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The Letter
Luckily The SS Hornet is equipped with the very latest ship to shore telecoms so the Dame was not surprised to see Phelps, our disgraced ex mayor, gliding towards her Stateroom bearing an important looking telex. The Dame thought Phelps cut a fine figure of a man wearing his sharply creased white tunic and neatly trimmed naval style beard....
But it was the content of the telex which caught her attention.... what could all this be about. It seems that the recipient of the letter is being given some forthright advice about not being critical of the Council. Surely, the Dame thought ....that was none of Miss Sama's business. The Dame advises the recipient to send all the detailed information she has to nice Mr Minogue of Private Eye. I am sure his Rotten Borough column will be give it a good old splash!
Dame, please keep Phelpsie away from the cabin boys....you know how he likes images of them.....
ReplyDeleteThe crew of SS Hornet are well briefed about the preferences of disgraced ex Cllr Phelps. He is unlikely to find comfort there
DeleteThis letter looks monstrous but it is very difficult to read, especially for the older bloggers
ReplyDeleteDame, please show in bigger print
Hope this helps
ReplyDeleteThank you Dame. The letter from Vimal Sama, Senior Solicitor at the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea to a resident of the Borough is reptilian.
DeleteCllr Paget-Brown and his Cabinet, and also Officers, need to understand that it is results, fairness and transparency that matter to residents. Without these things there will be protest.
The Cockell regime used the tactic of ridicule to silent protest. Dr James Thomson (Sloane Square Action Group) was labelled "demented". Margret Thomson was "mental". David White (Campden Hill Residents Association) was labelled "unsound" when he dared to question the plans for Holland Park School. Justin Downes (rumoured to be associated with the Hornet) was dismissed as a "disaffected Conservative". And all capped off by the magnificent comment of Cllr Mary Weale that "we agreed to listen but not to hear".
And the most damning dismissal of all. "They are Labour supporters".
The Paget-Brown administration is using a different, but equally unacceptable, approach. "We have picked up a mess and it will take time to sort things out. Rome was not built in a day" his acolytes chortle. What balls. It takes no more than a second to cancel the spending of council tax on UFOs landing in Ladbroke Grove. And a nano second to implement the decision. And now the iron fist emerges in the shape of solicitors letters. Nick, you belittle yourself and your Leadership
It wont work, guys and girls.
Well done, Dame.Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
ReplyDelete"Might is right" seems to be the motto for this most Rotten Borough and the Council should not be going about bullying and threatening those exposing the truth.
The Tories seem to have a weakness for trying to frighten residents of K&C. When the protests first started about the £90 million Holland Park School refurbishment, a prospective parent who dared to hand out an election leaflet received a threatening solicitors letter from the Conservative Agent, Fragrant Fraser-Howells, threatening all manner of things. Prat Howells also threatened the son of a celebrity family with a visit from the police if he continued to campaign against the school at the local election.
DeleteThe police hate the Tories. Hate them with a passion. Fraser Howells and Paget-Brown better not waste time trying to rope them into their Nazi style behaviour
DeleteWho do these idiots think they are? Its 2013 for heavens sake. This is not the way to run a democracy
DeleteWe know the Dame's game. She will use her influence with Private Eye to get a big piece and then reproduce it knowing that TBK&C will have to attack Private Eye first....crafty old thing!!!
ReplyDeleteCllr Moylan is briefing friends that Cllr Paget-Brown is out of his depth
DeleteDisgraceful!! A little honesty from a group that refuses to kowtow to the mighty KALC/RBKC. Seems in this Borough you can only have freedom of speech if you are a wealthy Tory, or a well respected and cherished Dame.
ReplyDeleteThis is the world of Moylan. Solicitors letters threatening residents. He and his sort were roundly dismissed at the Leadership election.
ReplyDeleteWake up Paget-Brown.
Bring it on Paget-Brown. Bully your residents at your peril.
ReplyDeleteNick, you need to steady the ship. We should have a private word
ReplyDeleteMy advice to Cllr Paget-Brown is to invite the Grenfell Group blogger around to the Town Hall for a chat. Ask him or her what the problem is and how it should be solved. Usually clears the air. Solicitors letters is old school. Never works - just drives protest underground and this is usually even more difficult to handle.
ReplyDeleteLong live the Grenfell Action Group:
This is a very worrying website. Relations between residents and the Council have obviously broken down in a very serious manner. A complete failure of the consultation process - not surprising if the examples of Sloane Square and Holland Park School are anything to go by. ie a high handed approach in which the Council used the consultation process to "announce decisions" rather than to consult.
DeleteHard work, patience and skill now required to build bridges and create confidence. The shock troops need to be the Ward Councillors. The Leader should take a personal interest and give his Ward councillors leadership and support. And he should personally insist that the middle ground has to be found.
Democracy is hard work and skilled work. Not for playboys and puffed up ego trippers. Are our councillors up to it? What about all that councillor training that Cllr Palmer's company did for Hornton Street?
DeleteYour loyal supporters in Peterborough send fraternal greetings and wish to inform the Dame that a suitable response has been penned by the downtrodden workers and is now with your detractors along with some useful legal authorities and links. The response you were looking for is we suggest contained in Arkell V Pressdram
An individual spent years researching a long standing and very serious issue affecting every K & C resident and those of several other London boroughs. It is inconceivable that the situation arose without criminal involvement. The citizen laboured under the illusion that, once they comprehended the gravity of the matter, RBKC councillors would take action to protect residents. Residents met district auditors. The Mayor of London was informed. All responses were dismissive. A prominent local MP advised the citizen to take the matter to his/her solicitor or the police.
ReplyDeleteThe Council's sole response was to divert a large sum of residents' funds into hushing up the story. The issue remains extant. Behind the blank facade of Hornton St, no doubt many similar tales lurk.
Sad stuffgiventodau