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Monday 29 October 2018


The Dame is someone who doesn't take kindly to being upstaged. 
MISARA has it wooden spoon prize and so the old girl has decided to have her own award....it's a bit like the Mayor's Award.
With the new crop of councillors some winnowing is required to separate the wheat from the chaff. 
Yes, Palmer, chaff, like you. The Dame invites you all to nominate the good and the bad and starts the ball rolling by looking at Hans Town and Brompton.

Sadly, we have two hardworking and effective councillors and one lazy, overpaid one who does nothing.

It's with great pleasure that the Dame casts her first vote for the two outstandingly good ward councillors...


We have two excellent examples of the good in Cllrs Idris and McVeigh.
The best advice the Dame can offer is this...don't let officers bamboozle you and keep up the excellent work.
Cllr Weale could learn from your example.... 
The Dame expects to see you both being given more responsibility very soon.


  1. Could not agree more....these two are superb. Let's hope they don't get worn down

  2. What is the saying? New brush sweeps cleaner? Let's hope the bristles do not get eroded away too quickly by those whose interest it is NOT to make any progress


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