send the Dame your information, discretion assured.
Comments are welcome but do not necessarily reflect the view of the Dame.
Offensive/inappropriate comments will be deleted and the poster banned.
The warning by Alex Woodleigh-Smith LINK of the inevitable dramatic fall in property values in the area surrounding the Holiday Inn if the Chinese developers are given the go-ahead should be taken very seriously by residents.
If you live up to two miles from development you need to take his warning very seriously.
The RBKC planning officer, Mr. Elliot, responsible for giving pre-planning advice to the Yeung family has now been made case officer.
This demonstrates the favoured way Mr. Stallwood's Planning Dept is treating the applicants.
On Wednesday, 8th August @ 6.30 pm @ St Mary The Boltons residents can hear about the planned fightback.
Please come....the outcome is in your hands....
Alex Woodleigh-Smith needs to be listened to
ReplyDeleteTo stand any chance of success this campaign needs a dedicated and individual Leader, who is prepared to invest a huge amount of time to channel opinion and create a lobby on the Council. It worked for Sloane Square and it worked for Newcombe House.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the position of the Kensington Society?
DeleteDead against
DeleteThe opposition of the Kensington Society needs to be articulated and combined with a residents' campaign group. KS can be tricky and likes to do power broking as go between the Developer and the Council
DeleteThe prerogative of whores throughout the ages
DeleteThe Chairman of the Kensington Society, Amanda Frame, is as pure as driven snow!
DeleteSnow melts.
DeleteThis project cannot be allowed to go through, as it might give Capco ideas.
ReplyDeleteI hope the Wed 8th Meeting at the church manages to attract some celebrity names. This is the sure fire way to get the attention of Hornton Street. Dizzy is nearly as susceptible to the stardust of fame as the dreadful and disgraced ex Leader Pooter Cockle
ReplyDeleteWhat else do you expect will happen to this site? The exisiting building is not fit for purpose amd will cost a fortune to demolish. It stands to reason that a developer will require a signifcant level of development to make it affordable to redevelop. It is very easy to be a nimbly but i dont see anyone opposing this actually rationally thinking about what they expect to happen to this site. If it is not developed it will sit as an eyesore and progressively deteriorate over time. People need a reality check..
ReplyDeleteBut the new proposed building is much higher and it will remain as an eyesore. Your comment surely needs a reality check 16:11.
Delete16:11 - do you work for the owners/developers of the site of the Holiday Inn?
ReplyDeleteAs if we don't have enough on our plates.... I was notified about the Newcome house part 2 news at the farmer's market this morning. Sadistic Khan has apparently approved for the plan to be resurrected and we need to submit another objection. Obviously, they picked the right time to do this e.g. holiday season