Please see attached letter received from Chair Fay Edwards BEM dated 31 October 2017.
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Fay Edwards BEM was absent through illness from the KCTMO AGM on the evening of 17 October, how strange then that she should write in her first sentence:
Having consulted with our AGM chair IMMEDIATELY after the meeting.....
A phone call?
A Skype call?
A face to face meeting?
Who knows, just going through the motions KCTMO style! Is anyone watching?
Mrs Edwards's absence from the AGM was "diplomatic". The Vice Chair was present but also felt unable to take the Chair. This was taken instead by the robotic Cllr Condon-Simmons, whose membership of the TMO Board had actually lapsed the previous month.
ReplyDeleteKCTMO is void
DeleteWho is the Vice Chair? Who are the other Board members?
DeleteFey. Reg Kerr-Bell’s lap dog.
ReplyDeleteFay is friendly with Black I hear.
DeleteYou should not criticise Fay. Fay is but a puppet. The Chair of the TMO has to be an elected resident board member, not a councillor or an appointed board member. None of the bright ones would touch this job with a bargepole (are there any bright ones left)? So the organisation is a “tenant-led-by-the-nose” organisation that does what the CEO says it should do. And the new CEO, Elaine Elkington, sacked from her last job at Birmingham, is leading it down an even more bizarre path where they now believe the TMO has done no wrong. The vote to defer the AGM for at least 21 days is, in the view of the TMO, a licence for it to carry on regardless. Nothing will happen for 21 days or even the next six months now.
ReplyDeleteHow do you know that this Elaine thing now believes that the TMO has done no wrong. We need the evidence so we can get her sacked.
DeleteYeah, we don't want her. She has a bad record like Morbic. I believe she's involved with regeneration.
DeleteAccording to dearkitty1
"There are at least 214 “regeneration” schemes underway in London that will result in a net loss of 7,326 social rented homes."
Has anyone noticed KCTMO Repairs Direct's new logo? They dropped TMO logo from it. Was the extra expediture for designing a new logo, sticking it on the vans etc necessary?
ReplyDeleteWhy do they keep on wasting money when it is not called for while essential works are systematically skipped?
How can Fey's letter claim that the TMO wants to provide service continuity to Tenants?
ReplyDeleteThe TMO has never provided "service" to tenants.
The TMO Management have presided over a catastrophe and no longer have the confidence of anyone. The current CEO is espousing the myth that the TMO has done nothing wrong hoping that she can save the place and carve out a niche for her self-serving self.
I wonder what will happen to Repairs Direct if the TMO folds? Repairs Direct is a subsidiary company of the TMO. Are Repairs Direct looking to ditch their association with the TMO by removing the TMO logo from the livery on their vans? Looking to hide? Are they looking to find a contract to work elsewhere? Trouble is, Repairs Direct is run by the same management as the full-blown TMO.
ReplyDeleteLet's put it this way, TMO Repairs Direct was not set up for commercial purpose like any other commercial building contractors out there. They were set up to 'serve' KCTMO council tenants. Now I am wondering, did they distance themselves from KCTMO so that they are going to serve other organisations elsewhere? I know they have started to allow leaseholders to use their service in the recent months. Question is, does RD receive any funding from RBKC or TMO? If so, how would that justify serving other organisations possibly out of the borough? If they go down this road, they will be classified as a commercial building contractor yet still receives funding from our Council... Always muddy the water where nobody knows where the money is coming from or what contractual agreement exist. TMO released MMA, now this. It is never ending. It's like if we manage to close one door, they are onto open another door behind our backs!!
Delete@11:25 Another thing we need to think about is something more bigger. Your first question is still valid but what happens if RBKC folds and merge with other neighbouring borough? We have put KCTMO on hold for now but they are cooking up something nastier in the background. I know this is pure speculation but I wouldn't be at all surprised if they pull out a joker card.
Delete17.42. We have never got to the bottom of the TMO's Grand Union Homes jiggery pokery. Perhaps, we can look forward to those involved in that being investigated.
DeleteRawlings, Perry and Lee were the ones who were involved in Grand Union Homes
Delete22.51. I have always thought that Grand Union Homes was corrupt. The police could start by arresting Rawlings.
DeleteHas Dame dug a hole into the case of Grand Union Homes before in her blog? You never know what skeltons we might find in the closet.
DeleteWho is managing the Lancaster West Estate? Did the residents have any say in that?
