The Dame hopes their Royal Highnesses will understand her policy of editorial integrity and not withdraw the bbq invitation.
My Dearest Dame
I realise that you would love nothing better that to be invited to 'Cocktails' with Will and Kate.
I suppose you won't publish this for fear of becoming a social outcast.... we all know what a fearful old snob you are.
The Royal Household at Kensington Palace (the second home of William, who has just given up his job to spend more time with the children) and other minor Royals has just told the Royal Borough that they intend to rent out Perks Field for a 12 day food and drink event for 15,000 paying persons per day, to include dancing, drinking and live music from 11.00am to 23.00 hrs.
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Seven days a week! The rent to be charged for the field is secret. But the going rate for renting out the Reform Club for one month for private hire is £1.5 million so we can only guess what William will be trousering!
Tax payer funded Kensington Palace is in the midst of Kensington Gdns and home to a clutch of Royal free loaders. Perks Field (the big field alongside Kensington Gdns) is a tranquil oasis and an extension of the park, but it is off-limits to the riff raff due security considerations and its use as a helipad for the Royal flight.
Now this public asset is to be turned into a profit generating enterprise with no financial benefit to the park or the public and with a huge downside of noise and nuisance, and general desecration of what is supposed to be a peaceful sanctuary for stressed Londoners.
William and family seem to be flexing their muscles.
The large field on the other side of Kensington Palace that borders Kensington Palace Gardens, is currently being planted with gigantic hedges (at gigantic cost) to shield these precious people from public view.
The new Royals seem to forget that they are publicly funded public property and need to sing for their supper.
Chairman Amanda Frame of the Kensington Society and Chairman Sue Price of the Friends of Kensington Gdns have long campaigned against the abuse of our parks by noisy commercial interests (concerts and the like).
Only the police and the Noise and Nuisance Department of the Royal Borough are allowed to object. Incredibly, the public and residents are not allowed to comment.
Leader Paget-Brown, a man of common sense, needs to ensure that his Officers deliver a swift veto.
Respectfully, dear Dame
Lord Protector Ol*****r Cromwell
This is one for the book. Even the Borough's leading snob, the Dame herself, is moved to anger.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering down Palace Green the other day, a jaunt that I have taken for many years, and noticed the lorries and workers installing the big hedges inside Palace Green. It is a shame that this pleasant open space is being caged in and gives a rather oppressive feel to an area that was once a delight and a public forecourt to Kensington Palace
ReplyDeleteI love the comment that the Royals are "publicly funded public property". They need to be reminded of this.
DeleteThe Dame has made perfectly clear to her high level Palace contacts that should her invitation to the Prince's 'Celebrity Royal BBQ' be withdrawn then all hell will break loose. The Dame is not for snubbing.
ReplyDeleteCan someone help me on this....
ReplyDeleteI think, though not sure, that Queen Caroline thought of enclosing Hyde Park for her own use. She asked one of her councillors what the Park might cost. He answered, " A crown, ma'am". Heed that Willie!
Disgraced ex Cllr Phelps is off message. He once said that he was only friendly with disgraced ex Cllr Cockle because he was expecting a tea invitation to the House of Lords. Surely this an opportunity for the disgraced ex Councillor to do some arse licking?
DeleteOff with their heads
DeleteFor many years the public grant to our parks has been cut back and the parks have resorted to putting on pop concerts and fun fairs which rather defeats the object of a park - a scarce resource in a city center ruined by noise and overcrowding and causing havoc for nearby residents.
ReplyDeleteMore recently Kensington Palace has been hiring out Perks Field for up market private functions. But now they want to do the full Monty with a mass noise event for 15,000 people from the paying public. 24/7 until after midnight by the time the drunks and staff are cleared away.
In addition to destroying the lives of local residents these freeloader minor Royals have the cheek to use public assets, paid for by taxpayers, for private profit.
Pass the sick bag
Hands off our Royals Wasp. Its the Royal Borough. We are privileged.
DeleteIr is not 'their' Borough... How many Ken Palace freeloaders pay Council tax, for example? The Borough BELONGS to its residents, as a whole....
DeleteHere is the link for the event
The Hornet is sunk to new lows. Envy and bittar lefty talk
ReplyDeleteIt seems none of the petty royals learnt anything from the example of HM The Queen. A little like the children of Mrs Thatcher...wastrels
DeleteCllr Palmer stirring at 18.57?
DeleteJust because the Hornet posts a view that is not yours - you deem it 'Leftie ' . Well you( anonymous 20.44 )are bordering on Nazi.
Delete"The public and residents are not allowed to object". This is democracy, Royal Borough style.
ReplyDeleteThis would not have taken place when I was a boy
ReplyDeletePerks Field! A perk for Will........
