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....some years back a new and sole Lib Dem council member was struggling during their first few days......
Without any fuss, Paget-Brown quietly helped the new member to find her feet.
As a ward councillor, Paget-Brown never failed to come to the aid of residents and was always unfailingly polite.
Sadly, someone has to take the bullet for the Grenfell tragedy but, if we are realistic, we know that the seeds of the disaster were sown well before Paget-Brown took office.
Kicking a man when he is down is a very British sport but the Dame, not being British, will not be joining in.
Instead, she wishes Nick the best of luck for the future.
If the truth be told he was actually a rather good leader but the circumstances he had to contend with were of such magnitude that few would have coped.
Nick is a real gentleman. If I have one criticism it is that he was too nice to deal with the unjustified attacks on him. I will never forget Councillor Atkinson braying for his blood in that fateful Cabinet Meeting. It was not a pretty sight and did Atkinson no credit.
ReplyDeleteHe blamed the residents of Grenfell for not wanting sprinklers as they wanted the work finished quickly. The dead of Grenfell ( upwards of 200 i am led to believe ) have not yet been identified, yet he has the temerity to set himself up as an a local government advisor. Thats like having one of the pilots of 9-11 setting up as an airline advisor. Get real and go away and hide under a ' rock ', preferably Fielding Mellon -.
Deleteanon 17.10 - I will never forget the screams of my neighbours as they burnt to death due to the incompetence of Nicks administration .
DeleteThe only way Nick can fully exonerate himself is to tell the truth about the alleged corruption that has gone on for years at RBKC Council, go on Nick do something for the memory for all those that perished in such awful agony . Do the right thing man .
Delete@10.50 You should never lie but more importantly not on camera. A gentleman you say 17.10? LOL A liar is a liar. This is one thing we can shout at him in public without even thinking about defamation because it's true.
DeleteMy other critique is that he was forced by the younger and sillier members to do a deal with Feilding-Mellen. However, had he not done so we would have the Royal Borough 'Walker', Danny Boys, in charge.
ReplyDeleteI hope he is able to apportion blame to the other Councillors fully so that the whole blame does not land on his shoulders .
DeleteNPB is a decent man, not cut from the same dark cloth as DM, MC, & RFM. What let him down was not raining in the unqualified RFM socially cleansing cruelty. Link Sutton est, Wornington est, Maxilla nursery, North Library onto Grenfell = Rbkc property. A force that many say had performance related bonuses bonuses and gave their masters S106 a plenty... all drawn from the assets of the poorest citizens. NPB and Coleridge should have had no truck with this shame, they could've saved the Boroughs reputation...Grenfell is their legacy, they are all despised now, if not ruined, morally. Now they await judgement.
ReplyDelete' Nick em '
DeleteColeridge is hiding - its well known that he was one of the leaders trying to 'socially cleanse ' RBKC.
DeleteIgnorance cannot be used as a defence. He was the leader and let his troops get away with 'murder'.
DeleteIf a person dies from an accident in a factory while at work, it would be the company director who would go to jail. NPB is no different. His PR company is just trying to see how dumb the RBKC residents are... to see if you would buy their story. They are hoping that, as time goes by, people will forget the facts, even bury them deep that the history would be re-written to favour the Council per 1984 style.
DeleteNPB can say that the red paint on his hands are from his attempts paint a new masterpiece picture but we know it will never be wiped off from his hands. The blood of the murders will never be washed off and will stay with him forever. Is my post chilling? He should know, how chilling it might have been in that tower. We should never forget the truth.
NPB might also have been inherited the poisoned chalice but as a leader he had the chance to intervene and improve the sickness of our borough. He missed his opportunity. You take the lead, you inherit both good and bad. He should have know better as well grown man.
ReplyDeleteWell said Dame. A balanced view, as ever
ReplyDeleteHe did try and blame the residents of the Tower for refusing to have sprinklers installed. There is no evidence in the resident engagement report that they were ever offered sprinklers - and the cladding they chose was the fire resistant zinc version that was subsequently changed to aluminium which has been banned abroad.
ReplyDeleteGreat... imagine being on a Council Estate in London and being told the Guy that was is charge of RBKC at the time of The Grenfell Tower Disaster is now consulting on a 'regeneration ' project in your borough. Anyone on a Council Estate would run for miles. Is this a new 'social ' cleansing policy '?
ReplyDeletePeople from Grenfell are still looking for their dead, whilst 'Nick' looks for a new career . If NPB didn't go to public school , he would be sitting in a cell by now .One law for the rich and one for the poor . Hang you head in shame man . Where is the justice .
ReplyDeleteIf people like NPB are not culpable and such 'nice' people - then why are they not 'whistle-blowing ' on those that weren't so nice - this would save the Police time and money to find those responsible . Jobs for the boys eh Nick .