ReplyDeleteRepairs Direct do not provide paperwork for their repairs, several service charge irregularities and duplications are found in their charges. Check your service charges and request documentation (within 6 month time limit).
ReplyDelete11.49 Nothing changes: service charge accounting has never been satisfactory at the TMO.
DeleteI lived under the incompetent TMO for many years and scrutinised final certified service charge accounts like a hawk. In a period of some nineteen years, over fifty percent of my final service charge bills were inaccurate; resulting in me being overcharged considerable sums of money.
How did the TMO manage to employ so many different officers, under Kingsford, Perry, Evans and Black, to work on final service charge bills and do them so incompetently?
Why did Robert Black fail to address all of the criticisms of Service Charge accounting set out in Maria Memoli's report. Some nine years after the publication of the Memoli report service charge accounting is as bad as it was all those years ago.
@14:35 It is clear, when they applied for the accounting position, they had to say they are not very good at calculation (pre-requisite!). This is inline with the existing KCTMO HR policy, what with RB having an art diploma and no other housing related qualification.
DeleteRobert Black did not even study any housing related qualifications during his professional life, DESPITE moving up the ladder within the property management world to the role of CEO KCTMO.
ReplyDeleteIt therefore seems likely he had no memberships with any professional regulatory bodies within the industry.
Was he just too lazy?
He didn't like his staff to study for professional qualifications either. Keep them stupid.
DeleteThe CEO of Repairs Direct, Graham Webb, who was reasonably competent, has now left. The first CEO, Andy Marshall, who was really good and knew what he was doing, was ousted by the TMP Executive Team.
ReplyDeleteSo competent people get pushed out eh? Marvellous.
Delete@ 09.39 I have seen many good capable, promising, people start work at the TMO (I know it seems hard to believe) and I have seen them leave within a fortnight to a month. Only the vocationally useless stay working in the place. People hang on to their jobs at the TMO by "corporate bullying" that is, by tittle tattling about tenants who refuse to roll over and go away.
DeleteI have been persecuted by the creeps at the TMO who are highly manipulative at taking you in who have then gone running telling tales. I used to deliberately set one woman up and then waited to see how long it would take for the sh't to the fan.
Why are these people still there?
Fey Edwards BEM has the power, under the TMO Constitution, to discipline Black and sack him. If he wants to go to an Employment Tribunal, the public gallery would be packed.
@05:57 Fey would never shop Black because they are chummy for whatever the reasons. My guessing is probably money, perks, protection.
ReplyDelete23.22. Put the flags out for the departure of Yvonne Birch.
DeleteWho does she think she is, "leaving to spend more time with her grandchildren."
Did she jump or was he pushed?
Look forward to hearing Black, Maddison and Jevans are out of there too.
@23:22 Don't worry, if she disappears to another country, she will still have dirt and stench on her which cannot be scrubbed off. How naive of her to think she can get away from it all, bitch cannot hide, darkness will descend on her.
DeleteAnd let me extend it to Black, Maddison, Jevans, Piggy, Rocky. You will probably end up going mental.
Stayed long enough to work her 3 months' notice.
DeleteBirch was detested when she did TMO Resident Involvement. She proved herself to Black who set up 'a show them who is boss Resident Involvement strategy." She did so well that she got promoted in to Lornette Pemberton's job where she continued proving herself to be as hard as a firebrick.
ReplyDeleteI don't think anyone can go to prison for Corporate Manslaughter. It is only punishable by a fine for the Company that is convicted. Why did she take so long to make up her mind and go. There are a lot of people in the TMO who deserve to be on a slop bucket courtesy of HM Prison Service.
DeleteI am sorry. Negligence is a Tort. A crime is something different.
DeleteAnother thing that doesn't sit well with me is this... While Dizzy said that RBKC is buying 300 properties before Christmas, 400 by the end of 2018, Grenfell survivors are offered flats of neighbouring housing association. Now, why is this? I bet you, immigrants who barely speaks English are offered a Council properties (this is not an argument about immigrants...bear with me...) but long term residents who can speak for themselves, who fought for their rights are offered properties elsewhere. This to me is clearly RBKC/TMO strategy to disperse the strong resistance. Once the survivors are sold to various HA, there are less people who will voice against the Council. Clever huh?
ReplyDeleteA little birdie told me that Councillor Judith Blakeman has been suspended from the TMO Board. Does anyone know if this is true and what's it all about?
ReplyDeleteShe's the only decent person who has ever been on the TMO
How dare they.
