send the Dame your information, discretion assured.
Comments are welcome but do not necessarily reflect the view of the Dame.
Offensive/inappropriate comments will be deleted and the poster banned.
The Dame had one of her famous salons the other evening and a gossipy, bitchy time was had by all.
The Dame was told that leader in waiting, Cllr Julie Mills, called that sinister looking friend of developers, Cllr Paul Warrick, into her penthouse office and told him he was terminated.
A sobbing Warrick begged for mercy saying ex members of the Bar should stick together... Julie was having none of it.
It seems Julie has been submitting self-lauding comments to the Hornet using an alias! This is not on....
The Dame's dear friend, Lady Brompton-Grylls, said she spotted about to be ex cllr Tim 'Paddy'Ahern having a chinwag with the late and unlamented Pooter Cockell. What could they be discussing?
And, finally, what's all this about Rocky Feilding Mellen working for young Ritblat?
Someone mentioned Paul Warwick would not be standing again next year, which is great, hopefully they will all follow suit.
ReplyDeleteHas Paul had a few useful trepanning sessions from Rock's Mum? Vacant extremely dim expression on his boat makes me suspect...hmmmm?
DeleteFortunately the Director of Public Prosecutions has said that she will prosecute individuals who may be identified to have been personally responsible for not listening to advance warnings about the Grenfell Tower fire. So maybe young Rock's career with Ritblat will be short-lived.
ReplyDeleteFascinating background revelations from The Thunderer. Does Rock keep that silver spoon lodged tight up his rectum? Always seems to have a pained supercilious look on his tortured aristocratic visage that makes me suspect..hmmm?
DeleteJust the usual sense of entitlement type.
DeleteCockle and Ahern have been friends for years. Difficult to understand what they see in each other. Delighted to hear that Warrick has walked the plank. What a load of old rip off he has been.
ReplyDeleteThey always say that you know a person by their friends. It is entirely understandable and appropriate that disgraced ex Cllr Fielding-Mellen ends up in the same nest as the rodent Ritblat. No doubt Mellen will try to work his contacts in Hornton Street and find new avenues for even bigger brown envelopes. This is a well trodden path (remember disgraced ex Cllr Keith Cunningham and his "basement advice" consultancy?) but the Dame has put her spotlight on the nasty piece of work. Mellen would be well advised to take off for the distant country and keep a low profile. It can only be a mater of time before he is in jail and mum can plan for her weekly visits.
Cunningham was charging a "success fee" of £10k to get planning approval for basements. I wonder how "cracking" will configure his fee for future Odeons and Newcombe's in the Royal Borough
ex Labour Leader Cllr Cunningham always had an eye to the main chance. He cosied up to the rodent Cockell and got himself a whopping "allowance" as Leader of the Opposition. His fellow Labour Councillors were sensible enough to get shot of him. Just like they got rid of Dent-Coad.
DeleteHasn't Rock hitched up his fave red corduroys and flashed the old school tie and been given safe harbour by Richard Branson and is currently holed up (AKA residing sumptuously) on Necker in the modest 3,600 square foot Fleeing Hippy Aristocrat Suite with nary a thought for the expendable view-spoiling 71. Well that's what a man with a double-barrelled name and a pack of spaniels told me in The Pig and Whistle.
Delete@03:04 As a paying guest? Or having an informal meeting with Branson? They could have done it in the borough since they both resides in RBKC.
DeleteThats Funny i saw him at Hornton Street the other day !
DeleteAre Cockell and Ahern an item ?
DeleteBranson just sued the NHS as he never won a particular contract with Virgin Health - privatization of the NHS by the back door . This chap lives in Necker Island - probably avoiding a lot of tax - he then sues the NHS - Not a Patriot.
DeleteThe behavior of people such as Richie is damaging to us as a society .
Brilliant news about Warrick. Hornton Street becoming a rodent free zone.
ReplyDeleteSome pathetic person is briefing against Cllr Julie Mills. The Dame needs to be more discerning about her sources.
ReplyDeleteOur Queen Bee is old enough to recognise a grumpy old man when he telephones to take a dump - she needs to put the receiver down!
The Dame has been past it for a very lomg time
Deleteshe is a silly old bag
DeleteHands off The Dame!