ReplyDeleteYou could not make it up
No comment from EDC!!!!! Like all good Labour, she hates the Royals
ReplyDeleteShe does not hate the Royals
DeleteEDC is all things to all people. She hates the Royals when she talks to her socialist chums and loves the Royals when she talks to others. She is a typical opportunist. Perhaps that's why her socialist mates gave her the order of the boot. She loves serving the community.
DeleteAnonymous - what an idiot . EDC is not a hater of her maj and i can assure you many of us who are Labour and have fought for our country do not share your views . The view represented by anonymous 23.02 is that of an introverted twit .
DeleteIt is customary for park events (like pop concerts) to make a substantial contribution to the park funds. This is usually part of the rental agreement for the land. A small compensation for residents and users. And there should be stringent conditions re clean up costs and restoration of damaged land, grass, foliage etc
ReplyDeleteThe parks are too crowded. We have Winter Wonderland - and many Concerts in the adjacent Hyde park . This is just a money spinner . Our city is polluted enough and our parks are the only respite for us. No, No, No .
DeleteMy work is done!
ReplyDelete23.02, I neither love nor hate the Royals as individuals, I don't know them.
It is what they stand for, and what we pay for, that I find objectionable, 'the monarchy'.
Three cheers for EDC
DeleteHow political Emma is but what she is saying is not original. It is a bit like saying I like gays but hate homosexuality.
DeleteI would certainly hope so! EDC is a hot blooded heterosexual..........
Delete11.38. You are missing the point. it is irrelevant whether EDC is straight or not. 10.25 is saying she is a master of political posturing by saying that she neither likes or dislikes the Royals but finds the monarchy objectionable. I am sure that she would give a very deep curtsy if she ever met any of them. Even the Socialist Corbyn is reported to have kissed the Queen's ring.
DeleteSorry to spoil your day Anonymous 13.30, I have met the Queen and I didn't curtsy, I looked her in the eye and nodded, which was a sign of respect and not subservience.
DeleteWhat a very ignorant comment about what people 'are' and what they believe. I have very dear friends who are Conservatives, even a Liberal (yes!). I don't like their politics but I do like them.
Are you saying I shouldn't like people because of their beliefs? Slippery slope comrade.
As for 'Supporter', wahey, a week to go before Valentine's Day. Cards, chocs and flowers please c/o Labour Group Office, Town Hall. And do sign them this year.
Brings a tear to my eye
DeleteYour loony left credentials are impeccable, Emma. Willie Hamilton would be proud of you. So you showed respect to Her Majesty, because she is another human being, by looking her in the eye. I don't understand why you would put yourself in a position of meeting the monarch when you have said that you find "what they stand for, and what we pay for, objectionable; the monarchy."
DeleteThank you 03.28, and I'm so sorry this issue is keeping you awake.
DeleteAs to why I (a card-carrying Republican) met the Queen it was because my father was receiving an honour for his professional work. He was offered a knighthood but refused it, saying 'I don't want people to think I inherited a title' (see?), but he accepted a CBE (my mother was furious). We children drew straws as to who was to accompany my parents, and I went.
How bizarre that this story of Windsor financial abuse has focussed on me. I had no idea I was so fascinating.
Back to work comrades!
I have heard some excuses in my time from card carrying Republicans and Socialists who have agreed to be presented to Her Majesty The Queen but "drawing the short straw" is one that I have never heard before.
DeleteI agree 'drawing the short straw' may not be enough to excuse me accompanying my terminally ill father to receive an honour from Mrs W, but it is the truth.
DeleteIt was in 1974. The seeds of rebellion had been sown.
Emma, You refer to the Queen as "Mrs W." I am surprised you did not call her "Ms W."
DeleteWill Emma Dent Coad go down as one of the Greats of the Labour Movement?
DeleteIs she in the same league of women as Bessie Braddock (Battling Bess,) Peggy Herbison (the only woman who Margaret Thatcher was ever afraid of) or Barbara Castle (the red headed firebrand)
No, she's not
DeleteDENT COAD does not think like a Socialist. She, like all middle class lefties, thinks she knows what is good for people and is arrogant enough to expect those very same people to agree with her.
DeleteShe is patronising and very superior too.
DeleteThis is a very enlightening blog on many levels. One rule for the privileged and another for the public. Abuse of position and no redress. Awful. Just awful.
ReplyDelete... although residents are not allowed to comment on this application (because they are subjects not citizens perhaps?) can the Dame advise whether there would be any point in readers sending in their comments (to the Councillors who sit on the Licensing Committee?) to those at the Council who will be deciding on this application? The Dame really does deserve an honour for her public service to the RBK&C residents.