ReplyDelete'Kicking a man when he is down ' really - laughable .
DeleteUtter nonsense - Piggy ended where he is of his free will. He is showing his true colours, setting up a PR agency to teach others how to evade rules and regulations and as a result create the biggest disaster since WW2. He is morally bankrupt and will remain so for ever more. He is deluding himself if he thinks that it is 'business as usual'. Particularly, as he is awaiting the almost certain criminal investigation into his role n the whole debacle.
DeleteStop calling him Piggy...it's puerile, unnecessary and idiotic, Grow up!
DeleteOK. Let's call him the mass manslaughterer....the slaughter, or cremation, which could have been prevented.
DeletePiggy has rates to pay, a mortgage to pay, and a household to support. He is putting his know how to work in order not to become a burden on the State and have some personal dignity.
DeleteThree cheers for the man! Of course Grenfell is terrible for everyone (except the self seeking missile christened Dizzie) but life has to go on. And not everyone gets a rent break to help out.
These comments do not of course imply that those responsible for Grenfell, especially the insensitive and monstrous TMO, should not be brought to justice. Quickly and with vigour.
Wasp - life doesn't go on for everyone thats' the point . The embers aren't even cold and 'Piggy' is out there punting himself out there as a responsible leader .Don't make me laugh .
Delete16.21 - what about incompetent !
DeleteNick Paget-Beown is a good man and I find it so very sad that he has been the recipient of such vitriol. He does not deserve it. I wish him all the very best for the future. And thank you Dame for your comments. I am happy to add my name to this. Why has politics become such a blood sport!!! Annie Redmile
ReplyDeleteAnnie, so... in your small world, a liar is a good man. Right-O. I'm glad I don't live next to you.
DeleteGlad I don't live near you: you sound a dickhead
DeleteTwo comments:
ReplyDeletea) For years NPB was RBKC cabinet member for environment. He spent a decade and £1 million of residents' funds trying to hide the racket that is RBKC's waste management service. Nothing in the light of Grenfell of course, but an insight into the man's character or lack of one.
b) Look beyond NPB. Look at Cockell and at Cllr Warwick Lightfoot, long term RBKC cabinet member for finance. He shouted at residents daring to voice their opinions. He also piled up £300 million of residents' funds in the Town Hall coffers, while children burned. Meanwhile HPO sings on.
Sadly, on this occasion I must wholeheartedly disagree with our dear Dame. Had it not been for Grenfell disaster, the 'business would have been as usual.' And we all know what that would have been.. Just look at the various posts here. As for Piggy', I suggest that you Google 'Pagett-Brown' and see what you get. I say no more, as the Google results will speak for themselves.
ReplyDeleteSeminars on how to get the maximum private gains from developers, estate agents and investors, by facilitating easy work with local authorities. Admit, he is an expert in this field.
Should any of you wish to end up on the wrong side of the law, Rush and enlist. I am sure you will get your money's worth.
Special Seminar 'Ethnic Cleansing by Stealth', guest speaker Rock Fieldng-Mellen.
ReplyDeleteSadly, the Dame is defend the ignominious. NPB's public life is over. He will be, forevermore, tainted by Grenfell and he must NEVER forget his part in this terrible tragedy since the WW2.RIP - NPB
ReplyDeleteThis is a joke post, right?
ReplyDeleteThe man has no remorse, no shame, and not one iota of human decency. The credibility of this blog just fell through the floor. I'm disgusted, frankly, to read this horse manure.
Very right, matie, how very true
DeleteI understand from earlier posts, that our Dame and Ludo are on their annual cruising junket, aboard the SS Hornet. So perhaps, too much of French bubbly has clouded her normally sane judgement.
DeleteVraiment, ce ca!
DeleteThe Cllr who has been most effective at taking cover, avoiding the limelight, and running a mile from the Grenfell catastrophe, even though he was Cabinet Member for Planning for many years leading up to only a few months ago, is non other than...........
ReplyDeleteBareback riding Cllr "Putin" Coleridge!
When Etonians need to do a bunk, they are taught how to do this at an early age.
This is an Oscar winning vanishing act. Give the boy an Award.....
DeleteDearest Tim is noted for his pragmatism. When disgraced ex Cllr Phelps was hauled before the Standards Committee (Coleridge was Deputy Chairman) for hiding his Kensington properties in a BVI Trust and not declaring them on the Members Register as he was required to do, smoothie Cllr Coleridge told the Committee that "these arrangements are quite common"
There are at least three Labour councillors who are dreading have their reputations shreaded at the Grenfell Enquiry. No I don't think they went to Eton!!
