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Wednesday 17 February 2021



 The Marks planned new £7 million home monstrosity

A prominent member of our parish is Lady Marks, wife of Lib Dem peer, Lord Marks QC. 

Lady Marks travels at great velocity between her gorgeous Kensington house and an Oxfordshire 10 bedder mansion.

In court, the other day Lady Marks got a bollocking for an appalling speeding record but got off a ban thanks to the oratorical wizardry of up-and-coming barrister, Julian Hunt.

Hunt is rapidly taking over from Nick Freeman aka Mr Loophole.

Hunt's defence had the Dame weeping. 


Hunt claimed the Marks had only 'a few thousands in savings'  and she needed her over sized BMW to keep, as Hunt claimed,"all the plates spinning'. 

Without the Beamer "all the plates would fall to the floor.

Her Ladyship also claimed His Lordship-a £1million a year, 4 Pump Court QC, suffered from 'pulmonary issues', had no staff, and was 'isolated'(?)

If that's the case the Dame advises His Lordship to stay away from the courtroom and all those heavyweight trials.

The Dame did her research and came up with this which rather puts paid to the defence of no dough LOADS OF MONEY and just a few thousands in savings.....

Typical Lib Dem hypocrisy....



  1. I am sure that if the magistrates had Sarah Marks, a lone parent mother on Social Security from the Pepy's Estate in Deptford, the Court would have been more condemnatory and disqualified her.

  2. The top drawer get away with it when they lie in mitigation in Court. They plead guilty and when asked what they would like to say about the offence, prior to sentencing, they lie about the circumstances. No oath is taken in these circumstances. I have only ever heard of one person being brought back to Court for misleading the bench in mitigation.

    She could find the money to pay whatever fine the court imposed.

    The same top-drawer people have strong feelings about social security fraud and shoplifting but somehow think that their crimes are excusable on account of money and privilege.

  3. Millionairess Lib. Dem. Miss Linda Wade enjoys luxury holidays and "working excursions" in the fascist republic of Iran.

  4. Linda Wade is an excellent , hard working Councillor & a thoroughly nice person. Leave her alone you cowardly bully !


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