This meeting seems to serve several purposes.
Item 2 replacing Paget-Brown as leader;
item 3 swapping fall-guy Nicholas Holgate for Barry Quirk CBE to run the officers; and various petitions and motions.
The new Leaderene-elect is in some senses a fresh face. But in reality she is tarred by the same brush as all the other cabinet members.
She had scarcely left the previous cabinet, supposedly on a special 'sabbatical', than she was dragged back when Paget-Brown was forced to resign.
Any examination of her past record will show she is not up to the job, and her recent public comments merely confirm this.
Holgate was weak and ineffectual, a decent person but easily manipulated by the executive officers and by the elected deities.
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Very quirky |
This meeting gives every impression of the existing regime trying to perpetuate itself. I can't at this stage pass judgment on Quirk, RBKC isn't Lewisham, but I do find his own website a tad weird and self-serving:
Quirke is not economic on the modesty front.....through a third party he analyses himself as....
"an engaging public speaker and an accomplished author on public policy and public leadership. In 2011, his book “Re-imagining Government” was published to critical academic acclaim. He works to help public leaders discover creative solutions to complex public problems and management challenges. Barry is always looking to blend what is publicly and politically desirable, with what is both technically feasible and managerially deliverable.
Barry brings clarity of thinking, insight and humour to the serious business of building good government and reforming public services."
Why oh why can't these morons read the Borough's mood correctly?
6½ years of the Dame and her hornets should count for far more.
In an essentially multicultural borough it is surprising that it is run by such mediocrity that it takes something like Grenfell to make things happen.
And Grenfell should never ever have happened. I
t is the result of the conspiracy between the unaccountable housing 'cabinet' and the tenant-hostile TMO.
Even the dyed-in-the wool borough Tory voters are realising their elected officials are useless.
One is forced to the conclusion that the only way forward is to adopt the suggestion in the petition that every member of the cabinet, including the members immediately prior to the recent reshuffle, must resign.
Resignation should be immediate and complete, they must all step down from their Wards and cause the necessary by-elections.
Resignation from the amorphous 'Cabinet' is utterly insufficient, as is awaiting next year's elections.
There is no way anyone who has been a cabinet functionary can ever expect to regain public confidence.
The swamp must be drained. Meanwhile Campbell's appointment falls away and Quirk's confirmation must be put on hold until the newcomers are in harness.
Yours truly, dear Dame
Strange goings on indeed ...citizens allege council deleted Grenfell files from website as fire investigations widen | The Canary
"Lo and behold, having been sussed, the links to the documents then magically re-appeared at about 17:30. The lesson from this, given that the removal of those very specific links to the Grenfell data could hardly have been an accident? They are going to get away with whatever they are allowed to get away with. They are going to have to be watched 24×7. Indeed, I worry about whatever they may have already deleted or erased that hasn’t been spotted. We now have another set of questions though…
DeleteWho took the decision to delete these links to the core data? Who was aware of it? Who authorised it? Who took the decision to replace them? How can we have any confidence that as soon as we turn our backs more directly relevant information won’t disappear?"
There's no mention of adherence to the spirit and the letter of the law in Quirk's self-promotional statement. He works "To help public leaders discover creative solutions." This sounds like the sort of backroom dealings that have landed the rotten borough in its current quagmire. Not to mention the tragic Grenfell fire. This looks like yet more of the same.
ReplyDeleteClearly the Dame needs to do some investigation about Mr Quirk. The Royal Borough has a habit of recruiting some unfortunately named persons. Remember Mr Bore? The bore who did untold damage to the planning regime in Hornton Street.....
ReplyDeleteQuirk only has 9 Twitter followers. So he is certainly not a social media sensation.
When these guys get parachuted in, on a temporary contract, the package is usually around £400k per year. We should be told the facts.
