She was very impressed with Tariq Sarwar who stood in for Maa'm Ellie when she was off on some sort of special leave.
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It does not help staff morale when Maa'm Ellie visits a local station and tells the officers they need to lose weight! Needless to say her advice met with some apt and ribald comments. Come on, Ellie....get officers out on the beat. We are facing an unprecedented rise in moped led street crime and nothing is being done.
After the Grenfell fire is closing Notting Hill Station right?
ReplyDeleteThere's a public meeting to be held at St John’s Notting Hill Church, Landsdowne Crescent, this Wednesday 6th September at 6.45 for 7pm start.
The Met is inviting all residents to a face-to-face discussion with the borough commander for K&C, Chief Superintendent Ellie O’Connor, and Chief Inspector Chris Mahaffey, about the proposed closure of Notting Hill police station.
Do North Kensington residents want to see private security firms patrolling the richer area's? Are the met-police socially cleansing services, just like RBKC?
Soon they'll be no civic structure left... For what? More empty luxury flat, we are citizens, we pay rates too, for what? More get-rich-quick schemes to cover the pension pots...emm.
Notting Hill police station is far from the only Met facility planned to be sold or vacated in the borough: the closed Notting Dale police station at 58 Sirdar Road (which now serves as CID offices) and the office annex to Kensington police station at 74 Earl’s Court Road will also be emptied, as well as car park spaces in Earls Court and four Safer Neighbourhood bases at Kenway Road, Pavilion Road, Lancaster Road and St John’s Church in Lansdowne Crescent. The SN bases will be replaced by the new type of ward hubs...
@20;43 is right on the private security bit. The idea is to privatize policing so that likes of G4S and Sia will be 'looking after' civilians. BUT they are private corporation which means....same ol' same ol' scenario as TMO/RBKC Council. Once it becomes privatized, they are not going to have to answer your questions due to commercial interest blah blha and all that. Everyone will have to wear a body cam so that in the event of an incident, you'll have an evidence to protect yourself. Hell(o) 1984.
DeleteThe current mayor is selling off a lot of police stations , he has decided Notting Hill will get a better price from developers than Kensington so he is switching the main station to Kensington and flogging Notting Hill . Mr Khan is also closing down and selling off all local community police offices in London and pulling the 4000 staff out of Empress State building and dispersing them all over London , the loss of revenue in the Earls Court area will be felt heavily by businesses already hit by Earls Court centre having been demolished, and they are being moved so Capco can turn the block into more luxury flats, even though they cannot sell the ones built in Seagrave Road and have not built the 10,000 they plan on the old exhibition site and the social housing estates next to it that they intend to knock down. Good old Mr Khan, don't bother trying top complain he doesn't answer though he will turn up to the opening of an envelope if the press are there
DeleteThis is a government cut not a mayoral cut. And of course the Kensington station is more valuable than the Notting Hill one. It is proposed to stay open only because it will be the only one left in the whole borough and it is in the middle.
Deletejudging from the picture above, Maa'm Ellie could herself do with bit of beat-bashing or just good old workout at the Virgin Gym, of course. Could not possibly mix with the plebs at the North Ken Leisure Centre, could she?
ReplyDeleteBlobby Bobby:
10.33 The Government announced some time ago that it had concerns about the fitness levels of some police officers. The Government introduced a criteria whereby serving officers would be tested each year to ensure that they could scale a wall and run after a suspect. I would be surprised if this woman could shin up or down a wall let alone sprint after a criminal. The test was supposed to become tougher as time and fitness levels improved.
Delete"Large" policemen/women have been seen queuing at the Gloucester Road Cake Shop daily, usually two or three squad cars parked on the opposite side of the road to return to and eat their spoils.
ReplyDeleteobviously, bulking up even more ahead of the test? So far, it is nothing but lot of hot air, with no actual action taken to get some of the PCs physically fit. Certainly, none of them would outrun me..:-)
DeleteHot air Sad Badger?
DeleteRemember the film 'Hot Fuzz'? LOL
I get on 'Large' sized policemen, often wondered if any of them are able to run....
ReplyDeleteWhen I cycle through Chelsea, Knightsbridge past the Carlton Tower and through the park, I wonder what London has now come to, the changes over the past twenty five years are staggering, development on development, useless cycle lanes causing danger, Boris bikes, gold Lamborghini's, Bentley's, trashy excess, greed and division everywhere. What remains of London?
ReplyDeleteAnd it's "grim up North" more announcements of closure - Notting Hill Police Station this time. Ellie O'Connor was not present at the meeting - probably because she has admitted she opposes the closure .Lots of speech making by those in charge obvious weaknesses in their argument - very little to no say for residents
ReplyDeleteThis is Delphi Technique in operation. Public meetings are only organised to make you believe you've got a say in it but ignored. It happens time and time again...look what happened to Odeon, Earl's Court exhibition centre etc in our borough alone though it's happening London wide and nationally. People need to wake up to their game. Please wake up and learn about it.
DeleteDelphi Technique and solution
Not that I agree with commenting on peoples looks or weight ( so forgive me Ms O'Connor ) but is the Borough Commander really in a position to tell those under her to lose weight , she is hardly the Slimcea Girl
ReplyDeleteIf anyone wants to read the Mayors sell off strategy follow this link , you can also comment on it
ReplyDeleteMOPAC need to be asked who is the prospective buyer of Notting Hill Police Station? No sense selling it without a buyer; we need to know there is no conflict of interest.
ReplyDeleteLook at Chelsea Police Station closed for how many years and still no planning application submitted by Northacre.
Plod still being bussed from Lillie Road depot due to Chelsea & Knightsbridge sold off thanks to "Gropy" Greenhalgh when he was head of MOPAC.
If you have an incident in Chelsea you are more likely to meet a policeman from Wandsworth than you are from Kensington.
Independent candidates should use this in the election next year. Concerns everyone in this borough!