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Tuesday, 7 December 2021



                                               Thames Water's £400, 000 a year two day a week chairman

Just months ago thousands of our Central London homes were deluged with thousands of gallons of thick, brown untreated raw sewage.

Homes became uninhabitable and families rehoused. Treasured possessions were lost forever.

Many were seriously affected by the toxicity of the raw sewage and became seriously ill.

Thames Water, the mainly foreign-owned utility, blamed climate change: a blatant lie!

Fourteen years ago the same area of London was flooded. Thames Water was castigated by the council and urged to invest so this would never happen again.  

You can see the detail on the link below.


Thames Water made a promise it never intended to keep and in July, fourteen years on, a similar catastrophic flood took place.

Guess who castigated TW then? Yes, Cllr Campbell...now leader. So,14 years on she is still chasing TW!

In cases like this one needs to examine leadership or lack thereof....

The £400,000 two day a week chairman is one Ian Marchant. Mr. Marchant was once CEO of SSE. Under his leadership thousands of customers were mis-sold products/services. SSE was given a fine running into many millions. RIP OFF MERCHANT

Yet, after all that, it was decided by the Board of Thames Water that this accountant was Fit and Proper to be chairman!

On the subject of Fit and Proper it is common knowledge that Mr. Marchant is seriously ill; so ill that he is confined to a wheelchair.

Being confined to a wheelchair is absolutely no bar to being an effective and efficient employee

However, the circumstances are far different if that person is so seriously ill that he cannot lead a company like Thames Water fighting battles on every front. We have not been told the state of his health: it's a closely guarded secret.

In this set of circumstances, it is only right and proper for the leader to stand aside and his deputy, Nick Land take over.

Felicity Buchan has asked what short/medium and long-term measures are in place to protect her constituents.

No answer came the stern and useless reply!



  1. When I first raised the Marchant Question Thames Water tried a diversionary tactic of claiming that they were a 'Diversity' company in a naive attempt to protect their chairman. George Mayhew, their Corporate Affairs Director(in reality, a PR Man), knew precisely that my question had nothing to do with the use of a wheelchair and everything to do with whether Marchant was in sufficient good health to steer this shipwreck of a company. I leave aside Marchant's role at SSE.

  2. Mr Tongue-InCheek7 December 2021 at 09:34

    Thames Water is substantially owned by the Chinese, The Middle Easterners and Canadians. You can be sure these investors want money spent on infrastructure

    1. Nice irony, Mr. Tongue-in-cheek


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