DeleteThank you 21:21
DeleteThe Dame is the picture of elegance and still, in 94th year, as a pin.
more like a spinning top
DeleteThe Dame was sozzled @20.33. She thanks "21:21" but is so squiffy that she could not make out it was 20:21 giving her a bung.
DeleteGame, set and match. The old dear is past it.
@10:01 Hands off the Dame! she is 94 and may need need new glasses.
Delete@17:13 - "need need"
Deletea stammer or a tremor?
@17:13 Thank you for coming back to check replies to your post - lets support The Dame she does a damn good job! Where would we be without her?
DeleteThank you, dear.
DeletePlease send your personal details and a 'stiffie' to Dame's next Yuletide salon will wing its way. Please bring your 'better half'
Why has dizzy lizzy not been deselected? She is the biggest liability the Tories ever self inflicted after Pooter Cockel
ReplyDeleteIf she's made to step down, who will be worthy to take her place???
DeleteCllr Pascall wants the job. Cllr Moylan is still prowling. Cllr Mills is a wild card. Cllr Taylor-Smith fancies himself.
DeleteThen there is the luny crowd, Weale and Faulks, who love to spout. And Cllr Lindsay who stood against Lizzy.
Many contenders
Weale lost her job in the city - is related to landed gentry - she listens but doesn't hear - why should she ? Doesn't care , doesn't listen . Incompetent dilettante.
DeleteWarwick is leaving just like all the others. All the pirates jumping ship as the ghost ship sails towards the enquiry. Shiver me timbers me hearties!
ReplyDeleteIf they don't go to jail - funds are available for Civil proceedings. The right thing needs to be done . How come these Councillors are still walking around freely ?
DeleteLBC reporting 17 Kensington Chelsea Conservative councillors are resigning or being deselected
We want names!
This is a great scoop for LBC. Hugely important to change the the face and appearance of the Kensington and Chelsea Tories - the polls say so, the Evening Standard says so, Grenfell survivors say so, and Ruth Davidson says so.
Delete17 decapitations out of 46 sitting Tory Councillors is a good start and a triumph for Chairman Cllr Julie Mills who has been fighting the turkeys every inch of the way. This brilliant ex Mayor and long serving public servant has been turned on by a short sighted rump of the old guard in Hornton Street who are furiously briefing against her. But maybe, just maybe, she will pull it off and the Tories will scrape through with a tiny majority in May 2018. Whichever way it goes, the current strength of 47 Tory Councillors is going to be reduced to around 30 or less after residents speak in the ballot box.
I have seen the list and the great shame is that the useless Elizabeth Campbell is not on it.
Ostrich land of Tories. When the residents spoke at the General Election we kicked out the Tory MP in Kensington. 12k majority went up in smoke. The writing was already on the wall. And then Grenfell happened. Tories dead and buried. Chairman Mills noticed what was going on. Has been trying to build a recovery plan. But turkeys do love Christmas. It is very funny.
DeleteThat was pre-Grenfell residents fed up with mega basements, properties being knocked and general dereliction of duties of officers and councillors.
Delete2018 local election will be interesting
ICM have found that 63% of K&C residents polled would be at least fairly likely to vote for a new party:
DeleteThats not true .
DeleteDe-selected: Feilding-Mellen, Lightfoot, Warrick, Condon-Simmonds, Ahern, Coates, Campion, B. Campbell, Allison, Aouane, Collinson
ReplyDeleteStanding down: Coleridge, Paget-Brown, Rinker, Nicholls, Mackover
Also a couple more whose names I cannot recollect. This leaves behind some of those whose fingers were clearly on the Grenfell tragedy, e.g. Marshall, who refused to listen to residents when he ran the housing scrutiny committee. Perhaps he should also be politely invited to spend more time with his family?
Marshall has no family.
DeleteIt is a pity that Cllr Mackover is standing down. This is a loss to residents. Maybe he will join one of the other parties and stand again. This would be good for the Borough.
DeleteCllr Marshall has a polo pony, a Ferrari and a scooter. And a revolving job.
DeleteAouane was not deselected she was leaving anyway before all the fracas of this year. Claimed it was too much work.
DeleteUnder hers and Spalding's watch Earls Court has become a ghost town during the day and night.
They have not helped residents with dust in their homes, cars and streets from Keltbray and their unwavering support for capco who have destroyed residents' lives, homes and devasated an entire area for private profit offshore in Jersey.
