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Even the leader, speaking in a dignified manner, was embarrassed by Lightweight's leaping around and rants.
Lightweight is a very odd chap. When pitching to become Mayor of London( God forbid!) he claimed shops in his local street were forced to close due to high rents.
Business people know the other main driver is excessive business rates: something Lightweight seemed unaware of or decided to ignore.
Frankly, there are far too many mediocre economists thinking they know about business, or indeed, much of anything else.
Anyway, here's the odd looking fellow hopping up and down like a demented frog. You can be embarrassed HERE
The Dame is no Lib Dem but she holds Cllr Linda Wade in high regard for her hard work in Earls Court.
Her views on the St Luke's Food Bank are well worth hearing.
There's nothing new here. Lightfoot screams abuse at any resident who disagrees with him. He'll do so in private or in public. It matters not a jot to him. He's another one who should be shown the door.
ReplyDeleteWhat stopped NPB shutting him up? Because the little man would have turned on the Leader of the Council.
There has been a serious drink problem for years which is now out of control. It is time for the Leader to take matters in hand.
DeleteA redtop with a drink problem. These are usually very difficult cases.
DeleteIt is rather extraordinary to see this performance from a Cabinet Member who is costing council tax payers £90k a year plus expenses. And dreadful to see the odious Cllr Warwick sitting beside him in a prominent front bench position. Even the schoolboy Cllr Mellen seemed to be shuddering at the imbibed performance.
ReplyDeleteThe question is does Cllr Lightfoot have a Jean Paul Druncker problem?
ReplyDeleteThe Dame has listened to the various concerns. The Dame is not one to judge. She, herself, is partial to a Tanqueray and Vermouth but never when working on her little blog.
ReplyDeleteShe will be calling Cllr Lizzie Campbell in the morning to discuss whether Cllr Lightfoot needs referring to Adult Care.
Ms Stella Baillie should be of great help here - or not?
DeleteMiss Whiplash has no role here
Delete........definitely not
DeleteNot his cup of tea
DeleteHilarious. A spendthrift leading the sozzzzled. All on the Council tax. It could only happen in the Rotten Borough.
ReplyDeleteAA is the place. Forget adult care.
ReplyDeleteThe Dame has given Cllr Lightfoot the chance to view his public antics (publicly funded antics) and see what an idiot he makes of himself when under the influence.
ReplyDeleteThis has gone viral
ReplyDeleteOh this is well worth disseminating ...
ReplyDeleteIt is very strange how both Cllr Lightfoot and Cllr Palmer get carried away in Council debates and feel compelled to stand, scream and gesticulate, sometimes frothing at the mouth. Generally making idiots of themselves.
ReplyDeleteCllr Palmer is a harmless backbencher whose stupidity is indulged by most Councillors whilst a secret society (The Masons) keep him afloat.
Cllr Lightfoot is a different kettle of fish. As Cabinet Member for Finance he occupies the second most important position in the Cabinet. After the Leader. Is unacceptable for this Office to be filled by a clown or a person with a serious illness. It is time for Cllr Paget-Brown to act and fill the position with a person who is worthy of the Office. The position is in the Leader's gift. No need to consult.
Scribe is correct. Dignity of office should be preserved.
DeleteIt is not strange at all. Some people need to demonstrate their "performance"in public. Most people "perform" privately at home. But the inadequates need to make a pathetic spectacle to try and prop themselves up.
ReplyDeleteVery sad really.
Conveniently placed for Lightfoot are the regular AA branch meetings held at the Salvation Army hall in Portobello Road.
ReplyDeleteCllr Linda Wade gets consistently good and great reviews from residents. She seems to know what is what. The Leader (Cllr Paget-Brown) would do well to open a few doors to Linda and give her some serious Committee responsibilities. Being a Lib Dem should be no bar to office in the Royal Borough
ReplyDeleteCllr Wade is good, even cares for the care in the community. Lib Dems in 2018 are getting my vote mostly down to Cllr Wade, loss of Earls Court Post Office was the last straw; it is a great shame that Cllrs Aouane and Spalding have disappointed us all in Earls Court.
