send the Dame your information, discretion assured.
Comments are welcome but do not necessarily reflect the view of the Dame.
Offensive/inappropriate comments will be deleted and the poster banned.
So, what is there to talk about you might ask the old Dame?
? |
Well, it seems some residents feel the Dame has been far too harsh on young Quentin and that there are several examples of how he has gone overboard to help residents in planning how to structure objections.
Well done, Marshall!
In the next day or so, when the mood takes the old thing, she will elaborate on the occasions when he has gone the extra mile.....
Cant wait to hear the Dame's input about the Chairman of the Planning Committee. This is an influential job - it could and should be a focus for understanding resident opinion.
ReplyDeletePlease check on the Conservation Area consultation document. It closes on 17th September.
Now don't forget, it was this Marshall who chaired a committee that tried to see off Grenfell Tower residents when they complained that had been bullied by TMO managers over the refurbishment of the Tower. It took the little heard of Councillor Sam Makeover to stop Marshall trying to make light of a most serious matter. It was Mackover, not Marshall, who told the TMO bully boys where to get off.
ReplyDeleteShocking. Marshall knew how bad the TMO was because he used to be on the TMO Board. He was prepared to do down Grenfell Tower tenants until Mackover stepped in
DeleteThe residents of The Cremorne Estate are also counting on Cllr. Marshall to protect them from property developers trying to make a quick buck from The Riley Arms Public House.
ReplyDeleteI hear that the residents are extremely upset that they want to build a courtyard with a one metre high wall at the back in front of fourteen children's bedrooms.
DeleteGiven the history of drug dealing and drunken fights day and night outside the pub it is no wonder that there is such opposition !!!
DeleteI hear that ward councillors are concerned.
DeleteGood for them for supporting local residents !!
DeleteIt is well known that one of the owners of The Riley Arms Pub is a very good friend of our ex-councillor Maighread Simmons.
ReplyDeleteThat Condon Simmonds woman always looked after her friends. Do you remember the keen gardening woman on the Cremorne Estate? A nice bit of jiggery pokery that was. It went unchecked by the TMO- of course it did.
DeleteShe rewarded her best friend who canvasssed for her during elections with a private garden paid for by the public purse.
DeleteYes she has also made her best friend Chair of a compact residents association for the sheltered scheme on The Cremorne Estate. Her canvassing friend doesn't live there. Moreover elections have never been held
DeleteYes I hear she attended the last licensing review to support them !!!!
ReplyDeleteI hear that Cllr. Ahearn who is a good sort and chaired the meeting asked her "Councillor why are you not supporting the residents ?'
DeleteI wonder who sugested building a courtyard at the back in front of the homes of the most vulnerable in social housing ?
DeleteShe told a resident at a public gathering "we will put all the rubbish at the back".
DeleteThat is shocking !
DeleteThe poor residents dont stand a chance.
DeleteI am shocked that this has been going on !
DeleteThe worst concerning aspect of this is that the children whose bedrooms will overlook drug dealing and fighting twelve hours a day, seven days a week will normalise this behaviour.
DeleteThe drug dealing associated with this pub is well known to the police. Why would they want to further expose children and elderly residents to this ?
DeleteProfit. These are property developers with solicitors and consultants.
ReplyDeleteThey don't live in Chelsea.
DeleteThey don't care about our community and our children.
DeleteMaybe Cllr. Marshall will care.
DeleteFat chance
DeleteHopefully he will be fair.
ReplyDeleteI have heard that he can be fair.
ReplyDeleteMaybe there should be an inquiry into how the personal friendship of councillor Simmons with the property developer has helped to grant the Riley Arms Pub a planning application in 2916.
ReplyDeleteI can smell the stench !
DeleteThis is the ideal opportunity for some redress !
DeleteI have seen Simmonds in the pub and the Mona Lisa.
DeleteSome of her some of her special friends.
DeleteWhy do our children deserve to have drug dealers outside their homes ?
ReplyDeleteMaybe our social standing has something to do with the decisions being made.
ReplyDeleteYes. We are too poor for anyone to care for our most residents.
DeleteIt would be very different if the same were being proposed outside fourteen children's bedrooms in Sloane Street !!!
DeleteSomeone told me that Cllr. Simmons door knocked on resident's doors on behalf of her friend the developer in order to convince residents not to object the last planning application !
ReplyDeleteShocking !!!!
ReplyDeleteMany of us have volunteered relentlessly in order to improve our community. To make these children believe in themselves and become aspirational. To gain an education and be able to move out of social housing and become upstanding members of society. We face an almost impossible task with the drug dealing emanating from The Riley Arms Public House.
ReplyDeleteThis blog is simply delightful. Marshall and Simmonds being shown up in public - it could only happen in RBKC.
ReplyDeleteDrivel, drivel, drivel
ReplyDeleteEx - Cllr. Simmons organised a meeting in an RBKC community room in order to help her friend the developer. It used publicly funded resources in order to convince residents not to object to the planning application. Resident associations were not invited.
ReplyDeleteDid Maighread Condon Simmonds have something to do with the long serving Amie Dascombe storming out of her Senior Housing Officer job at Tenant Management Organisation?
DeleteTUPE staff should go anyway. We want a fresh start.
DeleteNothing to do with TUPE. The word on the street is that Dascombe stormed out of her well paid job at the TMO after a showdown over some paperwork that she completed. Condon Simmonds had something to do with this paperwork. Does anyone haver more details.
DeleteMany staff fled after the event anyways.
DeleteDo you know why Emma Dent Coad MP was not hauled up before the Parliamentary Labour Party to explain her racist conduct towards Bailey?
Do you know why the ruling NEC did not suspend her?
Ken Livingstone did no worse than Emma Dent Coad and he suffered due process.
Was the gardening bloke at the TMO called Dominic too?
DeleteI heard that she accompanied her friend the developer of The Riley Arms Public House and his solicitors to every meeting that they had with RBKC officers.
ReplyDeleteThat stench is getting more putrid !!
DeleteI wonder if officers felt pressurised.
DeleteAn investigation should take place
DeleteMaybe Cllr. Marshall will be fair and help us to protect the future of our children and undo all the damage Cllr. Simmons has done.
DeleteThe residents don't stand a chance.
ReplyDeleteCllr. Hargeaves and Cllr. Jackson have been very supportive.
ReplyDeleteOld Kim seems to be a good sort.
DeleteMaybe Cllr. Marshall will surprise everyone and do the right thing.
ReplyDeleteYes. Maybe he won't think it acceptable to "put the rubbish at the back" in front of our children.
ReplyDeleteI am gonna write to Cressida Dick about Maighread Condon Simmonds.
ReplyDeleteBlack and Holgate let her get away with making sure her friends were looked after.
Any chance of Emma Dent Coad MP demanding an investigation in to Maighread Condon Simmonds. Oh I forgot, Emma likes Maighread. There's no accounting for left wing political tastes.
Whoever likes her is irrelevant. She was elected to be principled and to act in the best inteterest of all residents in Chelsea Riverside. She was not elected to act against the interests of the most vulnerable residents in social housing in order to benefit her special friends.
ReplyDeleteThe developer of The Riley Arms Public House.
DeleteSomeone should investigate what influence she has exerted on the planning process so far.
ReplyDeleteThe stench won't go away.
DeleteIf we must talk about him how about the time he fixed the candidate selection of Brompton Ward for his pall Louis Moseley passing over long standing hard working actual residents for someone who did zip. Perhaps that is why he moved on to Courtfield?