We know Exford, the £300,000 a year of Affinity Sutton is a nasty piece of work but the Dame would have hoped this grasping little man would have had the decency to stop this vandalisation of a wonderful community asset.
Everybody in the area....poor, not so poor, rich and not so rich love Sutton Estate.
The Planning Inspector needs to back the Royal Borough which has made very clear why consent was not given.
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TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990Notice of a Planning Appeal relating to: William Sutton Estate, Cale Street, LONDON, SW3Appellant: Affinity Sutton Homes Ltd Agent: Trowers and Hamlins LLPA Planning Appeal has been made to the Planning Inspectorate in respect of the Council’s decision to refuse planning permission for : Demolition of existing estate buildings (Blocks A-K and N-O) and ancillary office and redevelopment to provide 343 residential units comprising 334 apartments and 9 mews houses within buildings of 4-6 storeys; provision of class D1 community floor space with associated cafe; class A1-A5 and B1 floor space. Creation of adopted public highway between Cale Street and Marlborough Street, vehicular access from Ixworth Place; creation of basement for car parking, cycle parking and storage and energy centre fuelled by CHP and works to adjacent pavement. (Major Application and EIA development). This appeal will be heard at a PUBLIC INQUIRY which you may attend and, at the discretion of the Inspector, will be able to speak at the Inquiry. The final date and location of the Inquiry has not yet been confirmed and we will write to you again once these details have been finalisedAll comments should be submitted directly to the PLANNING INSPECTORATE in order to be taken into account at LINK TO MAKE COMMENT using the reference number App/K5600/W/17/3177810.Your representations must be received by the Planning Inspectorate by 18/08/2017 at the latest. Any comments submitted after this date will not normally be taken into account. PLEASE DO NOT SEND YOUR COMMENTS TO THE COUNCIL Alternatively, you can send a hard copy representation quoting reference number App/K5600/W/17/3177810to: Room 3/26, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, BRISTOL, BS1 6PN. Comments made in respect of the original planning application have already been copied and forwarded to the Inspectorate by us and will be considered when determining the appeal. If you made a comment which you no longer wish to be take into account please advise the Planning Inspectorate by 18/08/2017 at the latest.You can get a copy of the booklet "Guide to taking part in planning appeals" free of charge from the Council or at www.gov.uk. Documents associated with this appeal including the appellant's grounds of appeal are available online under the original application number at the Planning Search area of the Council's website: http://www.rbkc.gov.uk/PP/15/04878 Yours faithfullyPlanning AppealsPlanning and Borough DevelopmentRoyal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea
I better the hideous boss of AF is thinking he's so clever hiding it away during Grenfell tragedy
ReplyDeleteAgain , Hammering social housing tenants in RBKC .This has got to stop . Open season on us is over .Failed policies which do not include 'proper ' resident involvement - lead to 'Grenfell'.The perpetrators are now being hunted after years of corruption and mismanagement . Proper investigation need to happen . How did Affinity Sutton / Clarion get the Sutton Estate for nothing ? The residents on the estate didn't want it - but were railroaded by an unnamed Affinity Sutton employee who used to manipulate the residents committee - she sat in on every RA meeting and told them what to do . Was this of her own volition or was she promised a retirement pay off by her bosses . She has appeared on the Hornet before - taking pictures of Eddy Izzard and hounding residents who were opposed to the Demolition of the estate
ReplyDeletethis story has gathered speed on Newsnight/news
ReplyDeleteHave you a link Sad Badger ?
ReplyDeletei think you may find it on the iplayer for 25th. will look and confirm
DeleteYes, have checked and the link ishttp://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b08ys5lg/london-news-evening-news-25072017
DeleteEddlie Izzard is helping with Ms Kendall
Hope you got a TV licence?