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But that is no great surprise......his base is in Scotland:that, with his substantial portfolio of lucrative non exec directorships, plus his media work, leaves him little time for the tedium of constituent contact. Malc tells us... "I am honoured to represent the people of Kensington, and I am keen to provide assistance to those who require it. I am especially eager to hear from those who reside in North Kensington, who since the 2010 General Election I represent for the first time."
The problem is residents in the north of the Borough he says 'he is eager to hear from' find it difficult get a meet with Malc.
Why? Well, Malc holds his surgeries in the Commons!
He probably knows the hike will deter all but the most determined bothering him!
Rifkind's family fled Lithuania-in impoverished circumstances-to escape religious persecution.With such a background it is frankly astonishing he seems to have little sympathy for those needing his help.
If he can't be bothered doing the job properly he should move aside for someone who can.
Now go to Greg's site to see the vast amounts of work he does for his constituents Busy Hands
Rifkind.... you should hang your head in shame if you can only report these two bits of boring non constituency news!
Speaker's Lecture:On the 24th of April I delivered a Speaker's lecture, reflecting on my time as Foreign Secretary, and the office itself. Text of the speech will be available here after the event...
Iran Panel, March 8thThe Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) hosted a discussion panel on Iran on the 8th of March. I took part as one of the panellists alongside Peter Jenkins, former UK representative to the IAEA, and Shashank Joshi, RUSI Associate Fellow. Video of the event is available here:
another bias pro labour comment - no surprise as this blog is run by such people
ReplyDeleteSo far as I know, Hornet contributors are fed up Tories who have been Party members for ever and ever. The same people who made off to the backwoods and stopped voting when John Major was around. They came back to the fold when Major was dumped.
DeleteYou really are a prat, 10.02. Both MPs are Conservatives. One is a very good MP and the other is a very bad MP. What on earth does this blog have to do with Labour bias????
DeleteYou are Cllr Palmer. How do I know? Simplicity itself... you must have meant 'biased'-not bias. What other clues are there?
DeleteWell, as has been pointed out it can hardly be 'pro Labour bias' when the Dame has fulsomely praised Mr Hands. You need to start absorbing information or you will forever be excluded from Pooter's inner circle
It is a long running scandal that Kensington continues to support this freeloader as its MP. There are many who would give their eye teeth to serve in this constituency which is so close to Westminster. Many who already live here and know the local issues.
ReplyDeleteThe Tory Party has lost touch with the common people. Chief Whips abusing police and calling them plebs, the Chancellor cheating in First Class with his Second Class rail ticket, and Rifkind using his Parliamentary seat to support his non Executive Directorships (he is the highest paid non Exec in Parliament) and his Radio 4 appearances.
Cllr Marshall, Cllr Read, Cllr Fielding-Mellen, Cllr Fraser and Cllr Palmer would all love to be MP for Kensington.
ReplyDeleteThe salary and expense package might even interest Cllr Sir Merrick Cockell
Fraser????? Have you taken leave of your senses?
DeleteAnyone who has an interest in local politics should read the personal web sites of Greg Hands MP and Malcolm Rifkind MP. The most urgent requirement is for Rifkind to read the Hands site. He might learn a thing or three about what he should be doing to justify his Parliamentary seat.
ReplyDeleteAs usual, the Dame is on the ball. Long live the Dame
ReplyDeleteGreg's downsides are that he comes across as the mouthpiece of H&F council (if I wanted to listen to Greenhalgh or his successor I'd listen to them, no need for the local MP to foist their views on us as well) and his weekly email updates still have a very heavy H&F-bias two years after he became the MP for a large part of the south of the Royal Borough.
ReplyDeleteBut the Dame is right. We had Rifkind before and he's an improvement on that!
Rifkind is the worst MP that we have had in K&C for 60 years. No shortage of people who are qualified to replace him and people with a genuine interest in representative democracy. Out with the pest!
ReplyDeleteWhether it is at the 2015 Election or a by-election after May 2016-Malc will be replaced by Boris-none of those Councillors will get a look in.
ReplyDeleteOH it's so good to see democracy at work, shouldn't residents decide who THEY want to represent them?
ReplyDeleteCllr Elizabeth Campbell wishes it to be known that she would be honoured to represent the residents of Kensington as their Member of Parliament if the opportunity arose. She also considers that Sir Malcolm Rifkind is an admirable MP and a splendid person
ReplyDeleteObviously a very confused woman
DeleteCllr Campbell fancies herself as Mrs Thatcher. Puffed up hair and Bible quotes in the Council Chamber. She still needs the handbag and the voice and then her fantasy will be complete
DeleteProvincial trash female
DeleteThinking about it Palmer is the only one of the whole lot who knows how to win a seat, and keep it. The rest are just lazy.
