A resident writes to the Dame commenting on the 'Call For Sites from the Planning Dept.
Have Forward Planning not heard of Plain English?
A resident comments...
"Residents cannot possibly get their heads around all of this technical stuff being generated, in huge volumes, by ivory tower teams in Hornton Street.
And the depth of cynicism removes the last chance of any motivation by residents to try and study the stuff and make a response.
The perception is that it is a total waste of time or worse - a charade to cover the undeclared intentions of a few planners and councillors."
The whole process needs to be simplified. A few simple words, common sense, and driven by a clear understanding from Ward Councillors of what their residents want.
This is the failure - a political system that is not connected up, and thus cannot articulate
Local Plan Partial Review (LPPR) Issues and Options Consultation
Regulation 18 of The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012
The Council is starting a Partial Review of the existing Consolidated Local Plan 2015.
There are a number of topics that are being reviewed as part of the LPPR including the vision and strategic objectives, ‘places’, site allocations, infrastructure and planning contributions, shops and centres, business uses and hotels, arts and cultural uses, rail infrastructure, housing, Gypsy and Traveller accommodation, housing standards, flooding, drainage and waste.
As part of the LPPR, the Council is proposing to allocate new sites for development and is undertaking a ‘Call for Sites’ to allow respondents to put forward sites for new development which may have the potential to contribute towards the Borough’s future needs for different land uses up to the end of the Local Plan ‘plan period’ (2028).
This Issues and Options consultation is the first stage in the LPPR and corresponds with Regulation 18 of The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.
The Council very much welcomes your views on the Issues and Options but these are not exhaustive and you can put forward other issues and options for consideration by the Council.
How to respond to this consultation