He also runs a consultancy buiness:
ReplyDelete"public sector business consultancy founded in 2011 by Dr Barry Quirk CBE"
Read here more pearls of wisdom from B&Q
He is unimpressive to meet
ReplyDeleteI have just heard on the radio the Honourable Emma Dent Coad slagging off the council and suggesting that certain councillors considered that Grenfell Tower residents as being less than human. Saint Dent Coad thinks that she is morally superior to everybody. In her maiden speech to parliament she broke with tradition by sneering at Victoria Borwick in an uncouth and crude way. No wonder her Labour colleagues loathed her so much they deposed her. Saint Dent Coad thinks that no one else has the odour of sanctity and that only she, as a posh girl, knows what the lower orders need: she's a sort of hard left Lady Bountiful!
ReplyDeleteThe fact she can send her kids to £35,000 a year Christ's Hospital speaks much about her double standards. I am already beginning to miss Borwick who was at least honest and not a backstabber like Saint DC. Go on like this St and you might find that people get fed up with your patronising ways.
My nephew went to Christ's Hospital - he paid nothing.
Delete"Christ’s Hospital is unique for a UK independent school in that it provides more bursarial support to its pupils than any other school in the independent boarding sector and has done for over 460 years. Bursaries are granted to 75% of students who receive between 5% and 100% assistance with their boarding fees according to their household income. If you apply for a bursary you will be assessed according to your means. Families on very low incomes may also be assisted with the cost of pocket money, House Funds, travel and sportswear. Our offers are subject to our normal entry criteria".
What did EDC say about Victoria Borwick in her Maiden Speech? SURELY not something nasty? This is not the way that we behave in Britain. ALL incoming MPs should thank their predecessor in a polite way. Think about all the lovely things that were said about the dreadful Rifkind after he was given the boot.
DeleteOh, so that's alright then? The Blessed Emma managed to do what tens of thousands of parents want to do and send their kiddies to a amazing school. If the Blessed Emma is so ideological pure Hard Left why didn't she set us all an example and send her lot to a comp? What rule for saints and another for us poor sinners.
DeleteHow can this woman go on saying that she represents the working people of the Constituency and Borough with a background like that? She was hot with her righteous anger about Victoria's 'triple dipping' and how being an MP was a full-time job that precluded other responsibilities. Yet she doesn't seem even to have given up her allowances from Council yet alone resigned from that yet.....pot calling the kettle black methinks.
DeleteNext think you will be suggesting that we seek the canonisation of the Blessed Dent Coad with a feast day and a public holiday to celebrate her sanctity. This will not happen whilst I am leader.
ReplyDeleteYou cannot be serious
DeleteI had a terrible backache and happened to shake hands with our MP and the back ache just went. I have submitted my evidence to the Congregation to the Cause of Saints. Can anyone else who has experienced a miracle from touching EDC please report in.
ReplyDeleteCouncillor Lash don't think you are Catholic. Sorry doesn't count. Other people's experience of contact with Blessed Emma not pleasant.
ReplyDeleteWeird management dribble from RBKC 'public private consultant' Barry Quirke... About, you never guest it, the London Fire Brigade...
When will North Ken gain independence from this endless corrupt Chelsea spew?
It is incumbent to all of us, residents of K&C, to keep the pressure on the current council. Write to them, ask pointed questions, ask you neighbours to write, most especially in view of the other article on the balance between councillors & ward representation. Keep doing this, until they realise that it is not a revolt, but a revolution.
ReplyDeleteBeware. For 11 years a resident has made Freedom of Information Requests asking why RBKC forces its to residents pay twice over for waste services, a total of £25 million a year ever year. Messrs. Holgate & Quirk are currently still struggling to provide a rational response to a simple question.
DeletePerhaps, once the social cleansing is complete, they will build a wall around RBKC to keep the poor people out. As much as we talk, it seems nothing can touch the rot and corruption of the RBKC/KCTMO bureaucratic revolving door
ReplyDeleteNot a very impressive performance by Barry at the recent 12 July Grenfell Community Public meeting at St Clement’s Church
But at least Silly Lizzie got the "buffering machines" (19:26) in for the Estate clean up.......
Elizabeth Campbell just too weak and unprofessional