ReplyDeleteThe only time I seem my local representative is when there is an election.
Obviously a mad woman....quite useless...but then that is possibly a qualification
ReplyDeleteA few years ago, a serious issue affecting every K & C resident, was brought to Rifkind's attention. On House of Commons paper, he advised his correspondent to take the matter to a solicitor or the police. The problem still costs residents millions of pounds a year.
ReplyDeleteAs for his interest in North Kensington, he apparently ventured there during the last General Election campaign. It's rumoured that cabbages were thrown in his general direction. Doubtless a coincidence.
09.12, Palmer again, as he's the only one who ever has a good word for himself and poor grammar to match.
ReplyDeletePerhaps he should go back to playing the 'bubble game' on his Blackberry, as he does throughout Council meetings. Bursting bubbles; there must be a metaphor there ...
Given his two recent failures - the ridiculous farce of the 2,000+ signatures to stop Sainsbury taking over the North Pole pub (when it was actually Tesco, so the petition was worthless) - and his recent attempted amendment to a Labour Motion that was ruled out of order ... not to mention the countless times the Mayor had to intervene during his 'speech' (rant) - Palmer has nothing to crow about.
At the Council meeting last week Cllr Palmer spent the whole meeting checking share price graphs on his computer.We all know that many Councillors are indolent and only in the game for attendance money. But the idiots should be wary that at Council meetings the public have a birds eye view of what the reptiles are up to. Be warned
DeleteAt the same meeting, the Inspector's neighbour, Cllr Marshall, seemed to take a close interest in the equity research of his fellow councillor
Yes 13.26, and then there is the quite scandalous and disgusting comment he made when Cllr Atkinson quoted the Jesuit 'give me the child until the age of 7 and I will show you the man'.
ReplyDeleteThe Public Gallery was shocked, and one member of the public is considering making a formal complaint. The only thing stopping them is that they believe he'll get away with it, which says a lot about public confidence.
Palmer is beyond contempt. He should be deselected. A disgrace to himself, the Conservative Party, and fellow Councillors
DeleteThe real problem is that no one is leading the council. Pooter is too busy with the LGA and now spends a large part of the council meetings shut up in his 'penthouse' at the Town Hall.
ReplyDeleteThe Council is rudderless. Cllr Cockell did not say a single thing at the Council meeting last week and left after ten minutes. This is not the example that Leaders are supposed to give. But campaigning is underway to replace him. Cllr Warwick was hugely vocal and drawing attention to himself. Heckling Labour speakers like they were going out of business and demolishing the unfortunate Cllr Mingay who was preoccupied with "Austria". Hopeless Mayor Buckmaster found it impossible to control the Warwick. Cllr Ahern adopted a different tack. He kept dribbling out information about his prowess. For example "I have fixed the superfast broadband problem and approved all but 3 of the 190 cabinets requested by BT"
DeleteSo the Leadership race is on at last. Cllr Coleridge was strangely quiet.
Cllr. Warwick's behaviour was strange in the extreme. Whilst "demolishing" (eh?) Cllr. Mingay he appeared to be suffering from a cross between a stroke and a sudden bout of Tourette syndrome. It turned out to be his sense of humour. Oh how those in the public gallery laughed!
DeleteThank God for Cllr. Ahern!
DeleteThose of us in SW10 are looking forward to our superfast broadband and will be ever so grateful to his sterling efforts when it finally arrives.
One thing: can he please get BT to update their website? It still says we're not included in the planned rollout ...
Would bloggers please stick to the point. This blog is supposed to be about the useless Malcolm Rifkind MP and the urgent need to have him moved on. Chairman Mathew Carrington needs to have a quiet word in his ear because K&C does not need another messy Nick Scott de selection
ReplyDeleteignore 17.26 we can say what we like
DeleteThe comparison is ludicrous. Nick Scott was the son of a policeman. Sir Malcolm is a Peer of The Realm
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePalmer...even more ludicrous is your ignorant assertion that Rifkind is a 'peer of the Realm'. If he were he would be 'Lord Neverthere'. However, he is just a common or garden knight...like the awful Pooter.
ReplyDeleteLord Rifkind of Neverthere
ReplyDeleteI love it........
Friend of Sir Merrick Neverwillbe
DeleteMathew Carrington still needs to have a word with Rifkind
ReplyDeleteThis is actually the kind of information I have been trying to find. Thank you for writing this information. Outdoor Gadgets