An irony of modern life is the thirst by nosey organizations to know everything about you, yet do nothing intelligent with the information once harvested.
This is unsurprising.
The information impertinently asked for never had value or importance.
Anyway, back to the very expensive cock-up.
Mr Black, the TMO CEO was persuaded by a bunch of chancers to commission an expensive piece of research.
The Dame's 20,000 sq.ft. penthouse apartment is managed by the rapacious Strutt & Parker, but would they ever dare ask the Dame about her sexual 'orientation' or, indeed, whether she was a practicing Satanist? Doubtful....
The TMO is no different to any other managing agent, so these questions are an irrelevance at best, and outrageously insolent at worst.
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There has been such an outpouring of fury Mr Black has been forced to scrap the survey.
We now need to know how much money was wasted on this folly.
Time the TMO got on with the job it is paid to do, not waste time and money on nonsense like this.
One of our Labour councillors is well onto this. Lots of us rang the TMO and were told we would be contacted about the collection of private data. We weren’t, but they stopped circulating the survey.
ReplyDeleteIf the Labour Councillor to whom you refer was any good they would be campaigning for an end to the TMO.
DeleteCampaigning for an end to the TMO is the responsibility of members of the TMO. It was because of extreme dissatisfaction expressed by a large number of TMO tenants and leaseholders right across the borough that the Memoli Report was commissioned. They need to get their act together again. The leaseholders are getting organised, but with 97% of tenants voting this year for the TMO to continue to manage their homes, they have no chance. Relying on councillors is a waste of time because the TMO is resident-led, not councillor-led and the two on the board are to be sacked anyway, one because she uses her position for her own ends and the other because she is on the side of residents, not the TMO executive.
Delete97% of tenants did not vote for the TMO to continue to manage their homes. 97% of those responding to the question may have done so, a very small number of people actually responded to that survey.
DeleteResidents are thwarted from campaigning to bring an end to the TMO.The procedure to do so was changed under Mrs Evans' leadership and it is very difficult to obtain the number of signatures required to call a meeting to bring about the winding up of the company.
I have been a K&C tenant for donkeys years and have never been sent a ballot paper asking me to vote for the TMO continuing to manage my housing. It is not a properly run election if I am excluded from voting.
Delete12.43 refers to the sacking of Judith Blakeman from the TMO Board. If this is true, all Labour Councillors should refuse to be Board members.
DeleteIt would be good if Labour Councillors stopped giving support to the TMO by refusing to go on its Board.
DeleteThe survey is worse that you think. Not only does it ask tenants to divulge much of their own personal information - sexual orientation, religion, NI number, income, etc - but to also do so for every other adult in the household WITHOUT THEIR EXPLICIT CONSENT.
ReplyDeleteIt's shameful and incompetent and someone's head should roll. But no-one will take responsibility for this. No-one at the TMO ever does. It is not the TMO way (tm).
I would strongly advise people not to give any personal information to the TMO. On my estate, two people have reported the TMO to the Information Commissioner for two separate breaches of the Data Protection Act. The Information Commissioner fully upheld both complaints.
DeleteRobert Black was in charge when both of these breaches happened.
That's not in any way remotely surprising. The TMO simply do not understand the Data Protection Act or what is required of them under the Act.
DeleteEven now, we have members of staff claiming the TMO have RIGHTS to the personal data of residents. They do not. The Act provides individuals with rights and imposes duties on companies. If no-one at the TMO realises that what they have is a duty to ensure that they only collect relevant data for the provision of services and that it must only be processed in a legitimate way then this is simply yet another TMO DPA cock up in the making.
But having taken a closer look at the questionnaire it appears that someone at the TMO has at least understood some of the Act. The form actually asks tenants to sign away their rights under the DPA. Someone should let them know that not only this is contrary to the Act but that the Information Commissioner's Office will take a very dim view of such shenanigans.
The Information Commissioner fully upheld my complaint that the TMO had processed my personal data in a way in which I would not reasonably expect contrary to the First Principle of the Data Protection Act 1998. Robert Black did not have the decency to write and apologise for the actions of his subordinates.
DeleteI've also reported the TMO to the Information Commissioner for disclosing my personal data excessively. No one should trust the TMO
DeleteDoes Goose know if anyone is going to grass the TMO to the Information Commissioner for asking people to waive their rights on the processing of personal data. If I had received the questionnaire, I would shop them because this must be illegal.
