.
      You never know,, 2 years down the line might bring the return of some excellent councillors. Or even a promising dedicated new generation of councillors joining them.
      Never thought I'd ever be writing that.

    3. Good to hear this 00.20. I hope you are right. The other thing you might have is, two years down the line, the toxic elements could go on-line and rejoin the Labour Party and start all their crap again. That would be an unhelpful distraction and I hope measures are in place to stop that happening.

    4. Hurt pride and faulty judgement.8 April 2024 at 08:39

      "Hurt pride," yes. Hurt pride based on Emma's faulty judgement and egotism. The "hurt" which she deeply feels was not helped by Jeremy Corbyn excusing her antisemitism. If Jeremy says her antisemitism is okay, who does Keir Starmer think he is to say it is not.

    5. There was no antisemitism.

    6. A clear case of antisemitism.8 April 2024 at 16:31

      Dent endorsed a social media feed which was antisemitic. It said that the State of Israel brought shame on every Jewish person in the world. This, at best, is an antisemitic trope. Jews throughout the world are not responsible for what Israel does: just as the Irish living over here during the troubles were not responsible for any IRA bombings in England. Many right wing Brits thought the Irish were responsible and beat them badly and Dent having ignorant views about Jews does not help them.

      Blaming Jews for the sins of Israel is antisemitic. This is why Dent in her failing to apologise mode (which no one does better than Dent) decided to withdraw her support for that media feed. It was too late, we all found out what she really thinks. Antisemitism is a 4,000 year old prejudice. Her support for this antisemitism was in play for as long as it took Jeremy Corbyn to know she was on message.

    7. Israel disgraces all Jews- proof of Dent Coad's antisemitism.8 April 2024 at 16:58


      When EDC was shown up for racially abusing Shaun Bailey AM for being Black, someone wrote to the Dame to say that they
      ............had known her for a very long time
      ............and she did not have a racist bone in her ............body.
      The evidence suggests otherwise.

    8. So EDC is standing as an independent because of "hurt pride."

      A Democratic Socialist is supposed to act in the best interests of the Labour Party and not in his or her own individual interest. When Emma resigned she said she had been in the Party, a Democratic Socilaist Party (Fabian) for forty years. Perhaps she was in the wrong Party for all that time because:-

      Democratic Socialists are supposed to believe that the interests of no individual, (politician or citizen) outranks the interests of the Body Politic collectively. So if the Party makes a decision that is not in an individual's personal interest, the individual is supposed to embrace it because it is in the best interests of everyone else collectively.

      The Labour Party felt it was not in the interest of the Body Politic that EDC should serve in the Parliamentary Party but she cannot respect it and she has shown just how individualistic she really is.

    9. I am not a Christian. I am Jewish. Is "pride" one of the deadly sins?

    10. As a proud Jew I can tell you that it is NOT antisemitic to claim that “Israel disgraces Jews”. It’s an opinion and it’s correct. What Netanyahu (i.e. ‘Israel’) is doing to the Palestinians is heinous and something he has wanted to do for a very long time. A smaller scale massacre in Israel does not excuse the wilful murder of thousands of innocent people. Doing so in the name of Zionism (despite the fact that not all Jews are Zionists) does disgrace Jews and that’s something Netanyahu should be thoroughly ashamed about. He brings shame upon our religion and will face his punishment one day. Luckily he will be losing his power very soon.

    11. I agree with you one hundred percent about the situation in Palestine.

      Where I disagree with you is that the actions of the Israeli government in Gaza disgraces all Jewish people worldwide. No one blamed every white South African person for apartheid in South Africa and, Jews worldwide are not disgraced for the actions of the genocidal maniac, Netanyahu.
      I am anti zionist but I refuse to be antisemitic. I think you should speak to the Palestinian MP, Layla Moran, she will explain things better than I can. You are being antisemitic and it is worrying that you do not understand antisemitism.

    12. Bloody hell 10.07.

      Even Emma Dent Coad acknowledged that she had endorsed an antisemitic tweet. This is the reason why she decided to go back on her "liking" of it. Look at IHRA definition of antisemitism which is the widely accepted definition of antisemitism in the international community

    13. "Antisemitism: what it is, what it isn't and why it matters"10 April 2024 at 08:05

      Have you noticed how Emma Dent Coad described herself as a "Proud Antiracist" Campaigner on her Twitter account that is,
      until the Labour Party barred her from standing for parliament because of her antisemitism?

      Have you noticed how Emma Dent Coad described Diane Abbott as a "Proud Antiracist Campaigner in one of her tweets?

