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Saturday 14 December 2019


Matt Uberoi, the ex jailbird who Labour thought a good idea to pitch against Greg Hands is a candidate for the Momentum deradicalisation programme.
Cult Victim
The Momentum cult leaders convinced Matt that he and his father's insider dealing would resonate with voters and could inspire a 'sympathy vote'....bad idea!
Matt describes himself as a 'Community Worker'....what can that possibly be?
It's sad that Matt was so badly bought up that his highly paid dentist father encouraged his son in his criminality.


  1. Apparently he is setting up a new taxi hailing app called UBer - Oi .
    If this fails then Head of Security at the Bank Of England. Who let this man run ?

  2. Very good...how about a hotel chain. We have Oberoi how about Uberoi?

  3. Words are not enough15 December 2019 at 12:14

    Has he championed any good work since "getting out", by which to form a balanced opinion of his character, ability and suitability to be a public servant?


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