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Friday 12 February 2021



Here we have a much bemedalled Commissioner Dick. 
Dick is getting scant support from the equally useless All Mouth and No Trousers Patel so it looks like the skids are under Dick over the ultra-bodged VIP Sex Abuse scandal. 

Dick is a very senior member of the shadowy Common Purpose org. 

Common Purpose sends rather dull coppers on Oxford courses so they can boast of their time amongst the dreaming spires. One supposes it impresses junior officers.

Anyway, Dick's medals remind the old Dame of an old friend, The Lord High Chancellor, FE Smith. 

Hard drinking FE after a substantial lunch at his club spied an admiral covered in medals earned for desk work. 

He wandered over to the nervous looking admiral commenting, "what a lot of medals you have, Admiral?"

The nervous-looking admiral replied, "yes, Lord Chancellor, if I get any more I won't know where to put them"

'Put them on your backside where you earned them", replied FE.


  1. The Dame must be the oldest woman in the world if she was a friend of FE but great story

  2. Sounds as though C Dick is on the way out. Big chemistry problem with thunder thighs Patel

    1. Regardless of whether the ladies like each other (or not) the Met certainly seems to have screwed up with their investigation of top people and under age sex claims. In more balanced times the complainer would have been given a clip around the ears. The stories were so obviously absurd. But PC plod, hoping for fame, was even prepared to lie to a judge in order to obtain search warrants and play to the media.

      This is a culture that needs to be clobbered. And very hard.

  3. The police are overstepping the limits of their functions in every way. Their job is to focus on fighting crime and the mismanagement of resources means they are ineffectual in that.

  4. Patel needs follow Dickhead thru the door. Both hopeless.


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