DeleteShe has been sacked from the Board because she gave a statement to the police and has spoken out about all the problems that the TMO knew about at Grenfell Tower but ignored.
Delete13.48: I am deeply shocked and saddened to hear that Councillor Judith Blakeman has been sacked from the TMO Board. She was right to speak out and tell the truth. It is no good hiding behind "collective responsibility" when more than eighty people have died in the most horrific circumstances. Whilst I have not always agreed with Judith about the TMO, I know that she is a very moral and highly principled woman. I would suggest that other TMO Board Members would do well to emulate Judith's qualities instead of sanctioning her with the sack.
DeleteCouncillor Blakeman, a whistleblower, protected under the Whistleblowing Protection Act?
DeleteThe Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (c.23) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that protects whistleblowers from detrimental treatment by their employer. Influenced by various financial scandals and accidents, along with the report of the Committee on Standards in Public Life, the bill was introduced to Parliament by Richard Shepherd and given government support, on the condition that it become an amendment to the Employment Rights Act 1996. After receiving the Royal Assent on 2 July 1998, the Act came into force on 2 July 1999. It protects employees who make disclosures of certain types of information, including evidence of illegal activity or damage to the environment, from retribution from their employers, such as dismissal or being passed over for promotion. In cases where such retribution takes place the employee may bring a case before an employment tribunal, which can award compensation.
DeleteJudith Blakeman was not an employee of the TMO. She was a Non- Executive Director and, therefore, not covered by the ambit of the legislation that you cite.
If the TMO Board can get rid of Blakeman, why can't its Chairman institute disciplinary procedures against Black. The TMO Constitution gives her this power.
DeleteThe Interim Chief Executive is responsible for disciplining all other TMO workers and she must now consider the future of Jevans and Maddison and bring forward disciplinary charges. Councillor Sam Mackover will be able to inform the Interim Chief Executive of the bullying that Grenfell Tower people endured courtesy of Jevans and Maddison.
@21:38 That's because they make it up as they go along.
Delete@21.54 How right you are. The TMO has always made it up as they go along. They make policy, and change the rules, on the hoof.
DeleteSome of the Grenfell people bullied by Maddison and Jevans died before they could have their say.
Delete@00:10 I hope the deceased will haunt them. Since loosing their physical body, they now have a free access to the criminals home.
DeleteI wanna know why Maddison and Jevans are still working at the TMO. It is a pity that Victoria Borwick is not our MP. She would not have allowed Maddison and Jevans to continue working at the TMO after the death of over 8O people. She would like any self respecting Tory would have demanded the ultimate price- their heads. Emma Dent Coad MP needs to shape up. Does someone else have to die at the hands of the TMO before anyone at the TMO pays the price.
Delete(Sacked on Friday) A Welsh cabinet minister Carl Sargeant has been found dead. He was giving evidence re: sprinklers loophole
Whether he killed himself or suicided....we may never find out.
Because Black, supported by Jevans and others, actually runs the TMO. He is taking a very well paid early retirement deal. And the new Interim Chief Executive thinks he and the TMO are wonderful anyway.
ReplyDeleteEven after killing so many tenants... well that makes sense. It's truly psychopathic.
DeleteBlack, Jevans, Maddison and Matthews, out out out.
DeleteBarbara Matthews has a lot to answer for she is a disgrace to her profession
DeleteMeanwhile, those living under KTCMTO Management are ignored and no work is done. KCTMO staff seem to think everyone knows they are in limbo and rubbish so why do anything or try at this point, they are just waiting it out. This should not be allowed.
ReplyDeleteStop complaining which changes nothing! I suggest you start taking action for yourself by taking them to court to get work done. KCTMO is a limited company after all. Of course you would had to get all of your record to show you've done your best to get them to repair but if still nothing and they are giving you the usual run around, get the money via court and DIY.
DeleteYou can claim up to £10K worth of compensation from the small claims court. No need for a lawyer if you have your story set straight. Because solicitors can't be bothered to deal with cases which are under £10K, they made it easy for you to proceed.
09:13 Unfortunately it is not as easy at that (sadly) - only certain contractors can work on Local Authority buildings and they have to be nominated and selected under Section 20 notice under a Framework Agreement. Thats the tie.
ReplyDelete@20:06 TMO is breach of tenancy agreement by not repairing. If they are not going to safeguard your home, who will? Yourself. You can do your own repair by paying out of your pocket. Some people had to replace their door simply because TMO didn't provide fire door or neglected doing other repairs. It shouldn't have to be but it's true.