DeleteGoose is right. The TMO does not understand the Data Protection Act.We can only assume that this lack of understanding comes from the top. Robert Black is responsible for the lack of skill amongst his staff. He was told, when he started at the TMO, a skills' audit of the staff was essential, but did he listen.........
DeleteThe TMO is simply ghastly: always has been always will be.
ReplyDeleteAs the TMO is tenant-led, the Chief Executive, if he is worth his salt, would have sought approval from the highly competent tenant management board before launching this survey. This is just another example of why tenant management in the Royal Borough does not work. The people who seek election to the TMO Board as tenant members are generally of poor educational attainment, on social security, with little else to commend themselves to running a Company with a budget of around £ 3 million.
Tenants who pay for all of this nonsense, including the vast expense of commissioning an aborted survey from which no useful information will emerge, would expect Robert Black, his Executive Team and the Board which he controls to resign.
The TMO Board does not manage in any proper sense. They do as they are told by Black.
DeleteThe resident members of the Board have neither the relevant experience or training to direct the company in any way. They need relevant training. They get none. They are supposedly trained, but not in any way that would enable them to fulfill their duties.
DeleteAt the end of the day there is a very easy way to measure the usefulness and effectiveness of any Board of Directors - whether they set actually set meaningful strategy or policy for their company. The TMO Board do neither. Every single one of the TMO's many strategies and policies are drawn up by the Executive or the Council, none by the Board. Which proves that they are currently a complete waste of money and space and little more than window dressing to placate the plebs.
Whoever is responsible for social research and policy matters at the TMO should be sacked.
ReplyDeleteI received this survey from the TMO. A transgendered person lives in my flat. S/he objects to the TMO marginalising transgendered people because the TMO has no category for transgendered status on its survey form. This is can only be recorded under "Other- please specify". I agree that the person with responsibility for social research at the TMO should get the sack.
ReplyDeleteThe TMO sent this survey out under instruction from the Council, Black was allegedly unhappy about it. None of the elected resident Board members knew anything about it. The villain behind the piece is Rock Feilding-Mellen, Cabinet Member for Housing, Property and Regeneration. The information is necessary to help him “regenerate” all TMO estates in the borough (his programme for social cleansing in Kensington & Chelsea). He was reported recently as describing Silchester Estate as “a brownfield site” for which he has mega plans, including museums, galleries and high end restaurants.
ReplyDeleteNorth Ken Tenant at 12.45 runs a plausible but specious argument by asserting that Robert Black was "allegedly unhappy" about the survey.
DeleteThe TMO has always insisted that it is independent of the Council. If Robert Black was "unhappy" about the survey, he should have presented the survey to the TMO Board for consideration. The Chairman of the so called "independent of the Council Tenant Management Board" would have then been in a position to collate the comments of the Board, including the misgivings of the Robert Black, in order to write to Councillor Feilding Mellen setting out the reasons why the independent TMO would not be proceeding with the survey. That is what I would expect of a housing provider that is truly independent of the local authority landlord.
It is a chimera to suggest that the TMO is independent of the Council. The TMO has always been politically motivated and done whatever its Tory Council backer has wanted. If what North Ken Tenant is true then I think Robert Black is a "yes man"
Of course the TMO is not independent. The Council is the freeholder and landlord, the TMO just manages the properties on behalf of the Council. It is unrealistic to expect the TMO to do other than the Council's bidding.
DeleteThat's why Black was prepared to go along with Tory Councillors who wanted to raise to the ground the Cremorne Estate to make way for a Crossrail Station. He also managed to shaft the Cremorne RA and not eaten humble pie to reestablish good relations with the Cremorne RA.
DeleteNorth Ken tenant claims Black was unhappy with the questions on this survey. Black should have grown a pair and told Feilding Mellen that the TMO would not be doing the survey. The real villain of the piece is Black for failing to call a Board Meeting to oppose Feilding Mellens expensive survey which he was later forced to drop after receiving complaints.
DeleteFor evidence of the TMO's political motivation and bias one need only look at the latest issue of TMO Link. Not only is it STILL a massive waste of paper and money but it has now become a mouthpiece for the Council and borders on a party political broadcast for the Conservative Party.
DeleteThe TMO solicits and monitors this so called "equalities" data arising from its various interactions with service users. What is interesting and cause for serious concern is the TMO's pathetic lack of interest to obtain data about situations which are not disclosed by equalities' monitoring methods.