DeleteMay I offer a professional opinion? As you know, besides being your MEP, I am also a psychiatrist. When myself and Cllr Lightfoot competed to become your MEP I had the chance to take a clinical look at Warwick.
ReplyDeleteNaturally, enough my professional assessment of Cllr Lightfoot remained confidential and was not provided to the selection committee.
Cllr Wade proposed the motion that the Council set up a WORLD SUPERMARKET to provide FREE food for all paid for by the Council Tax. IT WAS COMPLETELY UNCOSTED. Needless to say her motion was completly rejected and was voted out. She pinched the idea from the Social Council. Up the Liberal Social Democrats. The LSD party may win votes due to this....
ReplyDeleteBonkers. Do we have another Campbellnomics in our midst? ("Holland Park School cost nothing")
DeleteVery worrying. Maybe Cllr Wade is not all that she is cracked up to be
She's no friend of mine, but it seems to me that Cllr Wade works harder for her residents than the rest of that lazy bunch of Horton Street troughers put together. Most of them have no sense of duty, except to their wallets.
ReplyDeleteAt her first couple of planning committees WAde voted once for Capco and against all the resdnts' objctions. At the last one she voted to close down a local GP doctors premises in her ward. Just when The EC Health centre is also at rsik of closing affecting thousands of patients. She perswaded the whole committee to vote unanimously to get rid of the doctors. She did also demand that it should have prettier Windows.
ReplyDeleteYou anonymous 16 Feb 11.47 are a liar and you know it . The GP in Eardley Crescent closed down in 2015 by their own choice they sold the building at a profit (they had been trying to sell it for years) and in 2015 merged with Earls Court Surgery on Old Brompton Road which is open, thriving and doing well. The old surgery after sitting empty since 2015 is going to be converted to flats , Linda Wade asked that the windows when the flats are developed be in keeping , what is wrong with that ????? the same would be asked of any building .
DeleteRe Capco, Linda has been against most of what they want , the only time she voted for was regarding parking spaces which would not be lost but would be on site so no reason to object and not what you say at all but then you know that you are just trying to cause trouble
One wonders Anonymous if you are actually Councillor Spalding as this is similar to another post where you said similar about Linda and that post was then copied , pasted and emailed to all of Councillor Spaldings supporters ??? Interesting , I am sure you will get found out eventually, people like you always do in the end.
The doctors surgry building is lost and gone for ever to become expensive private flats for millonaires. This is what Wdae voted for. We cannot afford to loose doctors surgry buildings. Once gone they are gone for ever. Not what the residents wanted Wade to do....Why ?
DeleteCllr Spalding is a well known nasty. And he punches below the belt.
DeleteAre Spalding's toy boys working furiously at their keyboards? So much mispelling!
1. loose = lose
2. Wdae = Wade
3. surgry = surgery
4. millonaires = millionaires
We know who you are! So does the Dame!
Anonymous16 February 2017 at 22:35, you are again a liar. the council had nothing to do with the surgery closing down . The Doctors had had the building for sale for several years they then sold it . We have not lost any GP services as they moved round the corner and merged with another Doctor and are now at Earls Court Surgery on Old Brompton Road . So perhaps you can tell me how did Linda wade vote to closedown a building the council did not own and the owners wanted to sell ? Oh and Linda wade was not on the planning committee when the GP's put the building up for sale several years ago or when it closed and relocated a few minutes walk away. if you want to spread lies about someone at least try and be clever but then if you are who I think you are clever is out as it would appear your brains are as useful as the rest of you.
DeleteThere are some worrying allegations in this blog about Cllr Wade - a Councillor who has grown rapidly in stature and acquired a reputation for championing her residents with a fierce determination. The Dame exposes such people to public scrutiny so that her readers can make an informed opinion.
ReplyDeleteThe team will be making some discrete inquiries and taking soundings.
Dear Dame
DeleteWhilst you are about it, could you please investigate Cllr Wade's mysterious visit to Iran last autumn.
This luxury millionaires' holiday supported the fascist dictatorship economy.
Can you find out if Cllr Wade was disturbed by any stonings of women, or hangings of young gays from cranes.
