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This pushy letter from those paragons of retail virtue, John Lewis, needs reading between the lines....
John Lewis is a very valuable corporate member of English Heritage so it seems odd that the writer did not 'declare a very important interest': after all, Mr Garrard, a lowly member of the EH team might have felt just a bit pressured...
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This is an overtly threatening letter from the Head Lawyer at John Lewis. The tone is intimidating and the letter contains a bare faced lie. "Widespread support for demolishing the school". I wonder what the legal eagle makes of the huge protest against demolition that is currently underway.
ReplyDeleteAnd he then aggressively says in the last para "send me a copy of your report"
Bullies like this need to be sent packing. Stephen Wright brings the John Lewis brand into disrespect. "Never knowingly undersold" is being diminished by a two bit reptile.
Cuddly Peter Jones, owned by its employees, is not cuddly at all. It is run by hard nosed, greedy capitalists intent on screwing residents and customers. Anything for a profit.
DeleteOff with his head
ReplyDeleteThe poison of course starts with the Planning Committee and its poisonous Chairman Cllr Warwick. As soon as RBKC put its grubby little finger on this project, it ruled in favour of the developers and squashed public opinion.
ReplyDeleteIt is well known that the Planning Councillors and Officers are in the pockets of the big time developers and drive a horse and coach through the consultation process. It is beyond comprehension why Paget-Brown continues to tolerate Warwick as Chairman of the Planning Committee.
Not Weasel Warwick again. We just got rid of Pooter, only to find he is still hanging around doing a bad impression of Terry Thomas -the gap toothed comedic lothario . Hope it was worth it Paul. Go on how much ?
ReplyDeleteperhaps the Dame should invite JLP to comment via
ReplyDeleteAlicia O'Brien
Senior Communications Officer
0207 798 3539
A response from John Lewis on the Hornet would be most welcome. By getting embroiled in the support for property development in the Royal Borough they are straying a million miles from their purpose of being a shopkeeper.
DeleteIt is not acceptable in society for a senior executive of any organisation (in this case Mr Wright of John Lewis) to bully administrators in public bodies (in this case English Heritage)
ReplyDeleteTurn a blind eye English Heritage cos we give ya loads of dosh ! Can we have a response from Simon Jenkins?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this!
ReplyDeleteI live opposite both Marlborough and the old Clearings buildings. I made my objection to this whole thing clear to the John Lewis people from the start - wish I had made a proper objection though. I find it difficult to understand the lack of respect for our historic built environment, not just here but across the borough.
I understand the nature of this blog is such that most people would like to remain anonymous however I would be happy to hear from anyone who would like to meet up discuss and organise intelligent resistance to such loss of architecture. My Facebook and Twitter accounts can be found here
I salute you Sir. The Borough needs more like you. I hope that you are cut from the same cloth as James Thomson who successfully created the movement that stopped the destruction of Sloane Square
DeleteSimon McAndrew deserves the vigorous support of residents and the Dame.
DeleteNot so long ago the Dame added her weight to a resident of Clairville Street who opposed an outrageous basement development by a foul mouthed Goldman Sachs banker. The campaign gained momentum and Cllr Coates took up the charge - famously laying waste to the odious Cllr Warwick at the Planning Committee.
The rest is history. God Bless the Dame. Long live democracy.
Who are the Ward Councillors for Marlborough School? Are they supporting their residents? Are there ANY residents who support the demolition of the school to be replaced by "buy to leave" flats?
DeleteIt would be a triumph if Simon McAndrew were to emulate James Thomson and send Cllrs Coleridge and Warwick to the dustbin. Where they both belong
DeleteNot even a dustbin is worthy of those two. It should be the crap house.
DeleteThere obviously something not right about the way the Matlborough demolition was speeded through planning. There also seems to be something very questionable about English Heritages relationship with developers and pressure on them not to award Listed status for the gain in commercial and luxury flat developments. The rumours and allegations of English Heritage's close relationship with English Heritage leading to the Earl's Court Exhibition Centre not being listed and the Kensington Odeon not being properly evaluated for listing really need to looked at. Listing would have saved both of these iconic venues for something other than glass and concrete cubes.
ReplyDeleteMeant to say English Heritages close relationship with Capco the Earls Court Development Company.
ReplyDeleteIt stinks. Why cant Cllr Paget-Brown recognise corruption when it is staring him in the face?
DeleteThe "Guardians" of the Kensington and Chelsea heritage are its worst enemy. Quislings who sold out years ago to the brown envelope but remain in office. It is institutional corruption.
ReplyDeleteIt is not surprising that voters are starting to think in radical ways. It is not at all incredible that Trump leads the polls in the US Republican stakes and Corbyn leads the polls in the UK Labour stakes. The same phenomenon is at work.
We will all end up burning
DeleteTwo VERY different candidates though... You'd do better to compare Jeremy Corbyn to Bernie Sanders rather than The Great Horror of Mr Trump.
DeleteEither way, the voters are so disillusioned with the establishment that they seem to be prepared to vote for trash. Not a good situation.
DeleteNo comment from the Peter Jones spokesperson.
ReplyDeleteSpeaks volumes.....
Note 2 on the following press release provides all the context you may need: