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Sunday, 15 December 2019


An act of vengeance planned by a Corbyn led government was to put RBK&C into Special Measures.
It would have been a sensationally stupid move but then a humiliated Corbyn has already shown his stupidity by a dimwitted campaign.


  1. Outing the Connivers and Control Freaks16 December 2019 at 07:19

    Dear Dame Hornet,

    What evidence do you have to show that a Corbyn-led administration would have put the Council in to special measures?

    Is there any evidence that Emma Dent Coad was complicit in this special measures plan?

    What was the extent of any politically motivated connivance by Labour politicians, Councillors or Members of Parliament.

  2. Just can't trust the Labour Party.16 December 2019 at 07:29

    So the Labour Party, nationally and locally, is full of control freaks playing petty Student Union politics. The people living in the Borough would be used and treated like pawns in their Socialist strategies.

  3. Really shocked to see EDC on Victoria Derbyshire, she seemed unprepared and unable to speak on the basics of RBKC council, she lacked vocabulary and basic public speaking skill in talking about all the stuff she knows so well.

    1. Oh memory, my fond deceiver...............18 December 2019 at 16:25

      Dear Dame,

      Did Emma Dent Coad scoff at who the Tories chose as their candidate to see her off.

      14.40. Is it possible that Emma has not got over the shock of being seen off and that she is still seething?

  4. An apology..........18 December 2019 at 17:44

    16.25 here.

    I have just watched Emma Dent Coad's interview on Victoria Derbyshire's programme. I do not agree with 14.40 who says that she "lacked vocabulary" and "basic public speaking skill." She was most talking about her health and the shock of being diagnosed with cancer. I am not keen on Emma's politics but for god sake have some compassion for her. I hope Emma continues to recover well from surgery.

  5. @17:44 Different interview entirely, none of what you recall was mentioned.

  6. The Hornet has deteriorated into a FAKE NEWS blog. Very sad. And full of very sad bloggers

  7. The Marchioness of Knightsbridge27 December 2019 at 11:02

    I think Jeremy Corbyn might put Emma Dent Coad's name down for a peerage. Baroness Dent Coad of Stepney and Kensal.

  8. Perhaps, the Labour Party needs to be put in to "special Measures"29 December 2019 at 13:45

    Putting Kensington and Chelsea Council in special measures. Left wing spite.

    Shame the Labour Party never put Hackney in special measures but it would never do to put a Labour Council in to special measures or a Labour Education Authority that only achieves five good GCSE's in Maths, English and Science for just 9% of Black boys.

  9. The Labour Party with egg on its face........29 December 2019 at 15:18

    Former MP, Emma Dent Coad was on the TMO Board from 2008 to 2012. She personally witnessed a tenant rebellion at Kensington Town Hall in 2008 when the TMO initiated proceedings to expel Erickson and Dunne from the membership.

    Between 2008 and 2010, there was a Labour Government.

    So why didn't Kensington and Chelsea Labour Councillors write to the Labour Secretary of State for Local Government and Communities in 2008 0t 2009 to request "special measures" for the failing TMO.

    Things might have turned out differently if the failing TMO was put into "special measures" in 2008.

  10. No wonder Labour got the order of the boot in Kensington30 December 2019 at 09:43

    Labour Councillors in 2008 and 2009 were the supposed to be the opposition in K&C- they still are the opposition. What did Labour Councillors think they were doing by not demanding the appointment of a Housing Commissioner.

  11. The first and principal reason to put RBK&C into special measures is called Grenfell.

    The second reason is that nothing has changed following Grenfell.

    Special measures are required because the Council has proved unable to change. After a very brief period of acceptable behaviour the Council has slowly and inevitably reverted to form.

    RBK&C is the epitome of form over function: a shit Council whose only concern is trying to look good.

    Special measures are not only more than justified they are massively overdue.

    1. I disagree.

      There are plenty of Labour Councils that should be in special measures for poor housing management practices. Some of these Labour Councils still have dangerous cladding on their tower blocks nearly three years after Grenfell. Perhaps, Felicity Buchan MP will have more of an influence on improvement in Kensington and Chelsea Housing than Emma Dent Coad ever managed to have. No wonder that around 26 thousand people in Kensington cast a vote to kick her out.

    2. Would it have been right for Corbyn's Labour Administration to put Kensington and Chelsea Council in to special measures just because things were not being done to the satisfaction of the Labour Party?

      Does anyone know if Dent Coad was involved in this disgraceful and deceitful skullduggery?

  12. Didn't she do well.7 January 2020 at 23:22

    Over 26,000 people voted against Emma Dent Coad getting in.

    A lot of people did not want her. She has never been all the rage.

  13. I suppose the 9,000 people who voted Lib Dem knew that they would be voting Lib Dem and getting a Tory.

  14. Needing representation13 January 2020 at 08:04

    I am going to get in touch with Felicity Buchan MP today to see if she will help me with something that her predecessor refused to do.

    Glad that Flic gave Emma the flick.

  15. She got the bird14 January 2020 at 08:32

    The electorate gave Emma Dent Coad the flick


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