Who paid for it and did it break any moral sanctions going on at the time ?
Anything you can find out and bring to public scrutiny will be proof of your mission.
No one should visit Iran, least of all a politician.
DeleteIf Cllr Wade has indeed holidayed there she needs to explain the purpose of her visit. This vile, cruel and despotic regime should be ostracised.
The most recent story truly appalled the Dame.
It seems that juvenile offenders are allowed to keep their babies until they reach eighteen. On the day of their birthday the guards tear the baby from the mother's arms and the mother is dragged off to be strangled to death at the end of the rope. Death is agonisingly prolonged. The same fate awaits gay people.
The Dame would like to know what the hell Cllr Wade doing in Iran.
Her very presence lent support to a savage and murderous regime.
So, Cllr Wade...who did you meet and why. The Dame is angry.
Dame you silly old thing,
DeleteHas Spalding not gone to an Islamic country for 'leisure'? As so many of his type go for a foray and lashings of this and that.
I'm more worried by Councillor Spalding's abstained from a vote on CapCo.
Could the reason be Dame he might have received undeclared moneys from CapCo?
To vote in favour of CapCo could be a vote bought which could constitute corruption in public office?
Punishment for corruption in public office is imprisonement, assets seized and a criminal record.
Would a councillor risk this for thirty pieces of silver?
Dame should be investigating who at the Council have received gifts and money from South African developers CapCo & their PR DP9 not whether someone went to a middle eastern country.
Dame, these are the same Iranians fighting Daesh in Iraq!
DeleteThe Dame maybe 'troisieme age' but she knows what she knows.
DeleteHow dare you tell the Dame that it's ok to visit Iran. The Dame campaigned vigorously to stop the barbarians building their monstrosity in Kensington. She expects an explanation from Cllr Wade as she would from any other councillor traipsing off to that hellhole. Whether Iran is fighting Daesh or not is quite besides the point. The point is clear, Iran is a disgusting abuser of gay people, women and anyone who challenges the barbarous old religious maniacs.
The Dame hopes Cllr Wade will be able to tell her she visited to protest to the regime about its brutality.
Dear Dame, if you want our politicians to follow an ethical foreign policy you will need to pray that Corbyn wins in 2020! During my yearly sejours at the Mirage casino in Las Vegas I have not once wondered if Nevada has the death penalty. I do think you are a tad hysterical over this. Btw if Cllr Wade had visited Iran to protest to the regime about its brutality she would now be in prison.
DeleteThe Dame is hardly the sort of Grande Dame who would go to Nevada.
DeleteLe Touquet and Biarritz are more to her taste.
The Dame doesn't believe that Nevada strangles gay people, or stones adulterous ladies, or blinds offenders with acid. But if the great State of Nevada did any of things she would refrain from vacationing there.
Ooooh Matron !
ReplyDeleteI don't understand this sudden trolling of Cllr Wade - stop it.
ReplyDeleteOoooooh, stop it, Matron !
DeleteEarls Court Conservatives can't fight on a level playing field due to Spalding/Aouane laziness and have to gutter fight by spreading misinformation on the only Councillor in the Ward who actually works.
DeleteCllr Aouane is not standing next year because it is too much like hard work. Spalding fighting for his survival using Russian & Chinese tactics.
We can see the spelling mistakes of his oppo on this blog who has also penned anti-Wade sentiment as EC Spook. Which Dame you have seen has been dispelled by those who have not hidden behind 'Anonymous'.
Dame we are more concerned about whether councillors in the ward are doing their job, which Wade does!
Fought to save Earls Court Exhibition Centre!
Fought to save Earls Court Post Office!
Fought to save local shops!
Did Spalding & Aouane assist in helping the community in Wades endeavours? No! There you go one councillor works while Aouane & Spalding fiddle while Earls Court burns!
(Nero reference. Geddit!)
Fake News
DeleteAh, Mr Spalding we have been expecting you.
DeleteЭтот сайт управляется из Москвы
ReplyDeleteNo but I bet Spaldings backhander bank account is
Deleteне из Москвы, а из Earls Court товарищем Spalding
DeleteEveryone in Earl's Court knows all these positive spin stories about Wade are put on here by herself, or a couple of under-occupied LDs. They are becoming tedious.