DeleteTMO makes rules up as they go along regardless of policy and agreement. So can we. It goes both ways. You will not survive if you listen to what the authority tells you to do. On the night of Grenfell is a good example.
Delete@20:06 Each KCTMO managed building requires different repairs. There are both leaseholders and tenants in occupation and all have leases, again these are different depending on ownership or tenancy. The Ombudsman would need to decide. Leaseholders are responsible for their own internal work and KCTMO for the collective major works to buildings.
DeleteBlack, Jevans and Maddison have been complicit in blacklisting and bullying tenants. They have presided over a disaster with more than eighty people dead.
ReplyDeleteWhy are they still employed? Emma Dent Coad MP was quick to mouth off about the appointment of Moore Bick, why hasn't she put her mouth in to gear about getting rid of this trio. Why is she allowing tenants to suffer?
@07:29 Less questions, more demands. A barrister does not ask questions but states the case.
ReplyDelete08.07 I'm sorry a barrister does ask questions to elucidate evidence to make the case. I should know I am a member of the bar.
ReplyDelete08:07 Please don't be sorry, you are PERFECT, just the person we are looking for, would you like to volunteer your time and experience to help KCTMO tenants and leaseholders?
ReplyDeleteAfter the Grenfell Tower Fire, the Prime Minister said the TMO was not fit for purpose. As it is a matter of undisputed fact that the TMO is not fit for purpose, it follows that TMO managers are not fit for purpose so why are they still working at the TMO.
ReplyDelete07:30 Exactly. KCTMO are still in existence managing RBKC properties, how can that be?
ReplyDelete18.38 The proposal to bring about winding up of the TMO was postponed to protect the legal interests of Grenfell Tower survivors. Fair enough.
ReplyDeleteBUT it is not good enough that those managers whose performance has been shown to be consistently wanting are still in post. If they can bring in a replacement for Black they can bring in replacements for Maddison and Jevans whose bullying of tenants is well known. The Grenfell Survivors have complaints about this double act.
If they had a shred of decency they would resign. TMO people should march on the TMO to express a lack of confidence in them. If Tory, Labour and Lib-Dem Councillors were any good a protest march would not be necessary.
DeleteMaddison seems to have gone, at least, there is an interim director in his place. So the TMO are going to blame the lower orders, like Maddison and Wray, rather than those where the buck really stops - Jevans and Black.
ReplyDelete@ 22.40
ReplyDeleteIf Maddison has gone, we can put the flags out and hold a memorial dinner. He was a nasty, bullying, piece of work and it was when he had been there a while that that all the bullying got stepped up. He tried to bully me but did not succeed. I don't think you should describe Maddison as a "lower order." As an executive officer he had the same status as Jevans. She was no higher than Maddison and he was no lower than her.
Is Wray still there? Her idea of fire safety was a joke. Now, she was one of the TMO's lower orders and I think she does have to go.
Please tell the Gracious, Virtuous and Noble Lady, The Dame, who has been shafted at the TMO.
DeleteI hope that Maddison is not being paid to help Black to assist Sir Martin Moore-Bick.
DeleteI've heard that the Birch is out. Don't know about Maddison
Who is out at the KCTMO?
DeleteMaddison was a disgrace, incompetent to a t and completely out of his depth, where do they find these useless people?
DeleteFay said in her letter above that she would publish some answers to the AGM questions the following week. No answers yet.
ReplyDeleteKCTMO website as of today - No Board Meetings published for 2017
ReplyDeleteWho are the 15 Board Members that run the KCTMO in 2017?
