Councillors in coming to a decision should have this in the forefront of their minds......
You will soon be looking for a highly qualified Chief Executive. Any Chief Executive from another council, worth his salt, will have extreme nervousness working under Feilding-Mellen-someone quite untried and tested and Daniel Moylan-a man with a reputation for needlessly bullying officers and being very difficult to work with.
The fate of the Royal Borough is now in hands of councillors....they have to make the right choice.....



ReplyDeletehe looks like a boiled egg
ReplyDeleteMoylan - the face behind Darth Vader
DeleteAnd Danny Boys looks indescribable...quite the debauchee!
ReplyDeleteOMG - it has got to be Nick, or else we are all doomed.
ReplyDeletelooks like Moylan is outmaneuvering the others - again
Interesting but surprising line up. The dim Tims may not be so dim after all. Playing the long game and waiting for the next election. Which could be soon.
ReplyDeletePaget-Brown has it in the bag. Overwhelming negative vote to eliminate Moylan and Fielding-Mellen. But a grey man with grey policies and grey appeal. Holland Park Opera guaranteed a lease of life and fudge, fudge, fudge everywhere else. How sad for K&C that we have missed the chance for a break with the past and a new start for a common sense future. (Mills or Borwick).
ReplyDeleteFor the next three weeks Paget-Brown will wield great power. Promising Cabinet posts and Committee Chairmanships to the doubters and swing voters. The lowest common denominator. All part of the Cockell heritage. Pooter has much to answer for
DeleteYou cynical twat
DeleteSo - Rocky is really having a "crack" at it!
ReplyDeleteWhat has crack to do with rock
DeleteNothing like an election to weed out the men of straw. Tim C and Tim A obviously did not have the stomach for a fight. And they are both terrified of the Dame's scrutiny. So they are slinking off to the back benches to nurse their pride. Gives Moylan, Mellen and Brown a free hand to ignore them for higher office. Two busted flushes
ReplyDeleteYou are wrong. The two Tims are already full of regrets and self loathing. But they are chickens (not your sort Paddy)
DeleteWash out your mouth...
DeleteFor the record, disgraced ex Cllr Phelps loathes Cllr Moylan
ReplyDeleteCllr Holt was in fine form and full of Leadership gossip at the Kensington Society dinner this week. One wonders who the octogenarian supports?
ReplyDeleteA very strange proposer seconder combo for Moylan makes him the outsider.... He wins and a large number of activists will stop working... I hope Cllr Weatherhead is getting her hiking boots out to deliver all the In Touches that will pile up in the Association Office undelivered....