ReplyDeleteAll of this "bile" may offend some of the Dame's more sensitive readers but organs like the Hornet need to hammer it home (to the Tories AND Labour) that the whole set of behaviour and values in Hornton Street has to change.
ReplyDeleteAnd it also puts the Officers on notice.
Social Media will not allow the accustomed excesses,abuse and corruption to continue
To be blunt Mr Paget Brown messed up, he was alike a rabbit caught in the headlights , he should have ignored all protocol and what he was being told by some idiots at the town hall and gone with gut instinct and done what was right when Grenfell happened. You cannot always go by the book and this was an occasion when the book should have been thrown away
ReplyDeleteThere are many at Hornton Street more to blame than him, and that is mainly what I would call civilian staff . Planning has so much to answer for and are up to their eyes in much of the mess , certain individuals more than others who want things passed that should just not happen. meanwhile they target small business etc top tick their enforcement boxes and allow massive projects top go ahead that never should . The safety issues with Grenfell should have bene picked up on by Building Control and Planning way back but why are none of them on gardening leave and under investigation ? I am no fan of Mr Paget Brown but I do think he is the sacrificial lamb
It's all about priorities. At the very moment KCTMO covered Grenfell in lethal cladding etc, RBKC Planning issued an enforcement notice against a small property owner for failing to add a few metres of 1cm wide wooden beading to a door.
DeleteMaybe, at the moment. Should the Inquiry go the proper way, which many doubt, it will all be revealed. Let's use the old dictum All for one and one for all. I fear that they will all fall.
ReplyDeleteI see Emma Motormouth at it again in the 'Sundays'. Doesn't seem to understand that a lot of residents hold her responsible for Grenfell. On the TMO and on the Council Committee welcoming the refurb of Grenfell. What did she do to protect residents?
ReplyDeleteDo they? Do tell.
DeleteNo we don't!
DeleteYes a bit of a Motormouth, but she is not responsible for the Fire at Grenfell Tower. We know who was responsible and he and his family have done a runner from their home very close to the Tower.
ReplyDeleteA lot of residents feel very let down by Motormouth. She did nothing for them except motormouth when she was on the TMO. All mouth and no action.
Delete11.39 are you Victoria Borwick by chance? EDC has nothing to do with Grenfell. Grenfell lead sis RBKC property and regeneration, the prime contractors, & the senior TMO flunkies and the .L.F.B. EDC sat on a board and signed off nothing Grenfell. You may not like her, but constant insinuation with 80+ deaths is a bit tasteless if not vile. We want justice and as other posters have highlighted it is one principle Cllr whose name is directly in the main frame.
ReplyDeleteNo I am a North Kensington resident and Labour voter. You are trying to rewrite history and you must be taking happy pills. We all know that Ms Coad was on the TMO and the Council Committee that scrutinised the refurbishment that she welcomed. I am sick to death of the way she always talks the talk and does nothing for us. Nothing is ever her fault. It is truly sick making.
DeleteI think EDC's real problem is that she is relentlessly negative so offers no realistic solutions.
ReplyDeleteLets face it. EDC is in shock. She never expected to be an MP and it all happened courtesy of the perfect storm. May threatened to take away the house wealth of Kensington residents to pay for their own care, and the Liberals put in a strong candidate to take the pissed off Tory vote. EDC made it by 20 votes.
ReplyDeleteShe is still trying to figure out what to do and how to be useful. She failed once (Labour got shot of her) and she does not want to make the same mistake again.
But time is running out........
A lot of what you say is true. But sad to say she is not up to the job.
ReplyDeleteEDC made it by 7000+ votes
ReplyDeleteYou really have been bitten by mad monkies and anyway your maths is dreadful. The margin was 20 and there was quite a lot of double voting by Momentum members.
DeleteShe overcame a Tory majority of 7,000, which means she got at least 3500 votes that are not normally Labour. And you are way out on Momentum, It was the decent people of Kensington who voted for her, totally vindicated by what then happened at Grenfell Tower.
DeleteWhatever way you look at it (and your way is odd!) your maths is dreadful. You forget the LDs and the independents. The 'decent people' are now asking why they elected someone who sat on the TMO and the Council Committee that scrutinised Grenfell and all she did was to welcome the refurbishment. Oh well only five years to wait until we can show her the door.
ReplyDeleteEveryone wanted the refurbishment. Residents asked for double glazing and a decent heating system. What they didn't ask for was Feilding-Mellen's secret and vicious cost cutting after it was approved. Or Paget-Brown blaming the residents for refusing water sprinklers that they were never actually offered.
ReplyDeleteMaybe, just maybe you should wait for the Inquiry. No of course not, so much more fun to sling mud without looking at any evidence.
DeleteAll this is already documented and out in the media. Not mud slinging but accurate commentary. You need to keep up!