Spalding would be better standing down .
DeleteChristmas is coming. Turkey Lizzy needs to be stuffed, roasted and served up.
ReplyDeletePass the sick bag, Dame
DeleteNASTY @09:50 behave!
DeleteI'd rather be a vegetarian if that's the case.
DeleteIt is dreadful that Cllr Palmer and Cllr Faulks are still in play. How long will it take Hornton Street to rumble these two? Residents are in no doubt - but residents are the last to be considered.
ReplyDeleteCllr Faulks was re selected to represent Campden Ward. A tiny turn out of paid up Tories, the "in crowd" of walking dead, and friends of Dizzy Lizzy, to wreak their havoc. Residents will continue to suffer.
DeleteIs the excellent Robert Freeman restanding in Campden?
DeleteSorry, forgot - Robert Freeman is the other one who was de-selected by Mrs Mills. No idea why, he does not deserve it.
ReplyDeleteThe good news is that I have not de-selected Cllr Freeman.
DeleteHe is a man of high intelligence, dignity and probity and these are attributes that have always been in the shortest supply in the Rotting Borough. We all look forward to having Cllr Freeman around for many years.
I wish people would call me to fact check rather than putting out false news
She is right about Freeman. The best leader of RBK&C they never had.
DeleteAnd why? Because the dreadful Cockell was deeply envious of Freeman's integrity and intelligence.
If any good has come out of the Grenfell tragedy it's this. The Masonic like shenanigans that typified the Council over the years is now history.
The Freeman Suite at the Town Hall should be re-badged the Robert Freeman Suite and all trace of the crooked Nicholas Freeman consigned to the dustbin of history.
Cllr Freeman is 85 years old
DeleteNot a fan of Freeman but if the Dame says he's a good egg then I would back her to the hilt.
DeleteThe Grenfell suite .
DeleteGood God - Campion was so inept , he didn't even have the strength to put his hand up to vote .
DeleteCllr Catherine Faulks told Radio 4's Today programme that [successful] press attempts to report on a council meeting by obtaining a High Court order as 'a very clever stunt'. Cllr Matthew Palmer told the Town Hall security staff not to let Grenfell Tower survivors into the July Council meeting. How come these two councillors have escaped Mrs Mills’s axe? They are both of them an utter disgrace. Yet Catherine Faulks is even a member of the new Cabinet.
ReplyDeleteOff with their heads!
DeleteJust to remind you all about Candy Crush and stock trading during the Council meeting as well. Disgraceful.
DeleteAnd the public toilets !
DeleteSo come on, Still Cllr Julie Mills and get rid of Palmer and Faulks a.s.a.p.
ReplyDeleteOne name I've not heard mentioned among the retirements is Elizabeth Rutherford which appears a bit surprising given her age.
ReplyDeleteDear,dear Elizabeth. Deeply infatuated with Tim Coleridge. She fell hook line and sinker for his smooth Estonian ways.
ReplyDeleteKnown young Coleridge for years but never realised he was Estonian. Doesn’t even speak the language. Quite extraordinary.
DeleteOh dear - take out the "s" from Estonian......
DeleteVenerable Elizabeth has a crush on Cllr Putin Coleridge
DeleteIs Cllr Coleridge related to sad badger, does anyone else see the similarities in appearance?
DeleteDefinitely time for a cull
DeleteFrom the privilege of Eton to the privilege of RBKC, its a no brainer - take, take and more take
DeleteSurely Kim Taylor-Smith must go, he does not appear to have the brain power, stamina, or vocal ability to preside over the most basic of proceedings. We must not accommodate any more property developers in office "retired" or otherwise. A lack of sartorial standards gives the impression being a fop and this is the last thing we need.
ReplyDeleteHe looks like a knackered Afghan Hound.
DeleteThe TIMES is doing an article tomorrow on RBKC Councillor selection.
ReplyDeleteCompulsory reading..........
DeleteHe's a property developer .
DeleteBriefing continues from the old guard against breath of fresh air, Cllr Mills. It brings back memories of private use of the Bentley by disgraced ex Leader Cllr Cockell and his all expenses paid weekends (on the Council Tax) at top hotels in New York, San Francisco and Boston. Outraged residents were branded "unsound", "vindictive", "mental", and "bearing grudges".