ReplyDeleteI recently asked the TMO what measures it had in place to ensure "equality of outcome" for those service users who had made complaints about this failing organisation. The TMO's Policy and Business Improvement Manager replied telling me what the TMO had done for the Somali and Filipino Communities to enable Somali and Filipino residents to make a complaint without putting their tenancies at risk. When pressed, this official conceded that the TMO had done nothing to ensure "equality of outcome" for all complainants regardless of race or colour background but would be doing something to ensure equality of outcome for all complainants in 2016. Not bad progress for an organisation which has existed for twenty years !
I was struck by the TMO's impressive monitoring of "equality of outcome" considerations in the administration of complaints for Somali and Filipino residents. So I wrote to the TMO to enquire what the TMO had done to promote Jewish Diversity and Inclusion given that Judaism is a race, religion and a culture, all three things, and one of the smallest minority groups in the Country. Census data shows that around 2% of the Community in the Royal Borough are Jewish. I was appalled to find that at a time when the Community Safety Trust (CST) is reporting a marked increase in violent attacks on Jewish people that the TMO has done no outreach work with Jewish residents to promote their safety and to make them aware of the support available to them from the TMO. The TMO's Policy and Business Improvement Manager prayed in aid "a paucity of data" in relation to Jewish residents.
I was shocked that the TMO Executive and the Tenant Management Board had no plans to do any outreach work with Jewish Groups, just like it it did with Somali and Filipino residents, when there is significant evident from the CST that Jewish people are at risk of attack in London. I told the TMO that there are synagogues in the Royal Borough and that the Board of Deputies of British Jews would be happy to advise the TMO on how to develop safe housing communities for Jewish people despite the paucity of data on Jewish residents.
I've heard some excuses for public sector bodies failing to provide information and services to meet the needs of the Jewish community in my time. I've never heard the excuse paucity of data before. If any group representing the interests of black people had data which showed there had been an increase in assaults on black people, the TMO would have sent a mailing to every household on its books advising black people on keeping safe in their homes and on estates. The TMO would have invited any black person worried about this situation to get in touch.
DeleteSo why didn't the TMO write to every household with the same advice for jewish people especially in the light of data held by the Community Safety Trust. Jewish people pay rent just the same as any other tenant.
It is important for KCTMO to serve all racial groups equally regardless of the data that it collects. We need a public meeting to discuss this to improve practices.
DeleteJewish Resident makes good points. If the TMO took the same line over issues affecting Black people, it would be regarded as racist so why is the TMO's line on doing outreach work with the jews so different to doing outreach work with Filipinos and Somalis.
DeleteIs the problem Institutional Racism?
Sounds like institutional racism to me
DeleteIt seems that the culture of the TMO is such that it is unable to serve jewish people by providing services tailored to their needs.
Delete10.36. I doubt if the TMO know what Institutional Racism is. I suggest that Robert Blacks starts by thinking about the definition of it in the Macpherson Report.
ReplyDeleteInstitutional incompetence is more the TMO's speciality.
DeleteThe point about seeking to address inequalities is to tailor services to meet specific needs. The Filipino/a and Somali communities have a much lower chance of achieving access to services than members of some other minority or groups traditionally discriminated against, such as people of Jewish heritage, or women, or most LGBT people, so it is acceptable to use scarce resources to assist them to aspire to an equal outcome. And of course if equality of outcome is to be measured effectively, then all these extremely intrusive questions in the TMO survey become highly relevant – but I wouldn’t recommend that people complete the survey despite this…
ReplyDeleteNo one should complete the survey for the very simply reason that the TMO do not NEED any of the information they are asking for to provide the service that 99% of tenants receive.
DeleteWere the TMO in a position where they need detailed customer date to ensure equality of outcome they might have a point. But they're not. They're in the position where if they need detailed feedback on the many failings of their services they need only ask the many Resident Associations they ignore on a daily basis. I'm sure every single one could run off a long list of very obvious failings which the TMO should get on with addressing before contemplating asking anyone to complete lengthy, intrusive surveys.
Anonymous at 9.25 is probably the work of some pathetic and inadequate person working for the TMO.
DeleteIt is wrong and incredibly crass to suggest that Somali and Filipino residents have a lower chance of accessing services than some other minority groups. These Somali and Filipino people DID ACCESS services because they had obtained a tenancy. The Council does not grant tenancies unless people apply for them and have their housing needs assessed.
