Birds of a certain grubby feather flock together.
Dear readers will remember the very fragrant Louis Vuitton obsessed Jonathan Frazer-Howells and some of his odd side activities whilst agent here in K&C.
Shock yourself here LINK !!
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J F-H deserted exotic Chelsea for the bucolic pleasures of Bridgwater and West Somerset. Here he has the responsibility for managing the bovine and unemployable MP, Ian Liddell-Grainger. One of Ian’s very middle-class ancestors married some offspring of Queen Victoria and does he never stop letting us know how he is 4,000th in line to the throne!
Even his W. Somerset Conservative colleagues have been trying to get rid of the rotter LINK
Aside from being very mediocre Ian sets money grubbing records....
Expenses claims
Claimed a total of £166,109 in expenses, including for office, staffing and travelling costs, during 2007–8, the sixth highest of all MPs in that year. Liddell-Grainger has registered his wife as a parliamentary assistant and in 2010 included both his wife and his two eldest children on his list of staff, the only MP to do so at the time.
In 2006, Liddell-Grainger was disqualified from the WriteToThem league table after faking e-mails and replies to himself to improve his "responsiveness rating" on a website which helps people contact their elected representatives. Liddell-Grainger's spokesman commented that the e-mails had been sent to test the data that the website was judging him on!!
At the 2010 general election Liddell-Grainger refused to attend any election hustings or to take part in the BBC's election coverage.
The Dame asked Liddell-Grainger if he had helped little Freddy Vallender, a constituent needing urgent medical help.
Despite having his entire family on the payroll the hideous Liddell-Grainger had no time to spare this brave little chap.
Liddell-Grainger, you are bloody disgrace: if Somerset people had any sense they would kick you out.
Grainger is an occupational name for a rent collector-according to the dictionary of English family names. Didn't Mr Grainger do well marrying royalty!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait until you get the dirt on Emma Dent Coad's parliamentary office and expenses claims.
ReplyDeleteShe's no longer drawing from RBK&C.
ReplyDeleteTo think this shit follows on from the great Tom King!
ReplyDeleteIt sounds as though the agent and MP are perfectly matched!
ReplyDeleteAre there any good men and women left in local government ?
ReplyDeletegood and honest? Most probably not. and this applies not only on 'local government', but also all the agencies and organisations involved in local government, It is all rotten to the core.
DeleteVery soon Sad Badger will be culled
DeleteWhat has this MP got to do the RBKC?
ReplyDeleteRead the bloody story! His agent is ex K&C
ReplyDeletePhelps is obviously having another bout of the gout
DeleteAnd what has that got to do with the MP not supporting a child? You should stick to the issues affecting RBKC and leave others to deal with this MP.
DeleteWhat the Dame decides to write up is her business-not yours
Delete09:16 The Dame will decide what goes into her little blog. Older readers will know that the Dame will frequently tackle subjects only distantly related to the Borough. If it upsets you she can only commiserate.
DeleteWhat 'others'?