ReplyDeleteCllr Mills is mad. As a Hatter.
DeleteThe Times reports today that some of the old fruits on the Tory back benches have complained to Conservative Central Office that they got the boot. They (and the other Tory fruits in Hornton Street) should count their lucky stars that they are not Labour moderates on the receiving end of Momentum. Now that would be something to complain about.
ReplyDeleteOne of the chief wailers is distracted Cllr M Condom-Simmonds. It defies imagination to understand how she even survived as a Councillor for so long.
@Whip It Out, She's probably a member of The Eastern Star. That's why.
DeleteSome of the major rot is still hanging in there. Due to be disgraced Cllr Lizzy Campbell, Cllr The Lady Faulks, Cllr The Hon Weale (cousin of soon to be toast Cllr Fielding-Mellen), Cllr Palmer.
ReplyDeleteMaking changes to "dug in" organisations like Kensington and Chelsea Conservatives is hugely difficult. Mills has done well and will get no thanks from her colleagues. But she may just manage to keep the Tories in power.
ReplyDeleteI don't think so . Vote for us - we murdered 71 people and got away with it . A real vote winner that one .
Delete@13:14 are you able to cut and paste the article in The Times please?
ReplyDeleteCllr M Condon-Simmonds must be in a different world, too awful for words.
Read the article here
Tory councillors claiming they are scapegoats for losing Kensington seat to EDC. They are the reason that Conservatives lost the seat. Their's and Borwick's complacency lost the seat.
DeleteCondom-Simmonds is a miserable carpet bagger who has milked Worlds End for years. Mostly under the radar and getting away with it. A low level person with low level style.
DeleteNow we have a repeat of the situation but on a grander scale. Cllr Elizabeth Campbell is a huge scale carpet bagger, operating in the headlights (full beam) and waving two fingers at everyone.
@22:33 is totally correct, how on earth has Condom-Simmonds got away with it for so long. She is one of the rudest people I have ever heard, having had the misfortune of overhearing the way she berated members at the 2016 AGM, which was shocking and appalling to witness, whilst operating under the auspices of RBKC.
DeleteConservative Councillors became bloated and fat , realizing they would get voted in - even if they did no work . When Grenfell came along they didn't have a clue what to do as the majority of them had done nothing to help people for years. Merely squandering money on large vanity projects - Holland Park Opera and the dangerous exhibition road . Rats are leaving a sinking ship - i just hope there is some justice and lengthy prison sentences are handed out and not in some cushy open prison .Hang your heads in shame the lot of you.
Delete@19:31 Thank you, most appreciated.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis is what we had to say about Moylan and Mills yesterday:
Plus Daniel Moylan was either falling asleep or playing with his phone at yesterday evening's Grenfell Scrutiny Committee Meeting - which does indeed show where his priorities lie. Maybe he was just "exhausted" after yet another arduous champagne lunch with Peter Bingle?
Stop worrying about Moylan. He is history. Cllr Elizabeth Campbell is the poison that needs to be snuffed out.
DeleteThere is only so much that brave Cllr Mills can take on. For the moment, Dizzy is too big to tackle.
Delete@THINK - love your blog. Did someone take a photo of Moylan while he was sleeping/playing with his phone?
DeleteMoylan is always playing with himself.
DeleteThanks- here is the post with pictures of Moylan asleep:
As I said - Moylan is history.
DeleteNot until he's booted out the door.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Delete"In 1980 he spent some time learning Afrikaans as preparation for a posting to HM Embassy in South Africa as Third Secretary in Chancery. While there, he worked principally on the independence process for South-West Africa (now Namibia), travelling extensively in the country."
DeleteThis does not prove anything but the connection to S.Africa is correct,
I must do some questioning with my Namibian friends and see if old Danny Boy was frequenting the nurseries over there . I hear he's a keen gardener .
DeleteCould someone list all blog online addresses related to RBKC please?
DeleteThanks very much.
@13:56 As a satan claus in a grotto?
DeleteTWO blogs in Kensington!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHornet and THINK....
Is there enough room, I ask myself?
In fact there are four!!!! Grenfell Action Group and Bruno's blog. They all give different flavours.
DeleteDame. This is not good. Time for you to make some acquisitions.
DeleteWe don't like MERGER!
DeleteEconomies of scale. Like the Tri Borough
DeleteDon't like Tri Borough either!!