What we are talking about here is the TMO's attitude to Jewish safety at a time when there is independent, objective evidence of an increase in attacks on Jewish people.
The Somali and Filipino tenants that the TMO spent scarce resources on had all obtained tenancies. Anyone obtaining a tenancy is told about the TMO Complaints Procedure. The reason Filipino and Somali tenants had not used the TMO Complaints Procedure is because the word on the street is that the TMO shafts anyone who complains.
DeleteShane's right.
ReplyDeleteIt is quite one thing for the TMO to say we have "no plans to do any outreach work with Jewish Groups" but those plans should have been revised in the light of Shane pointing out that Jews are at a real risk of attack today and should be given advice about keeping safe and be told of the support available from the TMO.
The TMO conceptualises Filipino and Somali people and marginalises the Jews and other small minority groups by hiding "behind the veil of paucity of data." This sounds like indirect antisemitism.
Equality for all including small minority groups.
Anyone who has been in contact with the KCTMO knows their staff are lazy and vapid. They are arrogant and don't give a sh*t about equality of access to services or equality of outcomes. And god help anyone who thinks that complaining will do any good because the TMO has a unique way of punishing complainants.
ReplyDeleteResidents with a gripe against the TMO might be interested to know that the Grenfell Action Group are planning on launching a RBKC Petition calling for an independent investigation of the TMO.
ReplyDeleteThe Dame will be informed when the petition becomes live on the Council's website and all those who have been victims of the TMO's incompetence are urged to sign.
I'll be the first in line to sign the petition calling for an investigation.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone have details of the corruption discovered by the retired police officer who worked with former Investigator Maria Memoli ?
ReplyDeleteI think Shane is tilting at the wrong windmill. There is no evidence of anti-Semitic attacks on TMO estates, nor are very many of the tenants actually Jewish. More may be leaseholders. There is evidence of Islamophobic harassment, especially against women and girls wearing the veil. Also evidence of misogyny, other forms of racism and the worries of people who are transgendering – but again they are tiny in number. Perhaps Shane should conduct his own quantitative and qualitative research first to find the evidence to press the TMO to act against anti-Semitism? I don’t think there are now any synagogues remaining in the Royal Borough although there are mosques and evangelical Christian places of worship. They can also be pretty hostile to those who are “other” as well.
ReplyDelete10.17. This contributor is talking equalities nonsense by creating a smokescreen. It is irrelevant whether a Jewish person is a tenant or a leaseholder.
ReplyDeleteI do not have the resources to carry out the qualitative or quantitative research on behalf of the Jewish Community; although i do have the qualifications to do so. The TMO has a budget of around £ 3 million pounds a year and should be carrying out this type of research.
The Community Safety Trust which is a registered charity has the data about attacks on Jewish people in London which should satisfy the craving of the anonymous contributor. I have never said that there is evidence of antisemitism on TMO estates. What I am saying is that those who persecute minority groups do not know confine their activities to areas where there is a higher prevalence of minority groups. It is conceivable that TMO estates could be targeted just like the Jewish supermarket that was targeted in Paris.
As there is independent data from a registered charity that attacks on Jewish people in London are on the increase, the TMO should be addressing the situation of Jewish safety on its estates.
It is a pity that the anonymous contributor has not got their facts straight. There is a Synagogue in Chelsea, off the King's Road, in Smith Terrace. It is affiliated to the United Synagogue. I believe that there is also a small synagogue somewhere around the Hyde Park end of Exhibition Road, although I am prepared to accept that may be in Westminster.
The Anonymous Contributor does not have a modicum of dignity by hiding behind anonymous postings.
As there is a synagogue in Chelsea, I think we can safely say that a significant Jewish Community exists in the Royal Borough; a community for which the TMO should tailor services. It would be daft to have a synagogue in area where there are no Jews. It's outrageous for 10.17 to distinguish between Jewish tenants and leaseholders- in any event in law, a leaseholder is a tenant. With views like these, thank god for Shane.
DeleteMy Somali neighbour attended a workshop to promote good health for Somali women. This workshop was paid for by the TMO.I am in favour of health promotion work and safeguarding against Female Genital Mutilation but surely this is for the NHS/ Local Authority not the TMO.
DeleteThe TMO is a Housing Ã…gency. They have lost their way dabbling in health and clitoral extraction.
DeleteWhen I was on the TMO Board gay issues dominated. Jewish people were never mentioned. How many Jewish people work at the TMO?
