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Common sense Politics |
Councils now end up having to house families in ex council stock and paying huge rents to millionaire buy to let landlords.
An asset, once the property of the local taxpayer, has been flogged off for a pittance and ends up in the hands of speculators and spivs.
Victoria Borwick, in a recent Commons debate, expressed grave concerns about how the latest Right to Buy would affect the homeless.
Her very sensible views HERE are well worth reading.
A truly pragmatic view from Lady Borwick.
ReplyDeleteThere is more than a touch of irony in the rhetoric surrounding the Right to Buy. Margaret Thatcher advocated that people should stand on their own two feet and not be dependent on the state for their housing. The hefty discounts of the Right to Buy Scheme created an economic race based on large amounts of public subsidy. Hardly a decent economic race when it is underpinned by large amounts of public subsidy.
The Right to Buy is for the greedy, not the needy.
"For the greedy not the needy" has forgot to point out that the Right to Buy discount is a unique form of Housing Benefit for the greedy. Whereas, the needy have had their entitlement to a rent rebate reduced with the bedroom tax and a cap imposed on a host of other social security benefits.
Well said, Shane.
DeleteHow refreshing to hear the voice of common sense in public life. No consultants, no "analysis", no psycho speak. Just telling it as it is.
ReplyDeleteThis is vintage Borwick. Thank heavens for people like her.
Shades of Bodicea. Not towing the party line. Better watch her kneecaps
ReplyDeleteMrs Borwick is spot on.... What is truly saddening is that the 'revenue' generated from sale of these properties seldom end up paying for NEW stock... It is use elsewhere, therefore resulting in a depletion of the housing stock, already very low indeed.... The Minister should rethink and come up with a new 'idea' of how to help people to get on the housing ladder. Perhaps come up with a scheme in the private sector rather than the public one.... Sell off Hyde Park 1......
ReplyDeleteLady Borwick was supporting the view of Kensington and Chelsea Council, which accepted a motion from the Labour Party to campaign against this ludicrous proposal. Why on earth should hard working families (cliché) who cannot afford to buy their own home in Kensington & Chelsea be required to subsidise to the tune of £105,000 per dwelling through their Council Tax payments people lucky enough already to have permanent tenure in a housing association flat? This really does assist the shirkers and not the workers!
ReplyDeleteGreat to have an MP who represents the interests of her constituents in Parliament. If it happens to be official Council policy as well, then more strength to her elbow.
DeleteThree cheers. And good riddance to the last MP who could not care less about his residents.
The Hornet has become the mouth organ of Cllr Borwick
ReplyDeleteGood. You can have Sir Malcolm back then. No surgery, no contact and plenty of time for walking and reading. Good luck!
DeleteAt least when you contacted Sir Malcolm's you got a reply, more than I can say for Borwick. I have emailed her three times without a reply. She is not up to the job of being an MP, she should have stayed being a local Councillor.
DeleteI suspect you are a liar. Whenever I have called or emailed I have got an immediate response. If you don't like her because she is a Tory that's fine, but don't let politics slander a good person.
DeleteBig supporter of the Dame but have to agree with 12:15 Hornet has become Borwick's Goebbels, so if the lady balls it all up in the future will the Dame criticise her? Probably not. That is when the Dame will lose her core followers.
DeleteBorwick will turn out to be another Rifkind. Her and her husband in parliament & Lords take hundreds of thousands of pounds of public money, recently £2000 from William Salomon, she is still receiving money as a councillor and from renting out her swimming pool.
Borwick is a strong supporter of Boris Johnson who over 8 years has destroyed London's local businesses and heritage who wants an MP who thinks Boris is doing a stand up job. We have not heard one utterance about the Odeon, Earls Court, Commonwealth Institute or even Marlborough school (Not in her borough) she claims to be local girl but does not show any real care or do anything about the council in cahoots with developers and construction companies.
Maybe the Dame would put some questions to her on our behalf so we can see her true colours.
She voted for more powers for Councils which is disasterous for all of us in Kensington & Chelsea. She also "voted against paying higher benefits over longer periods for those unable to work due to illness or disability." Why? These are the most deserving, are they not.
Read her profile on they work for you. She was the best of a bad bunch from the party.
She would have not won in the election if everyone was not so petrified of Miliband 2 getting in.
Anon at 16.16 sounds like a supporter of Emma Dent Coad
DeleteThe Dame is far too grand to rise to the bait but, on this occasion, she feels she must put an end to this horrid mud slinging. Yes. It's true. She is proud to be a friend and admirer of Victoria Borwick. She first met and became an admirer and friend of Victoria during the Sloane Square debacle when the appalling Daniel Moylan sought to destroy the Square.
DeleteShe, virtually alone, opposed the Council's plans and for that gained the enmity of little Pooter Cockell.
Victoria is brave, hardworking and a breath of fresh air.
Of course, if she fails to deliver her potential the Dame will be fearless in pulling her up short. For the moment the Dame shares the enthusiasm of most constituents who see in VB the makings of a first class constituency MP.
It does sound like the mud slinging is from the Dent Coad, or Dead Toad, camp.
DeleteDoes Victoria write this herself?
ReplyDeleteprobably, see a few of her aides and allies writing on here!
DeleteLady Borwick is too busy doing the actual work and does not have the time to reply to every irrelevant e-mail. after Sir Malcolm's initial reply - did he actually do anything? Or did he leave it to his minions to deal with it?
ReplyDeleteShe has warned against her party not rebelled. She has never rebelled against her party.
ReplyDelete16.21. Sound like acerbic comment of a certain, embittered, RBKC Labour councillor