DeleteWe all have different roles and there can never be enough local blogs.
DeleteThe Dame thinks she needs a re-design but hey, she's an old fashioned thing
Today, over 1300 read about the Dame's classy salon
DeleteDon't mess with perfection - The Dame Rules the Rotten Borough!
DeleteWait till we get going on Quentin Marshall
ReplyDeleteMarshall is secretive. Lots to hide.
DeleteThen we must dig. ;)
DeleteSomebody will spill the beans.
Moylan probably has a file on him .
We are looking for people who want to make a strong positive difference to people and communities through direct action here in North Kensington. Work for the Grenfell Team at RBKC.
Your experience and expertise is important; but your attitude and outlook is more important.
Do you care deeply about others? Are you adaptable? Then work for us.
After the Grenfell fire tragedy we have hundreds of things still to do and hundreds of families still to help.
There is no greater public service challenge in London than:
Responding to the immediate, practical and intense needs of hundreds of families
Finding the right homes for families as quickly as we can.
Helping people find their own personal recovery pathways to a positive future and most importantly ensuring the repair of the frayed fabric of trust between the Council and its communities.
We are looking for people with expertise in housing; practising support work with people and families experiencing grief and trauma and community outreach work.
If you work with the Grenfell Team each and every month of work experience will be equivalent to a year’s experience doing “normal” work elsewhere in London.
If you think you’ve got what it takes, accelerate your personal and professional development by working in the Grenfell Team.
What are our values?
We respect everyone and their humanity, dignity and differences
We work to bring positive outcomes to people and communities
We believe in people and communities over institutions and policies
We are personally accountable for helping others
Barry Quirk, Chief Executive – CBE BSc PhD FRGS FRSA CiPFA (Hon)
What a load of tosh.
DeleteSo Quirk.
The guy is a ponce.
How embarrassing..sounds like it was written by some junior PR lackey
DeleteIf that was true how come 250 kids are in hotels in RBKC -
DeleteIf this is the best Eaton can churn out they need to look at themselves . David Cameron Eton - worst Prime Minister in the History of Britain. Coleridge 'out of touch flunky ' . He didn't realize you are actually supposed to represent the people in the Borough -not Foreign Property Investors . Eton your having a laugh .How many more of the current Conservative admin went to Eton or Harrow ?
DeleteIsn't it about time that we awakened to the fact that Eatonians can't look at themselves? They give you flowery words with no substance to back it up. How many times do you have to fall for this? Blaming, complaining phase is over. WE need to be responsible for not taking the right action to knock out the disgraced! The sooner we realise our power the quicker we can have our borough in order.
We are coming !
DeleteOld Etonians were historically considered to be the ruling elite. the point!
ReplyDeleteCllr Elizabeth Campbell is out of her depth. There is no leadership in the Royal Borough. The sooner she goes the better.
DeleteIt is entirely appropriated that her colleagues refer to her as "Dizzy Lizzy"
The No 1 responsibility of the Chairman of the Kensington and Chelsea Tories is to engineer the removal of Elizabeth Campbell
DeleteWould prefer her over Moylan .
DeleteIt says much about Cons if they only have Dizzy Lizzy as their best in position i.e. we are doomed.
ReplyDeleteTransformation Manaager
Borough Royal Borough of Kensington and ChelseaJ ob category LegalContract type PermanentVFTE Full TimeSalary £44,200 - £59,800 per annum Grade HAYVLocation Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Address Kensington Town Hall, Hornton Street, LONDON, W8 7NX
Closing Date 08/12/2017 Ref No 3524 Documents
Job Profile - Transformation Manager.docx (Word, 128.04kb)
Full job description
Transformation Manager – - £44,200 - £59,800
Our Shared Legal Service provides a comprehensive legal service, both directly and through a panel of private practice solicitors and barristers, to meet the needs for legal advice and representation by our client departments.
We have an exciting opportunity and are looking to recruit a dynamic, energetic and engaging Transformation Manager. Working directly with the Senior Management Team, the successful candidate will contribute to the development of and lead on delivering the service’s transformation programme.
The ideal candidate will be highly experienced in managing transformation projects and change in a public sector legal environment. You will also be experienced in all aspects of stakeholder management including service heads and directors.
Specific areas that the successful candidate will be responsible for are:
To lead the service’s transformation programme.