DeleteWhy did the TMO not include Somali men in the health promotion seminar.
DeleteI suppose they excluded Somali men because they wanted to discuss FGM.
DeleteWhat does FGM have to do with Housing.
DeleteMy dad is a TMO tenant. They have never done anything for the Jews. The TMO has poor values.
DeleteThe Anonymous poster at 10.17 is a TMO moron. In his posting at 12.57 above Shane mentioned that he had told the TMO that there are synagogues in the Royal Borough. Yet the TMO apologist at 10.17 "does not think" there are any synagogues in Kensington and Chelsea today. This is a pathetic attempt to excuse the TMO for not doing any outreach work with the Jews to tailor services to their needs. It is clear that this TMO apologist "does not think" clearly at all. A Google search would have revealed the existence of Chelsea Synagogue.
DeleteAs Shane rightly says, there is a synagogue in Smith Terrace in Chelsea. I go to the other synagogue which Shane describes as being at the Exhibition Road end of Hyde Park. It is called Westminster Synagogue and it is attended by many people living in Kensington and Chelsea.
I believe that Anonymous at 10.17 is a TMO person. Shane has quoted "independent, objective evidence" obtained by the Community Safety Trust which records details of attacks on Jewish people. The Trust has evidence of an increase in attacks on Jewish people in London and the TMO has irresponsibly ignored this information because they have no reports of anything like this on their estates. The British Crime Survey shows that the victims of crime do not always report crimes to the police or the Housing Officer. Therefore, the evidence of the Community Safety Trust is likely to be the most accurate picture of crimes against the Jewish Community. This TMO person is "tilting at the wrong windmill" by asking Shane to do his own research when there is an abundance of evidence available to support what he is saying.
ReplyDeleteWhen the TMO is caught on the hop they always widen the argument. In this case by bringing up Islamophobia, Transgender hate crimes and the persecution of "evangelical christians."
So why has the TMO not done any outreach work or provided any community safety information of the support available to Muslims, transgendered people,and evangelical christians . Whoever is in charge of policy should not need Shane to tell them about the plight of London's Jews at the moment, there has been enough in the media for the most ignorant.
When the TMO is losing an argument they expand it and then their best defence is attack.
ReplyDeleteTMO staff tells lies and are rude. They have no interest in tenants. I agree with everything on here
ReplyDeleteSarah must have encountered Peter Maddison at the TMO.
DeleteSomeone at the TMO (perhaps even the Council?) appears to have come to the somewhat surprising conclusion that in order to provide a half-decent housing management service - to clean properties, repair them, tend to gardens, collect rent and service charges - they need to know how much their tenants and leaseholders earn, whether they're religious or not (and if so, what faith and/or denomination), whether they like men or women and whether or not they believe themselves to be the same gender they were born with. Now if someone can explain how any of this has any bearing on any of the services listed above (which are in fact the only services 9 out of 10 tenants and leaseholders ever receive from the TMO) then perhaps we might give the TMO the benefit of the doubt. But seeing as no property management company operating in the private sector would ever dream of making such enquiries of the tenants and leaseholders living in the properties they manage the most logical conclusion is that this is a massive, unwarranted and wholly unjustifiable intrusion into people's private lives and that those responsible need to step back and reconsider what it is they are actually trying to achieve.
ReplyDeleteThis episode is merely evidence of the fact that those providing housing for the "poor" now believe that their role is not just to provide and manage their housing but also to try and manage their lives. It is the nanny state gone mad and has more in common with the East German state than any British one we might recognise.
DeleteI am hoping that Victoria Borwick MP will confront the TMO Board and the Council.
DeleteDo people really care if the TMO Officer is a black or white lone parent who practises homosexuality and pentecostal christianity with ingrowing toe nails. According to the TMO a workforce representing every difference found throughout the wider community is essential so that members of the public in Kensington and Chlesea can have confidence in the TMO. This dogmatic left-wing middle-class clap trap has been asserted repeatedly by those who have made careers in TMO Diversity and Inclusion without any evidence to back up the position. I would have confidence in the TMO and settle for an official who was COMPETENT, POLITE, HELPFUL, ETHICAL AND EFFICIENT. If the Officer is able to string a few sentences together without double negatives and poor grammar so much the better.