      Have you noticed how 10.07 is describing themself "As a proud Jew?'' Rather worrying because this so called Jewish person does not know what antisemitism is?

      Funny that!

      I suggest that this Proud Jewish Person reads Julia Neuberger''s book, "Antisemitism: what it is, what it isn't and why it matters." Inexpensive and easy to read.

    14. Its not difficult to understand the definition of Anti-Semitism . Is it that code refuses to understand the meaning or more likely , she doesnt want to learn.

    15. Good point 08.05.Whilst you have not said so, it seems that EDC wrote @10.07 on the 9th inst.Well done!

    16. When losing an argument, widen it.10 April 2024 at 15:27

      Typical of the Trots and the Corbynite left. Freely indulge in ANTISEMITISM and when called out try to change the definition of it.

    17. Dogma and Prejudice.11 April 2024 at 08:20

      12.47. It is called "dogma." Dent Coad, like all on the hard left, lays down principles which justifies antisemitism.

  2. Ian Henderson is a thoughtful, caring and good individual. He recently stopped to check all was ok for a person he passed on the street whose Itsu take away soups had dropped out of their carrier bag all over the Kings Road pavement, offering kind
    words and advice. Thanks to a selfless upstanding member of society with a sense of public duty, unlike many others.

    1. Ian Henderson is a bloke and a half!

    2. I am sure he is marvellous in the sack. Sounds like you fancy twixting his sheets, 10.28

      As Bob Geldof once said, " I don't care what they say about me, as long as they say I have got a big one and am good in bed."

  3. Save MP Greg Hands, says Chelsea bun

    A Chelsea bun is waging a one-bun campaign to rescue the centuries-old British pastry. The bun launched its campaign last week to prevent the Greg being voted out as he had gone ‘out of fashion’ in Chelsea and Fulham. The sweet currant bun is eager to dispel any complacency over the Tory’s future. The bun said: ‘This is definitely not a bizarre way to distinguish me from the despised Sunak government.’

    1. More campaigning from the pastry: Greggs https://twitter.com/GregHands/status/1715672829062943072

    2. Shock! Is that Commonwealth food promotion? https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=997333897047571&set=a.242244334374591&locale=en_GB

    3. Shock! Is that EU food promotion? https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1613299815450973&set=a.242244334374591&locale=en_GB

    4. Shock! Is that cake promotion? https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=596216562310698&set=a.242244334374591&locale=en_GB

  4. Is Monica Press standing for cllr on May 2?

  5. Could l please ask the gracious Dame to amend the title of this thread to make it clear that the events it depicts are all in the past tense ? This is NOT an ongoing battle . The 'forces of darkness' have been throughly vanquished some time ago and Kensington CLP ( stripped of Kear & Mrs Dent) has returned to sanity & is now united & 'fighting fit' behind Joe Powell & the past and future Councillor Monica Press

  6. Is Claire Simmonds part of this?

    1. If you wanna drag someone into the mud at least have the decency to spell their name correctly.

    2. Humble apologies 12:54, is Claire Simmons part of this?

    3. Emma Dent Road is very touchy about spelling things correctly.

    4. But isn't Ms Simmonds a naive follower of Mrs Dent ? Or has actual experience of being a councillor & having to deal with useless colleagues taught her that it is actually more difficult than it looks ?

    5. Clare Simmonds is just awful . She sent the Police round to Cllr Healeys House on a fabrication allegedly.

    6. Rats in kitchens, not just the one10 April 2024 at 04:40

      There are two rats. One to spread hatred and lies and another to troll hatred and lies. Go on Claire, have the courage to own up to your actions and don't let David Kear carry the can for your horrid comments. Everyone knows it's you!

    7. Is it possible that Cllr. Simmonds can be both a chum of 'Tia the Blogger' AND a follower of EDC ?

    8. What was all that about the police visiting Councillor Healy? Was Simmonds charged with wasting police time or perverting?

    9. 09.42 They used to be friends but they fell out a couple of years ago.

    10. Does Cllr. Simmonds get on well with her co- councillors? Is she tolerant of the useless ones ?

    11. Sending the police round to Pat Healy's home. Fancy!

      Nice to see the camaraderie of the hard left in action.

  7. She stoops so low to conquer.7 April 2024 at 21:27

    Ms Dent Coad's tactics are straight out of the Trotsky playbook. Entryism and when it goes belly up, stand for election and shaft those who stopped you.

  8. There seems to be a hagiography to these opinions of EDC.


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