ReplyDeleteFought to save Earls Court Exhibition Centre!
TRUTH A bit late and a bit of a failure since it is all gone. It was doomed to fail, but about half-a-dozen from EC carried around a dodgy-looking banner. All a bit of a flop. The majority opposition came from the LBHF Council Estates and the H&F Labour Party.
Fought to save Earls Court Post Office!
TRUTH This was an all-party Council campaign, run by the Council Officers. All ward councillors were involved from different Wards, chaired by the Public Realm Committee. (It is very bad form for Wade to claim this for herself exclusively - just not done)
Fought to save local shops!
TRUTH The Earl's Court Business Group have worked hard to attract new businesses with some success and are campaigning for a Business Improvement District. With the Chamber of Commerce they held a major conference at the Town Hall last year with about 80 businesses represented. Several important companies, Council Officers and Councillors are now interested in a BID.
We have lost a couple of excellent upmarket restaurants, but still have 1,000 active Earl's Court businesses.
Our major coup was to get the Council Planners to accept a new Cultural Centre that will attract 750,000 customers a year back into Earl's Court.
But who will claim the success for all of this ?
That is not case locals residents have put these up. The Dame can see the IP addresses and could confirm this.
Delete"Our major coup was to get the Council Planners to accept a new Cultural Centre that will attract 750,000 customers a year back into Earl's Court". What a LIE! 644 sqm, the size of a souped up Starbucks not a cultural centre worthy of the name is what Capco have in store as a venue and no direct wheelchair access on to their EC1 site. Look at their planning application which has been passed by RBKC. As for the 750k footfall, Capco Director Simpson said in a recent planning meeting that footfall was to be attracted across the whole of the Earls Court Masterplan. Clever eh? How come residents were misled about this so called replacement venue? So what if saving Earls Court was doomed to fail? At least some residents had the balls and the guts to try. Whilst you can join the snobby, Earl's Court cliques sneering at their fellow citizens and their banner - idiots such as you have helped Keltbray & Capco to cast dust, noise & health problems with more to come during the construction years.
DeleteThe government's proposed huge rise in business rates will damage small businesses in Earl's Court, especially hotels. The BID may come too late to save them.
DeleteAnonymous21 February 2017 at 01:06 Get the council to accept a new cultural centre ???? The councils own forward plan had as a prerequisite that their must be a replacement world class exhibition/convention centre on the site, this has been dropped and will now consist of micro outdoor galleries etc, no replacement for the centre at all, just lies from some who support it just as Mr Spalding supported it from the start and told us all how wonderful it would be for the area. And lets not forget his chums at Capco who are now losing money want to increase the flats from 7000 to 10,000 to try and break even or get some profit, so what were meant to be blocks in keeping with the area will now be 28 storey blocks in some places ??? Not all of us who post to dispute the lies you tell about Linda wade are Liberals , I vote Conservative nationally but would never vote that way at this council level as the council conservatives are out for themselves as they clearly show time and time again.
DeleteYou are talking rubbish Anon. 1.06 cultural centre as you call it was always part of Capos original presentations, in order to justify Destroying Earls Court, how did you getbthrvplanners to accept a new cultural centre exactly, were they planning to refuse it to allow a couple of more flats instead, and it hardly makes up for the loss of Earl's Court, what is the the actual cultural centre that is going to attract 750,000 customers back to the area? It is good news that the Earl's Court Business Group is working hard to attract businesses, but surely you and Cllr. Wade are on the same side and should be working together.
ReplyDelete1.06 = Spalding himself?
ReplyDeleteDoes the Dame have a photo of this dreadful Spalding creature?
ReplyDeleteHe needs to be added to the Hornet website alongside the odious Cllr Palmer
DeleteI vote Labour and object to the lies about Cllr Wade too
ReplyDeleteI'm conservative voter but after all the iceburg basements, Marlborough School, Odeon, Earls Court Conservative councillors bending over backwards for foreign & offshore non residents is the last straw.
DeleteI will not vote for conservatives will vote independent or Lib Dem.