DeleteI have to say that I agree with Pine. I wouldn't mind if the TMO did its equalities work properly but they don't. Shane has shown that the TMO has done nothing to promote Jewish safety when there is independent objective evidence that there has been an increase in attacks on Jewish people in London. The TMO operates in London and it has not realised that the Jewish community in the Royal Borough numbers moire than four times the incidence of judaism nationally. Instead the TMO concerns itself with Somali and Filipino tenants and the health status of Somali women.
ReplyDeleteThis survey was definitely promoted by the Council. All the silly questions are a smokescreen so that the Council and the TMO can find out three key things – who is living in the flat (in case there is more than one resident but the tenant or leaseholder is only paying the single person Council Tax rate), what are their National Insurance numbers (so they can check with HMRC on the actual incomes the residents are receiving) and how much are they earning (so that they can charge the full market rate when the new legislation is passed – or evict them if they find out from HMRC that they are lying). All the rest is froth and designed to hide the true reason for the personal intrusion.
ReplyDeleteThere are no limits to the depths to which the TMO, and to a lesser extent the Council, will sink
DeleteThe Council’s misuse of the TMO LINK magazine as a mouthpiece for Conservative politics is breath-takingly arrogant. What is forgotten is that all TMO services, repairs, maintenance, capital developments and improvements (including LINK) are paid for by the residents (tenants and leaseholders) themselves, not by the Council or the Council Tax payer. Some of these people do vote Conservative, others don’t and they should not have to pay to have Tory propaganda shoved down their throats.
ReplyDeleteIt is and has been for a very long time ILLEGAL for Council estates and their residents to be subsidised. So all those Tories who claim tenants are living a subsidised lifestyle are quite wrong. All we are getting is lower than full market rents, which is absolutely necessary for so many residents who do the low paid work that actually keeps London and the country running.
Now even the less than market rents are under threat with the new legislation due shortly. And the 1% rent reduction that will also be introduced is intended to save the government money on the housing benefits bill. It is not an altruistic gesture on their part. The outcome of lower rents will only be reduced repairs and maintenance on the TMO estates because less will be available to pay for them. In the longer term this will lead to rundown estates and even more justification for Cllr Feilding-Mellen to raze them to the ground and replace TMO tenants with his affluent middle class cronies.
Black has much to answer for. He is complicit in this Tory policy of cleansing the working classes out of Kensington and Chelsea.
ReplyDeleteRobert Black will hang on to his highly paid job so long as he does what the Tory Councillors want. So we will have Kosovo style social cleansing throughout the Borough with social housing being demolished to make way for penthouse style flats for the monied classes. Black's salary package of £ 140, 000 inclusive of pension will be safe for years more's the pity.
ReplyDeleteFlagrant Breaches of the Data Protection Act,
a deceitful intrusive survey aimed at obtaining personal data from tenants for disreputable purposes,
The failure to do outreach work with Jewish residents when there is evidence of an increase in attacks on London's Jewish Community
The TMO shouldn't be allowed.
DeleteWhen I think of the late Sir Nicholas Winton and what he did for Jewish Children with the Kindertransport and when I compare this selfless act to the actions of Robert Black's TMO, I feel cold and depressed.
DeleteImagine how good the TMO would be if it were run by someone of
DeleteSir Nicholas Winton's calibre
The Tenants' Committee was told on Wednesday that this information is required by the government. But the government only wants this information for people who live on Council estates, ie from the under-privileged, presumably to help their plan to export them far away from London into ghettoes of poverty and poor health.
ReplyDeleteSo which Government Department requested that the TMO obtain this sensitive information?
ReplyDeleteDid a Government Minister ask Civil Servants to instruct local authorities to obtain this information?
Why didn't the TMO advise tenants that this was requested by Government and the results would be reported to Central Government.
If Central Government requires this information from tenants, just who the hell did Robert Black think he was to abandon the survey when the complaints landed on his door step. Surely, Central Government outflanks Robert Black.
Black is Feilding Mellens lackey, a lackey for the local Tory elite who want to decimate social housing and a lackey for the government.
DeleteTime to get a petition up declaring no confidence in the TMO's bosses.
DeleteYes, Mr Black has not been a clever boy.
DeleteROBERT BLACK- Please read Article on P20 of The Independent on 9th January 2016 "Man held for Nazi attacks" in North London.
ReplyDeleteIf the TMO course for its Somali women residents results in one Somali woman being saved from Female Genital Mutilation then some good will come of it. A course telling Somali women that this cultural practice is barbaric and wrong will not stop it. What's next at the TMO?