To develop and deliver a programme of related projects designed to enable the service to digitise its information, communicate and collaborate better over a variety of locations and to continually improve Legal Services to its clients.
To be a member of the Legal Management Team and to undertake such tasks in relation to the management of the service as may be required.
Supporting the Director of Law producing strategies, plans and communications.
The successful candidate will be primarily based at Kensington Town Hall and will be employed by the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea.
Please see the job profile and person specification for details of the role. If you are interested in this role, please submit your CV by no later than 12 noon on Friday, 8th December 2017. Interviews will be held in the week beginning Monday, 11th December 2017 at Kensington Town Hall, Hornton Street, W8 7NX.
For further details about the skills and experience required, please contact Richard Cutbush, Business Manager on 020 7641 4120 or
ReplyDeleteSo all in all, they employ those that cannot calculate in Finance dept and managers with art diploma.
DeleteGod help us....
You know, I feel like applying for this job even though I don't have a degree or any experience. Plenty of enthusiasm to improve residents' lives. At least I'll listen to you!
Delete@10:55 you must apply, why not?
DeleteCos my name is Rock Fielding Mellon
Delete@15:31 You are lying cos 'I' made that comment @10:55.
DeleteAnyway, Fielding-Mellen can't be bothered to read a blog like Hornets cos it won't make him richer. Get it?
ReplyDeleteSenior Project Manager
Borough Royal Borough of Kensington and ChelseaJob category Planning & Development Contract type Permanent FTE Full TimeSalary £41,600 - £56,200 Grade HAY Location Royal Borough of Kensington and ChelseaAddress Kensington Town Hall, Hornton Street, LONDON, W8 7NX Closing Date 07/01/2018 Ref No 3492 Documents
Senior PM RBKC advert and values.docx (Word, 16.35kb)
Senior Project Manager job description and person spec -ALS 28 10 16.docx (Word, 45.22kb)
Full job description
The RBKC Corporate Property, Capital Projects team is looking to recruit a Senior Project Manager to take lead responsibility for the successful project management and delivery of a number of high value, complex named capital projects within the Council’s Capital Programme, delivering on time and within budget, and representing value for money; liaising with the technical lead on the planned maintenance programme ensuring sustainable long term solutions.
The successful individual will ensure effective co-ordination and prioritisation of the efficient delivery of the Council’s Property Strategic objectives.
They will support and assist the Capital Programme Manager in developing an efficient and effective capital works supply chain to deliver Value for Money, quality of service and overall operate efficiently.
They will act as the intelligent client in the delivery of building projects (via consultants) ensuring best practice construction project management (including associated procurement and contract management) and both successful and efficient delivery leading to good customer satisfaction.
Please review the full scope of services for more details.
Apply Now
Why was Councillor Dent Code outside the Town Hall last night demonstrating with the Revolutionary Communist Party and not inside supporting her Labour colleagues?
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately the extremist neo - liberal Conservative ideaology at RBKC has led to this . Burning people to death in their homes whilst sitting on piles of cash is inhuman . Extremism will always get a counter reaction . Time for grown up politics in RBKC , and it is coming in May.
DeleteAnd we know the last person to burn people to death in large numbers - we won that one in '45 . No place for right wing extremists in RBKC . They should all step down - the are all guilty by association .Churchill would have sent 'em to the tower. Traitors the lot of them .
DeleteAnd where was Rock Fielding Mellon and Nick Paget Brown ?
DeleteSpotted Nick Paget Brown and Paul Warwick ambling along Fulham Road last night around 22:30. Suited and booted and carrying paperwork, meetings as usual?
DeleteI would imagine exercising her democratic right - you seem to forget this is supposed to be a democracy .Where was Victoria Borwick - sawing off an elephant tusk somewhere no doubt ' allegedly '.
ReplyDeleteElectors kicked out Mrs Borwick. Why is she expected at the Town Hall to represent? Who?
DeleteMorality .
DeleteShe is rumoured to be in Japan opening a Kyoto Garden to match the one in Holland Park - Mr Badger do you know about this?
ReplyDeleteDon't be so f****g stupid. Borwick was a bloody good and hard working cllr.
Deletez6t18c7g93 i6t47l3k02 n4a46g6r70 m9r69h4d87 y8j99g4d18 t0p36h5y55