KCTMO Board Meeting Minutes
Adobe PDF Board Meeting - 24 November 2016 (2.61 MB)
Adobe PDF Board Pack - 29 September 2016 (1.54 MB)
Adobe PDF Board Meeting - 20 July 2016 (2.68 MB)
Adobe PDF Board Meeting - 26 May 2016 (1.46 MB)
Adobe PDF Board Meeting - 4 January 2016 (373 K)
Adobe PDF Board Meeting - 31 March 2016 (2.78 MB)
Adobe PDF Board Meeting - 26 November 2015 (1.39 MB)
Adobe PDF Board Meeting - 10 Sept 2015 (1.66 MB)
Adobe PDF Board Meeting - 23 July 2015 (1.15 MB)
Adobe PDF Board Meeting - 21 May 2015 (3.09 MB)
Adobe PDF Board Meeting - 26 March 2015 (964 K)
Adobe PDF Board Meeting - 5 January 2015 (2.08 MB)
Adobe PDF Board Meeting - 20 November 2014 (3.53 MB)
Adobe PDF Board Meeting - 11 September 2014 (3.12 MB)
Adobe PDF Board Meeting - 22 May 2014 (2.82 MB)
Adobe PDF Board Meeting - 27 March 2014 (3.62 MB)
Adobe PDF Board Meeting - 7 January 2014 (4.03 MB)
The following 2016/17 Board meetings will take place on the following dates:
Thursday 24 November 2016 - No minutes available online
Tuesday 10 January 2017 - No minutes available online
Thursday 30 March 2017 - no minutes available online
Thursday 25 May 2017 - No minutes available online
Thursday 20 July 2017 - No minutes available online
Thursday 28 September 2017 - No minutes available online
Thursday 30 November 2017
New Kensington and Chelsea TMO boss promises radical shake-up
THE NEW chief executive of a housing body, racked by infighting and rebellion, has vowed to wipe the slate clean at Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation(TMO).
13:59, 1 JUN 2009UPDATED12:25, 1 OCT 2013
Chief executive of Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation Robert Black
THE NEW chief executive of a housing body, racked by infighting and rebellion, has vowed to wipe the slate clean at Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation(TMO).
In an exclusive interview with the Kensington and Chelsea News, Robert Black, incoming chief of the TMO, set out his agenda for the future of the troubled housing group – which controls the majority of council homes in the Royal Borough.
In the past two years, the organisation has been shook to its core after residents forced two Extraordinary General Meetings in a bid to reshape its management and improve performance.
Last month, former chief executive Helen Evans resigned early due to 'serious disquiet' within the elected board.
Mr Black, who helped manage 45,000 homes across Surrey and Kent, hopes that his appointment three weeks ago will mark a new era for the group.
Within the next six months he aims to:
* Sweep away the past and focus on improving repairs, not internal politics.
* Stamp out division to create 'cohesion' within the board.
* Work with the council, so that it trusts the TMO as a professional organisation able to run housing stock smoothly.
* Change residents perception of the TMO and get younger people involved.
Speaking in his office in St Charles House, high above bustling Kensington High Street, he said: "We need to rebuild that trust with people who are angry with us.
"I've got to get people to move on. We got to be honest and show people we are doing it. The onus is on the board to find some common ground.
"We have to try and focus on what we are here to do – deliver great services. Issues around repairs are fundamental in changing people's perception of the TMO."
The 49-year-old big wig added that the company can no longer rely on its much-touted 2006 three star audit status as proof of performance.
He also intends to reinvigorate his 190 staff members, who have been at the front line of, sometimes tumultuous, residential disquiet.
But Mr Black, who says he has a 'common sense' approach, has some tough challenges ahead.
Future funding for the TMO has been cut by the Government, leaving it with a multi-million pound gap to plug.
The council is also considering its options on how to deal with stock – which includes the World's End Estate in King's Road, and Trellick Tower in Golborne Road, North Kensington.
Mr Black said: "I don't have all the answers at the moment. In the short term we have to make repairs to be seen to better, in the future we have to work with the council for a longer term strategy.
"But tenant-led organisations can work. What we have to do is reach out to our membership and get more young people and more co
I appreciate this is many years later. I was always too scared to say anything to the TMO about Fay Edwards. 12 years ago my only family member died and Fay was the person that came to our TMO property to interrogate me. I say interrogate because she was incredibly and shockingly cruel and cold, I was quite young but gobsmacked by how she acted, it was appalling. She kept looking me up and down, told me I was aware I wouldn't be remaining in the flat, refused to believe I lived there (I had since I was 10) when I offered lots of proof that I had, she said "Well if you live here why weren't the utility bills in your name!?" they had unsurprisingly been in my dead mother's name, and all my bills, like mobile etc were in mine. I had just lost my only family and was utterly lost and alone, Fay repeatedly asked "What exactly is your connection to the person who died?" I repeatedly answered although she was very well aware, as I was on my mother's tenancy as her daughter and she had been shown a death certificate. I don't think they could possibly have had any training, because she acted in the most disgusting way, a completely unhuman way. I wanted to die after I had dealt with Fay and thought I was going to be homeless with nowhere to turn. I had to fight the TMO at the time. One of the first experiences of my life, you'd think support would have been offered, but the opposite.
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