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Thursday 1 June 2017


The Dame has been ticked off by Emma Dent Coad over Ludo's artwork. Emma tells the Dame it's False News.
And we all recognize that Emma did disparage the idea of the Lib Dem's unqualified Mansion Tax.
The big concern is this. 
If John McDonnell has his way he will see asset rich/cash poor residents as a useful source of tax.
This is what one national newspaper had to say about the situation. LINK

Never forget the idea of an unqualified Mansion Tax was thought up by the ludicrous old Lib DemmerSir Vincent Cable.

Hello Hornets Nest

My husband and I have worked all our lives to afford to buy a small house in the Borough.
We have always paid our taxes and now see that the sort of Mansion Tax proposed by Liberal Democrat Mr. Cable in the Coalition Government has now been supported by Mr Corbyn.

We have been sent this and are now terrified we will have to sell our home which we hoped to end our days in.
My husband and I want to know whether Mrs Mullin and Mrs Dent Coad approve of this confiscation of our home?
I was sent this and it's made us terrified.
Please keep supporting those of us who have no power.
Best wishes
Name withheld


  1. BRING BACK Boris. He is a winner.

    1. Yes and can you ask him to bring the 350 Million for the NHS .

  2. Angry Resident1 June 2017 at 19:55

    Evening Standard today reports that Corbyn has pulled ahead of May. We are all screwed.

    1. You have just played into the ES hands by believing their bollocks

  3. This is a hoax, please ignore. Who is it printed and published by? (In the small print at the bottom of the leaflet)

  4. Anyone thinking of voting Lib Dem or Labour here in Kensington should be aware that either will hit you hard with a massive property tax. You won't even be able to sell up as the price of your property will plummet.
    Only masochists vote for Lib Dem or Labour

  5. If the Dame is publishing false news during an election she lays herself open to prosecution.

  6. The Dame seems to now be working for the Tories. so much for impartiality!

  7. How dare you question the Dame's partiality! If a reader decides she/he has a concern then the Dame will publish it. The Dame suggests you report the Sun and the Daily Telegraph. Now, be off with you! Enough of your insolence.

  8. I haven't seen this mentioned in their manifestos this time, but it was definitely in the 2015 labour and Lib Dem manifestos that any properties valued over 2 million would be hit by a huge tax rise. This is scared particularly when property prices were rising so quickly that even modest flats were beginning to reach this level and would effect many residents who have lived in their properties for many years who may be asset rich but cash poor and would have to sell up. I do think though that even conservative K &C should bring in a yearly tax to be paid by anyone who has built swimming pools and iceberg basements in the last 10 years,

  9. Is the Dame so hard up that she is obliged to take employment as Lady Borwick's PR?

    1. How dare you suggest that the Dame has fallen on hard times. Yes, she does enjoy poking around charity shops for the odd garment or two but don't we all?
      00:28 if you paid proper attention you would know that the Dame has always praised Victoria Borwick for devotion to duty. The same applies to Emma Dent Coad: both hard workers.

  10. You are not doing EDC any good by publishing this fake news. I ask again - whose name is on it under the printed and published by imprint at the bottom? If there isn't one then this is an illegal election leaflet and should be sent to the police. If there is one, I bet it says Liberal Democrats.

    1. And you really want to do EDC any good?

  11. If you are so exercised why don't you send it to the police?

    1. Come on, Dear Dame - you have got the leaflet (I haven't). What does the imprint say? Or is there no imprint?

  12. Oh dearthe spin is in... bad show, Dame. I thought you knew better than to regurgitate smears, especially ones that clearly break electoral law. Here's EDC on The Daily Politics in November 2014 explicitly criticising Ed Milliband's mansion tax proposal. I doubt her position has shifted significantly since then. Probably hardened if anything.


    If the link doesn't work copy and paste "Cllr Emma Dent Coad on Daily Politics discussing Mansion Tax, 3.11.14" into Youtube to get to the clip. Your point about swimming pools and "iceberg basements" (whatever they are) is exactly the point she stridently makes to presenter Jo Coburn.

  13. Anyone interested in the facts about this not proposed Land Value Tax, should read this article, published by Full Fact, the independent fact-checking charity, on 31 May: https://fullfact.org/economy/labours-land-value-tax-will-you-have-sell-your-garden/

  14. Public Guardian2 June 2017 at 12:29

    Car Crash. Car Crash.

    Tighten seat belts.

    We are all fucked

    1. If the Tories get back in we certainly will be.

    2. The Dame will not tolerate 'toilet talk' on her family blog

  15. Speaking of imprints, PC Mullin’s leaflet came through my post today. The imprint states that it comes from “Stadium Road, SW10 0PT”. Sadly, there is no Stadium Road in SW10. Perhaps they mean Stadium Street, which is there – but perhaps this makes this an illegal election leaflet? I think we should be told.

  16. I think the Dame is too ashamed of having been fooled by false news to tell us what the imprint - or the lack of one - tells us about this false leaflet.

    1. Again: it is NOT a leaflet.

  17. Kensington Tory2 June 2017 at 17:20

    This has become the great Tory election cock up of all time. Hang your head in disgrace, Mrs May.

  18. First of all the dame is impartial -end of. Secondly that leaflet is absolute tosh.

    1. It is not a leaflet: it's a piece of creative art from Ludo

  19. No mention of The Conservative Dementia Tax then .

  20. The Dame says....." there is no imprint and why should there be?"
    It was cleverly assembled by the Dame's errant nephew, Ludo.
    Now, let's move on.

    1. Member of the Kensington Society2 June 2017 at 19:18

      Producing leaflets such as this at election time is illegal. Ludo, and her accomplice (The Dame) are open to prosecution.

      Perverting the course of democracy. Lock them up and make an example of the cockroaches

    2. Ludo has already served time for various horrible crimes so is well used to being a guest at Her Majesty's Pleasure.

  21. Game, set and match. The Dame at 18.21 has incriminated herself. The Old Dear is past it - only the leniency of a Judge can save her from a spell in prison.

    1. The Dame dares any old fool wearing a silly wig to take her on.
      She is aboard the SS Hornet steaming around Capri and has no intention of spending a moment in Ford Open Prison.

  22. Apparently this is buried in page 86 of the Labour Manifesto according to emails from the conservatives I haven't read the manifesto so it needs to be fact checked. The Lib Dems support it. Both Labour and the Lib Dems learnt from 2015 not to make any big announcements about it, but still to have it as one of their intended policies if they get into power.

  23. Cash-Poor Older Person5 June 2017 at 09:29

    I have my Labour Party Manifesto before me – and the bit to which I think the Dame refers on page 86 states: “We will initiate a review into reforming council tax and business rates and consider new options such as a land value tax, to ensure local government has sustainable funding for the long term”. It is quite mischievous, therefore, of the Dame – or more probably Ludo – to interpret this as “super-taxing already heavily taxed homes” or as constituting a “garden tax”. Indeed, in Kensington and Chelsea we have huge sums available to chuck away on Exhibition Road, Opera Holland Park, Dovehouse Street, Leighton House, subsidies to private prep schools, etc., etc. so we are hardly going to be stung by this.
    Labour is only promising a review – much as Mrs May is only promising a review of how much money she will claw back from property owners when they need long term care, i.e. the “dementia tax” – which really will hit property-rich, cash-poor older people in our borough. So please, Dear Dame, stop using Ludo as your research assistant and have a good look at the policies of all of the parties with your normally forensic skills!


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